PhD Valentín Escudero Carranza  


Department Psychology
Knowledgment area Methods in Behavioural Sciences
Research  Research unit Unidad de Investigación en Intervención y Cuidado Familiar
Research lines Estudio de la alianza terapéutica en contextos clínicos y sociales Estudio del proceso de intervención terapéutica individual y familiar
Keywords alianza terapéutica; investigación de proceso; intervención sistémica; terapia familiar
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0003-3900-5805 Scopus24070526300


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Nursing
0 20
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Applied Psychology and Health 0 50
Final Year Dissertation 0 20
Final Year Dissertation 0 4
Psychology 0 84
Research in Psychotherapy Processes 0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Applied Psychology and Health
Degree in Podiatry
0 50
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 13
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Nursing
0 30
Degree in Nursing
0 84
Research in Psychotherapy Processes
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Applied Psychology and Health
Degree in Podiatry
0 50
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 8
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Nursing
0 15
Degree in Nursing
0 84
Research in Psychotherapy Processes
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Nursing
0 20
Degree in Nursing
0 84
Research in Psychotherapy Processes
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Nursing
0 5
Degree in Nursing
0 84
Research in Psychotherapy Processes
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Monday
13:00 a 15:00
despacho psicología
1st quarter Monday
17:00 a 18:00
UIICF Edif 07 Campus Ferrol
2nd quarter Monday
17:00 a 18:00
UIICF Edif 07 Campus Ferrol
2nd quarter Monday
13:00 a 15:00
despacho psicología
2nd quarter Tuesday
16:00 a 18:00
P1B14 Fac. CC de la Educacion

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Compassion fatigue in nursing professionals
Coping with maternal perinatal grief: role of nursing
Effective strategies for suicide prevention at the international level: a narrative review
Impact on the mental health of nurses who care in stressful or complicated situations
Interventional proposal of a child with Gand Syndrome
Coping with dead in nursing.
New tools for nursing in the formation of the therapeutic alliance with patients and their families in Primary Health Care: Adaptation of the SOATIF model.
Case study: application of the model family consultation (FAMCON) to a family in chronic disease
Multimethod evaluation of the therapeutic alliance. Physiological and behavioral indicators.
Multifamily group intervention for patients in treatment with methadone.

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Variables de proceso y resultado en los grupos de discusión multifamiliar en enfermedad física crónica. (INCENTIVO)

Funding entity Xunta de Galicia
Main researches Silvia López Larrosa
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 13/07/2005 to 12/12/2006


Type Contrato
Dates From 23/06/1999 to 01/01/2000

Variables familiares predictoras de resultado en programas de inserción y prevención de internamiento de menores.

Funding entity Secretaria Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 25/08/1999 to 25/08/2002

Confilcto intrafamiliar y dificultades de temperamento en preescolares.

Funding entity Dirección Xeral de Universidades
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 24/10/1996 to 24/10/1998

Reacciones de los hijos pequeños ante las disputas matrimoniales: Estudio longitudinal

Funding entity Dirección Xeral de Universidades
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 04/08/1995 to 04/08/1996

Frequency, severity and evolution of split family alliances: How observable are they?

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Cristina Muñiz De la Peña, Myrna Friedlander
Journal PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH Vol. 19 Num. 2 (pages 133 to 142)

La Creación de la alianza terapéutica en la terapia familiar

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza
Journal APUNTES DE PSICOLOGÍA Vol. 27 Num. 2 (pages 247 to 259)

Intensive family preservation services in Flanders: an outcome study

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Hubert Van Puyenbroeck, Gerrit Loots, Hans Grietens, Wolfgang Jacquet
Journal CHILD AND FAMILY SOCIAL WORK Vol. 14 Num. 2 (pages 222 to 232)

Preschool children and marital conflict: A constructive view

Authors Silvia López Larrosa, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Edward Mark Cummings

How do therapists enhance family alliances? Sequential analyses of therapist-client behavior in two contrasting cases

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Myrna Friedlander, Jessica Lamber, Carrie Cragum
Journal PSYCHOTHERAPY Vol. 45 Num. 1 (pages 75 to 87)

