PhD Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo  


Department Computer Science and Information Technologies
Knowledgment area Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence
Research  Research group Language in the Information Society
Research lines Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural; Recuperación de Información; Minería de Opiniones; Minería de textos
Keywords análisis sintáctico; análisis del sentimiento
Teaching merits evaluation 5 five years period(s)
Research merits evaluation 4 six years period(s)
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0001-9254-4934 ResearcherIDA-5903-2011 Scopus56532171600


Miguel A. Alonso has a degree in Computer Science (1993) and a PhD in Computer Science (2000) from the University of A Coruña (UDC). He started his research career at the Ramón Piñeiro Center for Research in Humanities (CRPIH). After spending a year as a predoctoral researcher at INRIA Paris (France), he returned to UDC as a predoctoral researcher in 1997. He is a tenured Associate Professor at UDC since 2003.

His research focuses on the field of Computational Linguistics (CL), with special emphasis on parsing and the application of language technologies to Information Retrieval (IR) and multilingual Text Mining. He has been PI of 5 national projects (TIN2017-85160-C2-1, FFI2014-51978-C2-2-R, TIN2010-18552-C03-02, HUM2007-66607-C04-03, TIN2004-07246-C03-02) in which techniques, models, resources and tools have been developed for the syntactic and semantic processing of multilingual content, with special emphasis on analysis of social network messages and user-generated web content. He has participated in European (1FD97-0047-C04-02), national (TIC2000-0370-C02) and regional (INCITE08PXIB302179PR; PGIDIT03SIN30501PR; PGIDT99PXI10502B; XUGA10505B96, XUGA10502B94) research projects; in integrated international actions (HF2002-0081, HP2001-0044, HF97-223 and HF96-36); and in the European Network ESF Research Networking Program: Evaluating Information Access Systems, an initiative for the design of new protocols for evaluating IR systems. He has participated in several research agreements with Xunta de Galicia for the promotion and support of research at the Ramón Piñeiro Center for Research in Humanities within the framework of the "tagger-lemmatizer for present-day Galician" project, for the development of a high performance language processing framework for Galician. He has also participated in research agreements with companies in which his experience in CL and IR has been applied to provide a competitive advantage in the automatic management of documentary repositories of legal and economic information. He is also a member of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education CLASS: Development of a interdisciplinary master program on Computational Linguistics at Central Asian universities.

He is the author of 2 books, 5 book chapters, 29 articles in journals indexed in JCR, 33 articles in other indexed scientific journals and 68 papers in conferences with peer review and publication of proceedings. Honorable Mention of IP&M 2018 Best Paper Award and Second prize in the 2001 SEPLN Prize for the edition of original monographic books.

He was awarded with the positive evaluation of 4 six-years research periods by CNEAI and the Complement to the Curricular Excellence of the Xunta de Galicia. He was rated "A: Excellent researcher" in the multi-annual evaluation of groups, units and researchers of the University of Corunna, performed in 2015 and 2018 by the National Agency of Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP).  He has directed three doctoral theses with International Mention. He has been co-chairman of the LATA 2012 and SEPLN 2022 international conferences and participated in the organization of AGP'98, TAPD'00, SEPLN'00 and AACL-IJCNLP. He has served as guest editor and reviewer of high impact JCR journals and as member of programme committee of high-rated conferences.


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Science
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1.5
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1.5
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Technology
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1
Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing
Degree in Artificial Intelligence
0 14
Fundamentals of Programming II
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 15
Linguistic Information and Internet
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 7
Programming II
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 45
Programming Language Design
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 70
Work Placement
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 2
Written Language Processing
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 10.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Science 0 8
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Technology 0 2.5
Fundamentals of Programming II 0 15
Linguistic Information and Internet 0 7
Programming II 0 45
Programming Language Design 0 70
Work Placement 0 1
Written Language Processing 0 10.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Fundamentals of Programming II
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 15
Linguistic Information and Internet
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 3
Programming II
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 45
Programming Language Design
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 54
Work Placement
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 1
Written Language Processing
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 10.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Fundamentals of Programming II
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 30
Linguistic Information and Internet
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 15
Programming II
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 45
Programming Language Design
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 42
Written Language Processing
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 10.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Fundamentals of Programming II
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 30
Linguistic Information and Internet
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 10
Programming II
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 45
Programming Language Design
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 42
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Fundamentals of Programming II
Degree in Data Science and Engineering
0 60
Linguistic Information and Internet
Master in Applied Linguistics
0 10
Programming II
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 45
Programming Language Design
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 52

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2023/2024 academic course.

