Department | Economics |
Knowledgment area | Applied Economics |
Contacto | UDC directory |
Orcid id0000-0003-2832-2864 Scopus57194208758 |
This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Econometrics II | Compulsory | 0 | 0 |
Statistics and Introduction to Econometrics | Compulsory | 0 | 25 |
Statistics I | Core | 0 | 150 |
Statistics I | Core | 0 | 46 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Econometrics II
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 84 |
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Business Studies
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Statistics I
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 121 |
Work Placement
Degree in Economics
Optional | 0 | 30 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Descriptive Statistics
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
Core | 0 | 49 |
Introduction to Econometrics
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Business Studies
Compulsory | 0 | 44.5 |
Statistics I
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Business Studies
Máster Universitario en Contabilidade Superior e Auditoría de Contas
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 28 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Econometrics II
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 84 |
Statistics and Introduction to Econometrics
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Compulsory | 0 | 15 |
Statistics I
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 100 |
Statistics I
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Business Studies
Máster Universitario en Contabilidade Superior e Auditoría de Contas
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 46 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Econometrics I
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Econometrics II
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 100 |
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Business Studies
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Statistics I
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 150 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Compulsory | 0 | 50 |
Econometrics I
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 50 |
Econometrics II
Degree in Economics
Compulsory | 0 | 100 |
Statistics and Introduction to Econometrics
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Compulsory | 0 | 50 |
Statistics I
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Business Management and Administration and Degree in Law
Degree in Bussiness Administration
Core | 0 | 50 |
Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.
Quarter | Day | Site |
1st quarter |
17:00 a 18:30 |
despacho 334/Teams |
1st quarter |
15:30 a 17:00 |
despacho 334/Teams |
1st quarter |
17:00 a 18:30 |
despacho 334/Teams |
1st quarter |
17:00 a 18:30 |
despacho 334/Teams |
2nd quarter |
11:30 a 13:45 |
Despacho 334/Teams |
2nd quarter |
10:00 a 13:45 |
despacho 334/Teams |
Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.
Demand for electric vehicles in Spain. Analysis for the period 2011-2020 |
Digital commerce in Spain. Analysis for the period 2006-2019 |
Econometric model applied to the analysis of the forestry sector in Spain for the period 1980-2014 . |
Important elements in the livestock farming production in Spain. Analysis from the period 1983-2014 |
Key factors in the evolution of the wine sector in Spain. Analysis for the period 1980-2014. |
Key factors in the production of milk and its price in Spain. Analysis for the period from 1985 to 2013 |
Sea fishing key factors in Spain .Analysis for period 1990-2016 |
Select merit type and year to query research merits.
Academic or management positions held by teacher.