Observing the therapeutic alliance in family therapy:associations with participants¿ perceptions and therapeutic outcomes

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Nuria Varela, Alberto Abascal
Journal JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY Vol. 30 Num. 2 (pages 194 to 214)

Training family therapy students in conceptual and observation skills relating to the therapeutic alliance: an evaluation

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, John Carpenter, Mark Rivett
Journal JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY Vol. 30 Num. 4 (pages 411 to 424)

Escaleras y Torreones Terapéuticos: Directrices y Técnicas Básicas para el Trabajo con niños en Terapia Familiar

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Alberto Abascal, Nuria Varela Feal
Journal Cuadernos de Psiquiatría Comunitaria Vol. 8 Num. 2 (pages 207 to 223)

Observing the therapeutic alliance in family therapy: associations with participants¿ perceptions and therapeutic outcomes

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Myrna L. Friedlander, Nuria Varela Feal, Alberto Abascal González
Journal JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY Num. 30 (pages 194 to 214)

Three Perspectives on Clientes¿ Experiences of the Therapeutic Alliance: a Discovery-Oriented Investigations

Authors Michael Beck, Myrna Friedlander, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Journal JOURNAL OF MARITAL AND FAMILY THERAPY Vol. 32 Num. 3 (pages 355 to 368)

System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances: A Tool for Research and Practice

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Myrna Friedlander, Adam Horvath, Laurie Heatherington, Andres Cabero, Matthew Martens
Journal JOURNAL OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY Vol. 53 Num. 2 (pages 214 to 225)

El sistema de observación de la alianza terapéutica en Intervención Familiar

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Myrna Friedlander
Journal PERSPECTIVAS SISTÉMICAS Vol. - Num. 77 (pages 7 to 9)

International exchanges in family therapy: Training, research an practice in Spain and US

Authors Myrna Friedlander, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Michele Guzmán
Journal COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGIST Vol. 30 Num. 2 (pages 314 to 329)

Observing couples interaction: Integrative analysis of interpersonal Control, cognitive constructions, and emotional impact

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Laurie Heatherington, Myrna Friedlander

Un modelo para investigación y trabajo clínico con familias

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, José Luis Rodriguez Arias
Journal CUADERNOS DE TERAPIA FAMILIAR Vol. 39 Num. - (pages 237 to 241)

Patterns of Relational Control and nonverbal Affect in Clinicand Nonclinic couples

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Edna Rogers, Emilio Gutiérrez

Therapeutic. Interaction and Dropont: measuring relational communication in Solution-foused therapy

Authors Mark Beyencach, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Journal JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY Vol. 19 Num. 2 (pages 173 to 212)

El conflicto de pareja y su repercusión en los hijos: una revisión

Authors Silvia López Larrosa, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Journal CUADERNOS DE TERAPIA FAMILIAR Vol. - Num. 1 (pages 107 to 118)

Familias y enfermedad física: manual de intervención familiar y multifamiliar

Authors Nuria Varela, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Silvia López Larrosa
Publishing Editorial Grupo 5, Madrid (España)
ISBN 978-84-943980-5-6

La alianza terapeutica. En la terapia familiar y de pareja.

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Myrna Friedlander, Laurie Heatherington
Publishing Paidós, Barcelona (España)
ISBN 978-84-493-2256-3

Therapeutic Alliances in Couple and Family Therapy: an Empirically Informed Guide to Practice

Authors Myrna Friedlander, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Laurie Heatherington
Publishing APA Books (American Psychological Association), Washintong (Estados Unidos)
ISBN 1-59147-331-4

Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective to the Study of Process and Form0A

Publishing Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (España)
ISBN 0-8058-3712-4

Familia, evaluación e intervención

Authors Silvia López Larrosa, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Publishing CCS, Madrid (España)
ISBN 84-8316-720-4

Therapeutic Alliances and Alliance Building in Family Therapy

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza. Laurie Heatherington. Myrna Friedlander
Book The therapeutic alliance: An evidence-based approach to practice and training
Vol. - Publishing: Guilford Press.
ISBN: 978-1-60623-873-8
Pages From 240 to 262


Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza. Gerrit Loots. Jasmina Sermijn. Klara Jiraskova. Peter Lenaerts
Book Handboek Systeem Therapie
Vol. - Publishing: De Tijdstroom.
ISBN: 978-90-5898-141-7
Pages From 107 to 114

Talleres centrados en soluciones para padres de alumnos adolescentes con o sin problemas

Authors Silvia López Larrosa. Valentín Escudero Carranza
Book Dificultades del Desarrollo
Vol. - Publishing: Pirámide.
ISBN: 978-84-368-2098-0
Pages From 1 to 20

Analyzing Relational Communication

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza. Edna L. Rogers
Book Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective to the Study of Process and Form0A
Vol. - Publishing: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ISBN: 0-8058-3712-4
Pages From 51 to 79

Observing Relational Communication

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza. Edna L. Rogers
Book Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective to the Study of Process and Form0A
Vol. - Publishing: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ISBN: 0-8058-3712-4
Pages From 23 to 50

Overview and Future Directions

Authors Edna L. Rogers. Valentín Escudero Carranza
Book Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective to the Study of Process and Form0A
Vol. - Publishing: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ISBN: 0-8058-3712-4
Pages From 219 to 235

Theoretical Foundations

Authors Edna L. Rogers. Valentín Escudero Carranza
Book Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective to the Study of Process and Form0A
Vol. - Publishing: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ISBN: 0-8058-3712-4
Pages From 3 to 22

Relational Communication Patterns in Marital Interaction

Authors Edna L. Rogers. Valentín Escudero Carranza
Book Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective to the Study of Process and Form0A
Vol. - Publishing: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ISBN: 0-8058-3712-4
Pages From 83 to 102

Observación de patrones de interacción en la pareja

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza. Edna Rogers. Emilio Gutiérrez
Book Libro de cocina gallega para diabéticos
Vol. - Publishing: Diputación Provincial.
ISBN: 84-89652-86-4
Pages From 77 to 102

Observación de Patrones de interacción en la pareja

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza
Book Observación en psicología clínica:Aplicaciones
Vol. - Publishing: Edicións Universitat Barcelona.
ISBN: 84-8338-109-5
Pages From 77 to 112

Discusiones familiares en el hogar :los niños en el contexto de la rivalidad y el conflicto.

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza. Silvia López Larrosa. Lydia Platas
Book El malestar en la familia.
Vol. - Publishing: Ramón Areces.
ISBN: 84-80004-281-8
Pages From 51 to 86

La violencia filio-parental como proceso. Análisis de las variables, familiares y contextuales

Autor Estefanía Lema Moreira
Director/s Valentín Escudero Carranza
Scope Psicología
Qualification Sobresaliente

Alianza terapéutica en terapia familiar: la contribución del terapeuta en la creación de alianza

Autor Alberto Abascal González
Director/s Valentín Escudero Carranza
Scope Psicología
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Evaluación de la eficacia del programa GDM (Grupos de Discusión Multifamiliar) en pacientes con una enfermedad física crónica y sus familias

Autor Nuria Esther Varela Feal
Director/s Valentín Escudero Carranza
Scope Ciencias de la Salud
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Adherencia al tratamiento en insuficiencia cardiaca y calidad de vida en la pareja

Autor Juan Ramón Vidal Gorosquieta
Director/s Valentín Escudero Carranza;Alberto Juffe Stein
Scope Psicología
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Patrones de interacción y relación terapéutica: control de la relación y clima afectivo de la interacción terapeuta-cliente

Autor Andrés Cabero Álvarez
Director/s Valentín Escudero Carranza
Scope Psicología
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Observación de la conducta de los hijos pequeños en el contexto de discusiones matrimoniales: un estudio longitudinal

Autor María Lidia Platas Ferreiro
Director/s Valentín Escudero Carranza
Scope Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

The Self-Report version of the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances: Reliability and Validity
42nd International Meeting. SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research an international, multidisciplinary, scientific organization.