Faculty of Philology

Quarter Day Site
2nd quarter Friday
12:30 a 13:30
Teams ou D2.17 da Facultade de Informática

Faculty of Computer Science

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Monday
11:00 a 13:00
1st quarter Tuesday
11:00 a 13:00
2nd quarter Monday
17:30 a 18:30
Teams ou D2.17
2nd quarter Thursday
10:30 a 11:30
Teams ou D2.17
2nd quarter Friday
11:30 a 12:30
Teams ou D2.17
2nd chance Wednesday
11:00 a 13:00

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

A system for monitoring the evolution of opinions in Twitter in a restricted domain
A system for monitoring the opinions of users in cultural routes
Content-analysis in Twitter: message classification and identification of political tendencies of users

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Representaciones Estructuradas Verdes y Enchufables

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Main researches VILARES CALVO, DAVID
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2026

Modelos multitarea de etiquetado secuencial para el reconocimiento de entidades enriquecido con información lingüística: sintaxis e integración multitarea (SCANNER-UDC)

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Main researches Carlos Gómez Rodríguez/ Jesús Vilares Ferro
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2024

Sensórica, cómputo y almacenamiento de alto rendimiento para soporte de tecnologías de inteligencia artificial y robótica de vehículos autónomos

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Main researches Manuel González Penedo
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020

Axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas-GRC

Funding entity Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Main researches Alonso Ramos, Margarita
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2023

Axuda para a acreditación, estruturación e mellora de centros de investigación do Sistema universitario de Galicia

Main researches Manuel Francisco González Penedo
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/12/2019 to 28/02/2023

Avances en nuevos sistemas de extracción de respuestas con análisis semántico y aprendizaje profundo

Funding entity Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad-MEIC)
Main researches Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo y Carlos Gómez Rodríguez
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2021

Tecnologías de la lengua para análisis de opiniones en redes sociales: del texto al microtexto

Funding entity Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)
Main researches Carlos Gómez Rodríguez y Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2018

Ayuda para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas: Grupos con Potencial de Crecimiento

Funding entity Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Main researches Margarita Alonso Ramos
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2014

Evaluating Information Access Systems0A

Funding entity Union Europea
Main researches Jesús Vilares Ferro
Type Proyecto UE
Dates From 20/06/2011 to 19/06/2016

Análisis de textos y recuperación de información para la minería de opiniones: análisis de enunciados y extracción de relaciones

Funding entity Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Main researches Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/01/2011 to 30/06/2014

Analisis de textos y recuperacion de informacion para la mineria de opinions:analisis de enunciados y extraccion de relaciones

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)
Main researches Miguel Angél Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 01/01/2011 to 30/06/2014

Análisis robusto para la búsqueda de respuestas

Funding entity Plan Nacional I+D, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Main researches Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 01/10/2007 to 31/12/2010

Red Gallega de Procesamiento del Lenguaje y Recuperación de Información

Funding entity Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Main researches Manuel Vilares Ferro
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2008

Recuperación de información para la búsqueda de respuestas en textos económicos, incentivo al proyecto TIN2004-07246-C03-02

Funding entity Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento. Xunta de Galicia.
Main researches Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 12/07/2005 to 11/07/2008

Recuperación de información para la búsqueda de respuestas en textos económicos. (SUBPROYECTO)

Funding entity Plan Nacional de I+D
Main researches Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 13/12/2004 to 13/12/2007

Extracción de información de noticias bursátiles para la evaluación del sentimiento de mercado

Funding entity Universidade da Coruña (UDC)
Main researches Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 17/07/2002 to 17/07/2003

Analizadores Tabulares para el Lenguaje Natural 2

Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 06/05/2002 to 06/05/2004


Funding entity Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (FEUGA)
Type Contrato
Dates From 01/10/2001 to 28/02/2002

Interrogación y Recuperación de Información sobre WEB: Una Arquitectura Distribuida

Funding entity Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 18/01/2001 to 18/01/2004

Interrogación y recuperación de información sobre WEB: Una arquitectura distribuída

Funding entity Secretaria Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 20/07/2001 to 20/07/2003

Análisis sintáctico robusto para portugués, gallego y español

Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 26/06/2001 to 26/06/2003

Interrogación de bases de datos textuales estructuradas.

Funding entity Secretaria Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 25/08/1999 to 25/08/2002

Análisis de LIGs y TAGs en programación dinámica

Funding entity Dirección Xeral de Universidades
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 24/10/1996 to 24/10/1999

Sistema de cálculo simbólico con arquitectura cliente/servidor y núcleo funcional

Funding entity Dirección Xeral de Universidades
Main researches José Luis Freire Nistal
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 01/01/1994 to 31/12/1995

Sistema de minería de opiniones en múltiples idiomas mediante análisis sintáctico de dependencias

Type Software Registrado
Entity Universidade da Coruña (UDC)
Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Application date 27/05/2015
Approval date 29/07/2015


Type Software Registrado
Entity Universidade da Coruña (UDC)
Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Application date 11/02/2009
Approval date 11/02/2009

Public Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling Regarding COVID-19's Three Waves of Total Lockdown: A Case Study on Movement Control Order in Malaysia

