Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras  


Department Architectural, Civil and Aeronautical Buildings and Structures
Knowledgment area Building Construction
Research  Research group Historia, Arqueologia, Documentación y Cultura
Research lines No data available from Curriculum Management System at UDC. (SUXI).
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0002-8292-0980


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Degree Final Project
Degree in Technical Architecture
0 1
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Construction II 0 120
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 44.5
Labour Safety and Prevention 0 105
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Construction II
Degree in Technical Architecture
0 120
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 32
Labour Safety and Prevention
Degree in Technical Architecture
0 120
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 40
Galician Architectural Heritage
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 42
Labour Safety and Prevention
Degree in Technical Architecture
0 90
Security and Prevention
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 120
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Administration, Leadership and Management of Construction
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
0 51
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 32
Pathology and Rehabilitation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
0 16
Security and Prevention
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 180
Work Placement
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 6
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 72
Security and Prevention
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 180
Work Placement
Degree in Technical Architecture
Engineering Degree in Construction Engineering.
0 3

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

University College of Technical Architecture

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Tuesday
10:30 a 14:30
Despacho 1.13 EUATAC previa cita al email alvaro.iglesias@udc.es
1st quarter Tuesday
17:30 a 20:30
Despacho 1.13 EUATAC previa cita al email alvaro.iglesias@udc.es
2nd quarter Monday
12:30 a 16:30
Despacho 1.13 EUATAC previa cita al email alvaro.iglesias@udc.es
2nd quarter Tuesday
12:30 a 16:30
Despacho 1.13 EUATAC previa cita al email alvaro.iglesias@udc.es

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Adaptation of commercial premises for their use as a bar in ría de Tras do Pilar Nº8, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Self-protection plan of Integral Health Center of Deza-Lalín
Technical project for the refurbishment of a single-family home in lugar da Barbeita 15, parish of San Xoán de Callobre, Miño (A Coruña)
Technical project for the refurbishment of a single-family home in rúa Castelao 3, O Temple, Cambre (A Coruña)
Technical project for the refurbishment of a single-family home in rúa Castelao 3, O Temple, Cambre (A Coruña)
Basic and execution project for the construction of niches and cremation niches in a cemetery
Construction and energy refurbishment for a building comprising ground-floor, four floors and under-roof space in Marín (Pontevedra)
Feasability study for a real estate promotion in the hamlet of Abruñeiras in Barro, township of Noia, province of A Coruña
Project for the comprehensive refurbishment and energy efficiency of a residential building in the township of Poio (Pontevedra)
Project for the comprehensive refurbishment of a traditional and detached single-family house in lugar de Guldrís s/n, Arzúa (A Coruña)
Project for the construction refurbishment and energy improvement for the council hostel in Quiroga (Lugo)
Refurbishment of a traditional house for its use in rural tourism in Friol (Lugo)
Self-protection plan for the Faculty ofSociology at the University of A Coruña
Self-protection plan for the Law Faculty at the University of A Coruña
Technical and execution project for the refurbishment of an apartment building in calle Almería 5 (barrio de Flores del Sil), Ponferrada (León)
Analysis and optimization of building energy performance
Constructions of the cycle of bread in eastern Monfero (A Coruña)
Constructions of the cycle of bread in western Monfero (A Coruña)
Energy and building refurbishment of an apartment block with commercial premises in lugar Gándara nº 20, Ribeira (A Coruña)
Project for the refurbishment and change of use of the school in Fazai, parish of Carballido, Lugo
Project for the refurbishment of a residential building located in R/ San Andrés 73, A Coruña
Project for the refurbishment of a single-family house in rúa Porta de Cima 51, Vilalba (Lugo)
Projecto for the refurbishment of a primary school for its use as an old-people's home in Aldea, parish of Belesar, Vilalba (Lugo)
Self-protection plan for the SONRIAS festivaL
Technical project for the refurbishment of a building for multiple services for the town council in Begonte (Lugo)
Technical project for the refurbishment of a school house for its use as a single-family home in lugar de Catasueiro, parish of San Xoán de Sabardes, Outes (A Coruña)
Technical refurbishment of a traditional single family house located in lugar Igrexa 14, Simes, Meaño (Pontevedra)
Tecnical project for the construction of an observatory of the fauna in "Fragas do Eume", province of A Coruña
Tracking work. Refurbishment of a commercial establishment in Ctra. Madrid 155, Vigo (Pontevedra)
Basic and execution project for the rehabilitation of a single family housing program in Ventín s/n, municipality of Touro, province of the Coruña.
Cultural route and refurbishment of a building for its use as an interpretation centre in Oímbra (Ourense)
Project for a cultural, sports and ethnographic route in the Os Ancares area, Cervantes (Lugo)
Refurbishment of a building for its use as a day centre in Friol (Lugo)
Rehabilitation of a single family dwelling in Corcubión.
Restoration of a traditional Galician house in O Vilar nº 4, Bribes, Cambre (A Coruña)
Self-protection plan in the Sciencies Faculty and management of security and health
Technical project for the adaptation of the Centro Universitario de Riazor (CUR) of the UDC to the standard DB-SI of the CTE (fire protection)
Technical project of recovery and consolidation of the monastery of San Martiño de Vilaoriente, townshipe de Mondoñedo, Lugo. Constructive historical analysis and obtaining point clouds
Basic and execution project for the energy refurbishment of a residential building with commercial premises in rúa Valdoncel nº 20, in Betanzos (A Coruña)
Construction and urbanisation works in areas affected by archaeological sites
Refurbishment of a manor house for its use as a country house lodge in Caldas de Partovia, township of O Carballiño, province of Ourense
Restoration of the estate and buildings of the Pazo Tenreiro in the parish of Nós, Oleiros (A Coruña)
Study of safety and health for the project of a building comprising basement for a garage, ground floor and two floors for their use as a hotel, and under-roof attics in Avda. Cesáreo Pondal 27, Laxe, A Coruña

