PhD Juan Ramón Lamas González  


Department Psychology
Knowledgment area Behavioural Neuroscience
Research  Research group Diagnóstico conductual y molecular aplicado a la salud
Research lines No data available from Curriculum Management System at UDC. (SUXI).
Contacto UDC directory


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation 0 16
Hypnosis: Techniques, Physiological Bases and Clinical Applications 0 21
Neuropsychology 0 84
Psycholinguistics 0 84
Work Placement II 0 12
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 8
Hypnosis: Techniques, Physiological Bases and Clinical Applications
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 6
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 84
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 84
Work Placement II
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 12
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 24
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 84
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 16
Hypnosis: Techniques, Physiological Bases and Clinical Applications
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 84
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 8
Hypnosis: Techniques, Physiological Bases and Clinical Applications
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 84
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 32
Hypnosis: Techniques, Physiological Bases and Clinical Applications
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 84
Work Placement I
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 6

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Educational Studies

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Tuesday
10:00 a 13:00
1st quarter Thursday
10:00 a 13:00

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Alzheimer's Disease: A systematic review
Language intervention in a case of a girl with Williams Syndrome
Language involvement in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia: a systematic review
Aging and verbal fluency: a pilot study
Hypnosis and sport performance
Verbal fluency in Parkinson's disease
Introduction to the declarative pragmatic and their brain areas
Verbal fluency and frontal function in healthy subjects: a pilot study.

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.


Funding entity Consellería de Educación
Main researches Eduardo Pásaro Méndez
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2022 to 20/11/2024


Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2019 to 20/11/2021

Consolidación e estruturación de grupos de investigación: "Diagnóstico molecular e condutual aplicado á saúde: DICOMOSA"

Funding entity Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento. Xunta de Galicia.
Main researches Eduardo Pásaro Méndez
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 01/01/2007 to 26/12/2007

Medidas ópticas no invasivas en el estudio de la rivalidad binocular y en la selección de respuestas

Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 17/11/2001 to 17/11/2004

Evaluación citogenética ; molecular y neurofisiológica de sujetos expuestos al estireno.

Funding entity XUNTA DE GALICIA
Main researches Eduardo Pásaro Méndez
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 15/08/1998 to 15/08/1999

Diferencias individuales en atención. medidas subjetivas conductuales y fisiológicas

Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 30/06/1995 to 30/06/1996

Diferencias individuales en atención: medidas subjetivas conductuales y fisiológicas

Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 01/01/1995 to 31/12/1995

Analisis genetico e inmunicitoquimico de la expresión de proteinas solubles y del citoesqueleto durante la diferenciación embrionaria del sistema nervioso central de pollo.

Funding entity Xunta de Galicia
Main researches Eduardo Pásaro Méndez
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 07/04/1994 to 07/04/1995

La hipnosis: ese desconocido tan familiar. Presentación de volumen Monográfico

Authors Lamas, J.
Journal ANALES DE PSICOLOGÍA Vol. 15 Num. 1 (pages 1 to 2)

La naturaleza de la analgesia hipnótica: bases y evidencias neurofisiológicas

Authors Helen J. Crawford, Timothy Knebel, Jennfer Vendemia, James E. Horton, Lamas, J.
Journal ANALES DE PSICOLOGÍA Vol. 15 Num. 1 (pages 133 to 146)

Effects of a negative visual hypnotic hallucination on ERPs and reaction times

Authors Lamas, J., Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina
Journal PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY Vol. 29 Num. - (pages 77 to 82)

Datos normativos de la escala de susceptibilidad hipnótica de Stanford, Forma C en una muestra española

Authors Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina, Lamas, J., A. Albo
Journal Psicothema Vol. - Num. 8 (pages 369 to 373)

The study of a hypnotic negative hallucination with reaction times and ERPs

Authors Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina, Lamas, J.
Journal JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY Vol. 9 Num. 188 (pages 0 to 0)

Loci of interference in the Simon effect and its reversal studied with ERPs

Authors Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina, M. Redondo, T. Rumbo, Lamas, J.
Journal PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY Vol. - Num. 32 (pages 79 to 0)

El efecto Simon estudiado con potenciales cerebrales relacionados con el movimiento

Authors Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina, T. Rumbo, M. Redondo, Lamas, J.
Journal Psicothema Vol. - Num. 7 (pages 139 to 146)


Authors Lamas, J.. Antonio Capafons. Carlos Lopes-Pires
Book Técnicas de modificación de conducta
Vol. - Publishing: Pirámide.
ISBN: 978-84-368-2229-8
Pages From 593 to 614

Nuevas evidencias conductuales y electrofisiológicas de dos vías de respuesta en la formación de conjunciones ilusorias

Authors Juan Botella. María Eugenia Rubio. Carmen Rodriguez. Lamas, J.. Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina
Book Atención y procesamiento
Vol. - Publishing: Universitat de Valencia.
ISBN: 84-96221-07-5
Pages From 121 to 128

Individual Alpha Frecuency: Does Hypnotic Level and Sex Moderate?
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Neuroscience Society

Authors M. Schabus, H.J. Crawford, Lamas, J., W. Klimesch
Place Salzburgo (Austria)

Counting deviant tone in odd-ball paradigm: auditory event-related potential amplitudes and latenciesn are differentially impacted in high and low hypnotizable persons
9th World Congress of the International Organization of Psychophysiololgy

Authors Lamas, J., H.J. Crawford
Place Sicilia (Italia)

MMN and auditory event-related potentials during hypnotically suggested deafness: effects of hypontizability level
Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR)

Authors Lamas, J., Helen J. Crawford, Jennfer Vendemia
Place North Falmouth, Ma (Estados Unidos)

Possible startle mediators: Hypnotizability level, hypnotic state, and direction of attention?
48 Annual Meeting, Society of Clynical and Experimental Hypnosis

Authors Lyla Kaplan, Lamas, J., Justin Hepner, Helen J. Crawford
Place Washington D.C. (Estados Unidos)

Auditory attention and event related potentials: effects of hypnotizability and suggested deafness
8th World Congress of Psychophysiology.

Authors Lamas, J., H.J. Crawford
Place Tampere (Finlandia)

Loci of interference in the Simon effect and its reversal studied with ERPs
Meeting of the Society for the Psychophysiological Research

Authors Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina, T. Rumbo, M. Redondo, Lamas, J.
Place Toronto (Canadá)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Xunta da Facultade de Ciencias da Educación

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión de Titulación del Grado en Logopedia

Vocal PDI

From 27/04/2021.

Xunta da Facultade de Ciencias da Educación

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Profesorado responsable titulaciones Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Profesor responsable de titulación

From 01/10/2019 to 30/09/2020.

Comisión de Titulación del Grado en Logopedia

Vogal Coordinador de Título

From 05/04/2019 to 30/09/2020.

Profesorado responsable titulaciones Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Grado en Logopedia
Profesor responsable de titulación

From 01/10/2017 to 30/09/2019.

Comisión de Calidad de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Vogal Coordinador de Título

From 14/06/2016 to 30/09/2020.

Comisión de Titulación del Grado en Logopedia

Vocal PDI