Authors A.H. Alamoodi, Mohammed Rashad Baker, O.S. Albahri, B.B. Zaidan, A.A. Zaidan, Wing-Kwong Wong, Salem Garfan, A.S. Albahri, Miguel A. Alonso, Ali Najm Jasim, M. J. Baqer
Journal KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems Vol. 16 Num. 7 (pages 2169 to 2190)

On the Use of Parsing for Named Entity Recognition

Authors Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
Journal Applied Sciences Vol. 11 Num. 3 (pages 1090-1 to 1090-24)

Sentiment Analysis for Fake News Detection

Authors Miguel A. Alonso, David Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
Journal Electronics Vol. 10 Num. 11 (pages 1348-1 to 1348-32)

New Treebank or Repurposed? On the Feasibility of Cross-Lingual Parsing of Romance Languages with Universal Dependencies

Authors Marcos Garcia, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A. Alonso
Journal NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING Vol. 24 Num. 1 (pages 91 to 122)

Universal, unsupervised (rule-based) uncovered, sentiment analysis

Authors David Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel A. Alonso
Journal Knowledge-Based Systems Vol. 118 (pages 45 to 55)

Supervised sentiment analysis in multilingual environments

Authors David Vilares, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Journal INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT Vol. 53 Num. 3 (pages 595 to 607)

Tecnologías de la lengua para análisis de opiniones en redes sociales

Authors Manuel Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Elena Sánchez Trigo, Miguel A. Alonso
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 59 (pages 125 to 128)

On the Feasibility of Character n-Grams Pseudo-Translation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval Tasks

Authors Jesús Vilares, Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Michael P. Oakes
Journal COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE Vol. 36 (pages 136 to 164)

Creación de un treebank de dependencias universales mediante recursos existentes para lenguas próximas: el caso del gallego

Authors Marcos Garcia, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 57 (pages 33 to 40)

A review on political analysis and social media

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 56 (pages 13 to 23)

Studying the Effect and Treatment of Misspelled Queries in Cross-Language Information Retrieval

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Yerai Doval, Manuel Vilares
Journal INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT Vol. 52 Num. 4 (pages 646 to 657)

On the usefulness of lexical and syntactic processing in polarity classification of Twitter messages

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

A linguistic approach for determining the topics of Spanish Twitter messages

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Journal JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE Vol. 41 Num. 2 (pages 127 to 145)

The megaphone of the people? Spanish SentiStrength for real-time analysis of political tweets

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Mike Thelwall, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE Vol. 41 Num. 6 (pages 799 to 813)

A syntactic approach for opinion mining on Spanish reviews

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Journal NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING Vol. 21 Num. 01 (pages 139 to 163)

Clasificación de polaridad en textos con opiniones en español mediante análisis sintáctico de dependencias

Authors David Vilares, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 50 (pages 13 to 20)

Una aproximación supervisada para la minería de opiniones sobre tuits en español en base a conocimiento lingüístico

Authors David Vilares, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Num. 51 (pages 127 to 134)

Error-repair parsing Schemata

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 411 Num. 79 (pages 1121 to 1139)

A Compiler for Parsing Schemata

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE Vol. 39 Num. 5 (pages 441 to 470)

A general method for transforming standard parsers into error-repair parsers

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 5449 (pages 207 to 219)

Producción eficiente de recursos lingüísticos: el proyecto Victoria

Authors Lionel Nicolas, Miguel Ángel Molinero Álvarez, Benoît Sagot, Elena Sánchez Trigo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jacques Farré, Joan Miquel Vergés, Eric de La Clergerie
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 43 (pages 391 to 392)

Extraction of complex index terms in non-English IR: a shallow parsing based approach

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT Vol. 44 Num. 4 (pages 1517 to 1537)

Compiling Declarative Specifications of Parsing Algorithms

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 4653 (pages 529 to 538)

Generation of Indexes for Compiling Efficient Parsers from Formal Specifications

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 4739 (pages 257 to 264)

Técnicas deductivas para el análisis sintáctico con corrección de errores

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 39 (pages 13 to 20)

Estudio comparativo del rendimiento de analizadores sintácticos para gramáticas de adjunción de árboles

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 37 (pages 179 to 186)

Tratamiento de la variación sintáctica mediante un modelo de recuperación basado en localidad

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 36 (pages 39 to 46)

Generación automática de analizadores sintácticos a partir de esquemas de análisis

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Num. 35 (pages 401 to 408)

Integrating syntactic information by means of data fusion techniques

Authors Francisco J. Ribadas Pena, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 3643 (pages 169 to 178)

COLE experiments at CLEF 2003 in the Spanish monolingual track

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Francisco J. Ribadas
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 3237 (pages 345 to 357)

Dealing with syntactic variation through a locality-based approach

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 3246 (pages 255 to 266)

Experiencias del grupo COLE en la aplicación de técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural a la recuperación de información en español