Authors Cristina Muñiz, Laurie Heatherington, Nuria Varela Feal, Myrna Friedlander, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Organization SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research an international, multidisciplinary, scientific organization.
Place Bern (Suiza)

Applying the System for Observing Family Therapy Alliance to group therapy: An Exploratory Study
42nd International Meeting. SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research an international, multidisciplinary, scientific organization.

Authors Nuria Varela, Cristina Muñiz De la Peña, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Organization SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research an international, multidisciplinary, scientific organization.
Place Bern (Suiza)

Therapists responses to three problematic alliance patterns in family therapy
SPR Society for Psychotherapy Research 39th Annual Meeting

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Alberto Abascal González, Nuria Varela Feal, Dolores Romero
Place Barcelona (España)

Merging methods or diverging methods? Correspondence between observational and self-report measures of family therapy alliance
37ª Reunión anual de la Society for Psychotherapy Research

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Silvia López Larrosa, Nuria Varela Feal, Dolores Romero
Place Edimburgo (Reino Unido)

Demonstration of the e-SOFTA, a computer sofware program for making observational ratings of the alliance in couple and family therapy
Congress of the Society of psychotherapy Research

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Myrna Friedlander
Place Edinburgh (Reino Unido)

How do therapists enhance family alliances? Sequential analyses of therapist-client behavior in one successful family case
Congress of the Society of psychotherapy Research

Authors Jessica Lambert, Myrna Friedlander, Carrie Cragun, Melissa Horn, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Jane Higham
Place Edinburgh (Reino Unido)

Merging methods or diverging methods? Correspondence between observational and self-repot measures of family therapy alliances
Congress of the Society of psychotherapy Research

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Silvia López Larrosa, Nuria Varela, Dolores Romero
Place Edinburgh (Reino Unido)

New developments in SOFTA research: Therapist contributions to family therapy alliances and alliance-outcome links in conjoint treatment
Congress of the Society of psychotherapy Research

Authors Myrna Friedlander, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Laurie Heatherington
Place Edinburgh (Reino Unido)

Aplicación del modelo de intervención de grupos de discusión multifamiliar a pacientes y sus familias con enfermerdad inflamatoria intestinal
XXI Congreso Nacional de Enfermería de Salud Mental "El saber enfermero: un marco de acción"

Authors Nuria Varela Feal, Silvia López Larrosa, Valentín Escudero Carranza, Emma Rodríguez Maseda, Silvia Prenas López, Manuel Romero Martín
Place Bilbao (España)

Analyzing sequences of parental constructive conflictand preschool children behaviours
XI European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Authors Silvia López Larrosa, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Place Milan (Italia)

A longitudinal study of the relationship between parental affect and children`s behaviour in sequences of parental conflict.
10 European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Lydia Platas, Silvia López Larrosa
Place Upsala (Suecia)

Developing a system to code children`s behaviours durin Parental conflict
10 European Conference on Developmental Psychology

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Silvia López Larrosa
Place Upsala (Suecia)

SEF: un sistema de evaluación familiar para la investigación y la intervención
2º Congreso nacional "Cuerpo y Terapia Familiar"

Authors Silvia López Larrosa, Valentín Escudero Carranza
Place Madrid (España)

The study of constructing solutions in brief family therapy: observing relational narrative, and emotional transformations
29 annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, José Luis Rodriguez Arias, Alberto Rodriguez Morejón
Place Utah (Estados Unidos)

Integrative analysis of interpersonal control, cognitive constructions and emotions in couple interaction: an illustratvie case study
First Annual Meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza, Laurie Heatherington, Myrna Friedlander
Place Utah (Estados Unidos)

Análisis de Patrones individuales en la investigación observacional de Interacciones Diádicas
1 Congreso Nacional de la S.E.I.D.I.

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza
Place Madrid (España)

Observación de la interacción: Revisión de procedimientos para provocar situaciones de interacción observable.
IV Symposium Nacional de Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento

Authors Valentín Escudero Carranza
Place Murcia (España)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Xunta da Facultade de Enfermaría e Podoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión de Biblioteca de la Facultad de Enfermería y Podología

Vocal PDI

From 22/03/2019.

CAPD en Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento

Vocal PDI

From 26/09/2016.

Xunta da Facultade de Enfermaría e Podoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