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Hórreos tradicionáis de Monfero

Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras, Pita Golpe, R, Laura Porca García
Journal CÁTEDRA (PONTEDEUME) Vol. 26 (pages 313 to 384)

As palleiras tradicionais de Monfero

Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras, Porca García, L., Pita Golpe, R
Journal O retorno (pages 29 to 60)

Valoración de unidades de obra: Casos prácticos

Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras, ROBLES SÁNCHEZ, SUSANA
Publishing Reprografía del Noroeste, (España)
ISBN 978-84-92794-69-0

La arquitectura del pan en Monfero. Eras de majar, molinos harineros y hornos panaderos.

Authors Álvaro Iglesias Maceiras
Book Las fragas del Eume: historia y cultura
Publishing: Andavira (Tórculo Edicións).
ISBN: 978-84-121-160-4-5
Pages From 265 to 364

los monumentos con forno y la cultura castreña
Jornadas. Santuarios y Lugares de Culto en el Mundo Antiguo.

Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras
Place Coruña, A (España)

La validez del presupuesto de un proyecto
XV Congreso Nacional de Profesores de Mediciones, Presupuestos y Valoraciones

Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras
Place Zaragoza (España)


Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras
Place Coruña, A (España)


Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras
Place Coruña, A (España)

La Pizarra un Material para construir. Criterios de medición y presupuestación de obras de pizarra.
IV Congreso Nacional de la Pizarra

Authors Álvaro José Iglesias Maceiras, Santiago López Piñeiro
Place Lugo (España)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Xunta da Escola Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Construcións e Estruturas Arquitectónicas, Civís e Aeronáuticas

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión Académica de la EU de Arquitectura Técnica

Vocal PDI

From 24/03/2021 to 02/05/2023.

Xunta da Escola Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Construcións e Estruturas Arquitectónicas, Civís e Aeronáuticas

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Escuela Univ. de Arquitectura Técnica


From 20/04/2017 to 30/11/2017.

Construcciones Arquitectónicas


From 23/04/2009 to 10/06/2009.

Construcciones Arquitectónicas