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jesús Vilares, Francisco J. Ribadas
Journal Inteligencia Artificial: Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial Vol. 8 Num. 22 (pages 123 to 134)

Morphological and syntactic processing for text retrieval

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares Ferro
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 3180 (pages 371 to 380)

Variants of mixed parsing of TAG and TIG

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Víctor J. Díaz
Journal TRAITEMENT AUTOMATIQUE DES LANGUES Vol. 44 (pages 41 to 65)

COLE Experiments in the CLEF 2002 Spanish Monolingual Track

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Francisco J. Ribadas Pena, Manuel Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2785 (pages 265 to 278)

Bidirectional Push Down Automata

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Víctor J. Díaz Madrigal, Manuel Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2608 (pages 35 to 46)

Searching for Asymptotic Error Repair

Authors Manuel Vilares, Víctor M. Darriba Bilbao, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2608 (pages 276 to 281)

Generation of Incremental Parsers

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Víctor M. Darriba Bilbao
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2588 (pages 191 to 202)

Un enfoque gramatical para la extracción de términos índice

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 31 (pages 243 to 250)

Análisis ascendente bidireccional de TAG dirigido por el núcleo TIG

Authors Vicente Carrillo Montero, Víctor J. Díaz Madrigal, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 31 (pages 151 to 158)

A Predictive Left-Corner Parser for Tree Adjoining Grammars

Authors Vicente Carrillo Montero, Víctor J. Díaz Madrigal, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal REVISTA ELECTRÓNICA E-RTHABLA (E-RTH) Vol. 1 (pages 1 to 8)

Mixed Parsing of tree insertion and tree adjoinnig grammars.

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Vicente Carrillo, Victor Díaz
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2527 Num. - (pages 694 to 703)

Practical NLP-based text indexing

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jorge Graña Gil, Jesús Vilares, Francisco Mario Barcala, Manuel Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2527 Num. - (pages 635 to 644)

Compilation Methods of minimal acyclic finite-state automata for large dictionaries

Authors Jorge Graña Gil, Fco. Mario Barcala, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2494 Num. - (pages 135 to 148)

On the Usefulness of extracting syntatic dependencies for text indexing

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jesús Vilares, Victor M. Darriba Bilbao
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2464 Num. - (pages 3 to 11)

A common solution for tokenización and part-of-speech tagging: one-pass viterbi algorithm vs. iterative approaches.

Authors Jorge Graña Gil, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2448 Num. - (pages 3 to 10)

Using syntactic dependency-pairs conflaction to improve retrieval performance in spanish

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Fco. Mario Barcala, Jesús Vilares
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2276 Num. - (pages 381 to 390)

Análisis sintáctico combinado de gramáticas de adjunción de arboles y de gramáticas de inserción de arboles

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Vicente Carrillo, Victor Díaz
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 29 Num. - (pages 65 to 72)

Algoritmos de análisis para gramáticas de inserción de árboles

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Victor Díaz, Vicente Carrillo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 29 Num. - (pages 89 to 96)

Interpretación tabular de autómatas para lenguajes de adjunción de arboles

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 28 Num. - (pages 119 to 120)

Towards the development of heuristics for automatic query expansion

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2113 Num. - (pages 887 to 896)

A Formal definition of Bottom-up Embedded Push-Down Automata and their tabulation technique

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2099 Num. - (pages 44 to 61)

Applying Productive Derivational Morphology to Term Indexing of Spanish Texts

Authors David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Vol. 2004 Num. - (pages 336 to 348)

Normalización de términos multipalabra mediante pares de dependencia sintáctica

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 27 Num. - (pages 123 to 130)

Generación automática de familias morfológicas mediante morfología derivativa productiva

Authors David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 27 Num. - (pages 181 to 188)

Análisis sintáctico ascendente de TAGs guiado por la esquina izquierda

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V.J. Diaz Madrigal, V. Carrillo Montero
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 27 Num. - (pages 47 to 54)

Tabulation of automata for tree adjoining languages

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, M.-J. Nederhof, Eric De la Clergerie
Journal GRAMMARS Vol. 3 Num. 2 (pages 89 to 110)

Análisis sintáctico bidireccional de TAGs

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V.J. Diaz Madrigal
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 26 Num. - (pages 103 to 110)

Algoritmos tabulares para el análisis de TAG

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Num. 23 (pages 157 to 164)

Nuevos algoritmos tabulares para el análisis de LIG

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jorge Graña Gil, Manuel Vilares
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. 25 Num. - (pages 7 to 14)

An experience on Natural Language Parsing.

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Journal LENGUAJESNATURALES Y LENGUAJES FORMALES XII Vol. - Num. - (pages 555 to 562)

A predictive bottom-up evaluator

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal LOGIC PROGRAMMING Vol. 8 Num. 4 (pages 9 to 10)

Exploring interactive chart parsing

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Journal Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (número 69) Vol. - Num. 17 (pages 158 to 172)

Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing: Projects and Demonstrations (SEPLN-PD 2022)

Editors Miguel A. Alonso, Margarita Alonso Ramos, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, David Vilares, Jesús Vilares
Publishing CEUR Workshop Proceedings, (España)
ISBN 1613 - 0073

AACL-IJCNLP 2022. The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Tutorial Abstracts

Editors Miguel A. Alonso, Zhongyu Wei
Publishing Association for Computational Linguistics, ()
ISBN 978-1-955917-54-4

AACL-IJCNLP 2022. The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Editors Yulan He, Heng Ji, Yang Liu, Sujian Li, Chia-Hui Chang, Soujanya Poria, Chenghua Lin, Wray Buntine, Maria Liakata, Hanqi Yan, Zonghan Yan, Sebastian Ruder, Xiaojun Wan, Miguel A. Alonso, Zhongyu Wei, Hen-Hsen Huang, Jheng-Long Wu, Min-Yuh Day, Pengfei Liu, Ruifeng Xu
Publishing Association for Computational Linguistics, ()
ISBN 978-1-955917-65-0

AACL-IJCNLP 2022. The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the Conference (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Editors Yulan He, Heng Ji, Yang Liu, Sujian Li, Chia-Hui Chang, Soujanya Poria, Chenghua Lin, Wray Buntine, Maria Liakata, Hanqi Yan, Zonghan Yan, Sebastian Ruder, Xiaojun Wan, Miguel A. Alonso, Zhongyu Wei, Hen-Hsen Huang, Jheng-Long Wu, Min-Yuh Day, Pengfei Liu, Ruifeng Xu
Publishing Association for Computational Linguistics, ()
ISBN 978-1-955917-64-3

AACL-IJCNLP 2022. The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Editors Yulan He, Heng Ji, Yang Liu, Sujian Li, Chia-Hui Chang, Soujanya Poria, Chenghua Lin, Wray Buntine, Maria Liakata, Hanqi Yan, Zonghan Yan, Sebastian Ruder, Xiaojun Wan, Miguel A. Alonso, Zhongyu Wei, Hen-Hsen Huang, Jheng-Long Wu, Min-Yuh Day, Pengfei Liu, Ruifeng Xu
Publishing Association for Computational Linguistics, ()
ISBN 978-1-959429-04-3

Actas del Congreso Internacional ' Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction( TAPD2000)

ISBN VG-719-2000

Actas del ' XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural( SEPLN-2000)'

ISBN 1135-5948

Programación Lógica (Segunda Edición)

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Alberto Valderruten Vidal
Publishing Universidad de A Coruña, Coruña, A (España)
ISBN 84-89641-18-8

Construction and Evaluation of Sentiment Datasets for Low-Resource Languages: The Case of Uzbek

Authors Elmurod Kuriyozov. Sanatbek Matlatipov. Miguel A. Alonso. Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Book Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics
Publishing: Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-031-05327-6
Pages From 232 to 243

La enseñanza del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural en facultades de Informática y Filología

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo. Margarita Alonso Ramos. Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez. Jorge Graña Gil. Jesús Vilares
Book Investigaciones sobre docencia universitaria y nuevas metodologías
Publishing: Educación Editora.
ISBN: 978-84-15524-02-1
Pages From 13 to 18

Relating tabular parsing algorithms for LIG and TAG (chapter 8)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo. Eric de la Clergerie. Víctor J. Díaz. Manuel Vilares
Book New Developments in Parsing Technology
Vol. - Publishing: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ISBN: 1-4020-2293-X
Pages From 157 to 184

Generalized LR parsing for extensions of context-free grammars

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo. Manuel Vilares. David Cabrero Souto
Book Recent advances in natural language processing II
Vol. - Publishing: John Benjamins.
ISBN: 90-272-3695-X
Pages From 81 to 92

An Operational Model for Parsing Definite Clause Grammars with Infinite Terms

Authors Manuel Vilares. Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo. David Cabrero Souto
Book Logical Aspects of Computional Linguistics
Vol. - Publishing: Springer-Verlag.
ISBN: 3-540-65751-7
Pages From 212 to 230

An LALR Extension for DCGs in Dynamic Programming

Authors Manuel Vilares. Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Book Mathematical and Computational Analysis of Natural Language
Vol. - Publishing: John Benjamins.
ISBN: 90-272-1554-5
Pages From 267 to 278


Autor David Vilares Calvo
Director/s Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo; Carlos Gómez Rodríguez
Scope Computación
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Parsing schemata for practical text analysis

Autor Carlos Gómez Rodriguez
Director/s Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo;Manuel Vilares Ferro
Scope Computación
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Aplicaciones del procesamiento del lenguaje natural en la recuperación de la información en español

Autor Jesús Vilares Ferro
Director/s Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo;José Luis Freire Nistal
Scope Computación
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Some experiments on the use of Natural Language Processing for sexism detection and classification in social media
5th XoveTIC Conference

Authors Roi Santos-Ríos, Miguel A. Alonso, Jesús Vilares
Organization Centro de Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións (CITIC)
Place Coruña, A (España)

Las tecnologías lingüísticas y las redes sociales
Curso de Verán Tecnoloxías da linguaxe: As linguas na sociedade e na economía dixitais

Authors Miguel A. Alonso
Organization CITIUS
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Deep Learning vs. Classic Models on a New Uzbek Sentiment Analysis Dataset
Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics - 2019

Authors Elmurod Kuriyozov, Sanatbek Matlatipov, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Adam Mickiewicz University
Place Poznan (Polonia)

Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings for the inference of bilingual dictionaries
TIAD-2019 Shared Task - Translation Inference Across Dictionaries, co-located with the 2nd Language, Data and Knowledge Conference (LDK 2019)

Authors Marcos Garcia, Marcos García-Salido, Miguel A. Alonso
Place Leipzig (Alemania)

EN-ES-CS: An English-Spanish Code-Switching Twitter Corpus for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis
Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
Place Miyakazi (Japón)

Towards Syntactic Iberian Polarity Classification
8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA 2017)

Authors David Vilares, Marcos Garcia, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Place Copenhagen (Dinamarca)

Tratamiento sintáctico de la negación en análisis del sentimiento monolingüe y multilingüe
Taller de NEGación en ESpañol (NEGES-2017)

Authors David Vilares, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN)
Place Murcia (España)

One model, two languages: training bilingual parsers with harmonized treebanks
54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2016)

Authors David Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Organization Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Place Berlin (Alemania)

LyS at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Exploiting Neural Activation Values for Twitter Sentiment Classification and Quantification
The 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016)

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Yerai Doval, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Place San Diego (Estados Unidos)

Seguimiento y análisis automático de contenidos en redes sociales
III Congreso Nacional de i+d en Defensa y Seguridad, DESEi+d 2015

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, David Vilares Calvo, Yerai Doval, Jesús Vilares
Organization Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín (Pontevedra)
Place Marín (España)

Sentiment Analysis on Monolingual, Multilingual and Code-Switching Twitter Corpora
6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis. WASSA 2015.

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Association for Computational Linguistics
Place Lisboa (Portugal)

LyS at TASS 2015: Deep Learning Experiments for Sentiment Analysis on Spanish Tweets
TASS 2015: Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Yerai Doval, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN)
Place Alicante/Alacant (España)

LyS at CLEF RepLab 2014: Creating the State of the Art in Author Influence Ranking and Reputation Classification on Twitter
CLEF 2014 Evaluation Labs and Workshop, Online Working Notes

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Hermo Seráns, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
Organization University of Sheffield
Place Sheffield (Reino Unido)

Evaluación de aproximaciones lingüísticas para la asignación de temas a tuits
III Congreso Español de Recuperación de la Información

Authors David Vilares, Miguel A. Alonso, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Universidade da Coruña (UDC)
Place Coruña, A (España)

LyS: Porting a Twitter Sentiment Analysis Approach from Spanish to English
Eighth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval'14)

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Hermo Seráns, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Yerai Doval
Organization Centre for Global Intelligent Content
Place Dublín (Irlanda)

LyS at TASS 2014: A Prototype for Extracting and Analysing Aspects from Spanish tweets
TASS 2014 - Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN 2014

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Yerai Doval, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Universitat de Girona (UDG)
Place Girona (España)

Supervised polarity classification of Spanish tweets based on linguistic knowledge
13th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2013)

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Organization Università degli Studi di Firenze
Place Florencia (Italia)

LyS at TASS 2013: Analysing Spanish tweets by means of dependency parsing, semantic-oriented lexicons and psychometric word-properties
XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2013). Tweet Normalization Workshop at SEPLN 2013. Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN 2013 (TASS 2013).

Authors David Vilares Calvo, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Place Madrid (España)

Prototipado Rápido de un Sistema de Normalización de Tuits: Una Aproximación Léxica
XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2013). Tweet Normalization Workshop at SEPLN 2013. Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN 2013 (TASS 2013).

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Vilares Calvo
Place Madrid (España)

Analizando los resultados académicos en una materia de programación
Simposio-Taller sobre estrategias y herramientas para el aprendizaje y la evaluación

Authors Mariano Javier Cabrero Canosa, David Alonso-Ríos, Noelia Barreira Rodríguez, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Beatriz Pérez-Sánchez, Noelia Sánchez-Maroño, Elena Hernandez-Pereira, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Jesús Vilares
Organization Universitat Jaume I (UJI)
Place Castellón de la Plana/Castelló de la Plana (España)

RI con n-gramas: tolerancia a errores y multilingüismo
1st Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval CERI'10

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jorge Graña Gil
Place Madrid (España)

La enseñanza del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural en facultades de Informática y Filología
II Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Margarita Alonso Ramos, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jorge Graña Gil, Jesús Vilares
Organization Universidade de Vigo
Place Vigo (España)

Una experiencia de enseñanza multidisciplinar en el marco de los nuevos másteres oficiales
Congresso Ibérico 2010 "Ensino Superior em Mudança: Tensões e Possibilidades"

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Milagros Fernández Gavilanes, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jorge Graña Gil, Jesús Vilares
Place Braga (Portugal)

Dos experiencias de enseñanza interdisciplinar entre informática y humanidades
CUIEET 2010. XVIII Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Milagros Fernández Gavilanes, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jorge Graña Gil, Jesús Vilares
Organization Universidad de Cantabria
Place Santander (España)

Towards efficient production of linguistic resources: the Victoria Project
RANLP 2009, International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing

Authors Lionel Nicolas, Manuel Vilares, Benoît Sagot, Elena Sánchez Trigo, Éric Clergerie, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jacques Farré, Joan Miquel Vergés
Place Bovorets (Bulgaria)

Evaluación sin examenes. Conclusiones de 10 años de experiencia en una asignatura optativa.
I Congreso de Docencia Universitaria

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Milagros Fernandez Gavilanes, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jorge Graña Gil, Miguel A. Molinero Alvarez, Jesús Vilares
Place Vigo (España)

TIEMPO: IT Handling of Multilingual Financial and Economic Information TIN2004-07246-C03
jspTIN 2007, Jornadas de Seguimiento de Proyectos en Tecnologías Informáticas

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Víctor J. Díaz Madrigal
Place Móstoles (España)

Prototyping Efficient Natural Language Parsers
RANLP 2007, International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Borovets (Bulgaria)

On theoretical and practical complexity of TAG parsers
FG-2006: The 11th conference on Formal Grammar

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Place Málaga (España)

Syntactic and pseudo-syntactic approaches for text retrieval
InSciT-2006 First International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies

Authors Jesús Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Mérida (España)

Automatic generation of natural language parsers form declarative specifications
STAIRS-2006: The Third Starting AI Researchers¿Symposium

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Riva del Garda (Italia)

Generating XTAG parsers from algebraic specifications
TAG+8: 8th International Workshop on Tree Adjoinning Grammar and Related Formalisms

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Place Sidney (Australia)

Integrating syntactic information by means of data fusion techniques
EUROCAST 2005. Tenth International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory

Authors Francisco J. Ribadas Pena, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place España

Compilación eficiente de esquemas de análisis sintáctico
PROLE 2005. V Jornadas sobre Programación y Lenguajes (CEDI 2005)

Authors Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Granada (España)

Managing Syntactic Variation in Text Retrieval
DocEng 2005. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering

Authors Jesús Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Bristol (Reino Unido)

Enfoques sintáctico y pseudo-sintáctico para la recuperación de información en español.
Reunión de la Red Temática Nacional sobre Sistemas de Acceso a la Información en la web basados en Soft-Computing (SCIA).

Authors Jesús Vilares, Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Phrase similarity through approximate tree matching
PROLE 2004 - Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes

Authors Francisco J. Ribadas, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Málaga (España)

Extracción de términos índice mediante cascadas de expresiones regulaes
II Jornadas de tratamiento y recuperación de la información Jotri 2003

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Organization Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Place España

A Grammatical Approach to the Extraction of Index Terms
International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. RANLP2003

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Borovets (Bulgaria)

Parsing tree adjoining grammars and tree insertion grammars with simultaneous adjunctions
8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2003)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Víctor J. Díaz Madrigal
Place Nancy (Francia)

COLE experiments at CLEF 2003 Spanish monolingual track
CLEF 2003.Cross-Language System Evaluation Campaign

Authors Jesús Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Francisco J. Ribadas Pena
Place Trondheim (Noruega)

Bidirectional Push-down automata.
Seventh International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA-2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Victor Díaz, Manuel Vilares
Place Tours (Francia)

Searching for asymptotic error repair
Seventh International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA-2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Victor M. Darriba Bilbao, Manuel Vilares
Place Tours (Francia)

Una aplicación de RI basada en PLN: el proyecto ERIAL
I Jornadas de Tratamiento y Recuperación de Información (JOTRI 2002)

Authors Eva María Dominguez Costas, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jorge Graña Gil, David Cabrero Souto, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Guillermo Rojo, M. Paula Santalla, Susana Sotelo Docío, Manuel Vilares
Organization Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Place Valencia (España)

El sistema ERIAL: LEIRA, un entorno de RI basado en PLN
I Jornadas de Tratamiento y Recuperación de Información (JOTRI 2002)

Authors Eva María Dominguez Costas, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto, Jorge Graña Gil, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares, Guillermo Rojo, M. Paula Santalla, Susana Sotelo Docío
Organization Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Place Valencia (España)

Mixed Parsing of Tree Insercion and Tree Adjoining Grammars
Eigth Iberoamerican Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA 2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Vicente Carrillo, Victor J. Díaz
Place Sevilla (España)

Practical NLP-Based Text Indexing
Eigth Iberoamerican Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA 2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jorge Graña Gil, Jesús Vilares, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Manuel Vilares
Place Sevilla (España)

A Common Solution for Tokenization and Part-of-Speech Tagging: One-Pass Viteri Algorithm vs. Iterative Approaches.
Fifth International Conference on text, speech and dialogue (TSD 2002)

Authors Jorge Graña Gil, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares
Place Brno (República Checa)

Using Syntatic Dependency-Pairs Conflation to Improve Retrieval Performance in Spanish
Third International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent texts Processing (CICLING 2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Jesús Vilares
Place Ciudad de Méjico (México)

Tokenization and Proper Noum Recognition for Information Retrieval
Thirteen International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jorge Graña Gil, Jesús Vilares, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Manuel Vilares
Place Aix-en-Provence (Francia)

On the Usefulness of Extracting Syntactic Dependences for Text Indexing
13th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Cognitive Science (AICS 2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jesús Vilares, Victor M. Darriba Bilbao
Place Limerick (Irlanda)

COLE Experiments at CLEF 2002 spanish monolingual track
2002 Workshop of Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2002)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jesús Vilares, Francisco J. Ribadas Pena, Manuel Vilares
Place Roma (Italia)

A Left Corner Parser for Tree Adjoining Grammars
Sixth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG +6)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Vicente Carrillo, Victor J. Díaz
Place Venice (Italia)

Análisis eficiente de gramáticas de inserción de arboles
II Jornadas Tecnológicas del Habla

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Vicente Carrillo, Victor J. Díaz
Place Granada (España)

Compilation Methods of Minimal Acyclic Automata for Large Dictionaries
International conference on Implementations and Applications of Automata (CIAA 2001)

Authors Jorge Graña Gil, Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Pretoria (Sudáfrica)

On non-termination in DCGs
International conference on Implementations and Applications of Automata (CIAA 2001)

Authors Manuel Vilares, David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Pretoria (Sudáfrica)

Didirectional Automata for Tree Adjoining Grammars
International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT-2001)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V.J. Diaz Madrigal, Manuel Vilares
Place Beijing (China)

Towards the development of heuristics for automatic query Expansion
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2001)

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Munich (Alemania)

A formal definition of Bottom-up Embedded Push-Down Automata and their tabulation technique
International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL 2001)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Manuel Vilares
Place Le Croisic (Francia)

Applying Productive Dervational Morphology to Term Indexing of Spanish Texts
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLING 2001)

Authors David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Ciudad de México (México)

Análisis sintáctico ascendente de TAGs guiado por la esquina izquierda
17 Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2001)

Authors V. Carrillo Montero, V.J. Diaz Madrigal, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Jaén (España)

Normalización de términos multipalabra mediante pares de Dependencia sintáctica
17 Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2001)

Authors Fco.Mario Barcala Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Jaén (España)

Generación automática de familias morfológicas mediante morfología derivativa productiva
17 Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN 2001)

Authors David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Jaén (España)

Análisis Sintáctico Bidireccional de TAGs
XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural( SEPLN-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V.J. Diaz Madrigal
Place Vigo (España)

On non-termination in DCGs
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics( CICLing-2000)

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Mexico D.F. (México)

A formal definition of bottom-up embedded push-down automata and their tabulation technique
2nd International Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction( TAPD-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares, Eric De la Clergerie
Place Vigo (España)

Comparing tabular parsers for tree adjoining grammars
2nd International Workshop on Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction( TAPD-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V.J. Diaz Madrigal
Place Vigo (España)

A redefinition of embedded push-down automata
5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms( TAG+5-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Manuel Vilares, Eric De la Clergerie
Place París (Francia)

Practical aspects in compiling tabular TAG parsers
5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms( TAG+5-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Eric De la Clergerie, Djamé Seddah
Place París (Francia)

Bidirectional parsing of TAG without heads
5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms( TAG+5-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V.J. Diaz Madrigal, V. Carrillo Montero
Place París (Francia)

New Tabular Algorithms for LIG parsing
Sixth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies( WPT-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Jorge Graña Gil, Manuel Vilares, Eric De la Clergerie
Place Trento (Italia)

A Bidirectional botton-up parser for TAG
Sixth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies( WPT-2000)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, V. Carrillo Montero, V.J. Diaz Madrigal
Place Trento (Italia)

Tabular algorithms for TAG parsing
EACL' 99. Ninth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto, Eric De la Clergerie, Manuel Vilares
Place Bergen (Noruega)

Some questions about non- termination in DCGs
Joint Conference on Declarative Programming( APPIA- GULP- PRODE' 99)

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place L'Aquila (Italia)

Tabulation of automata for tree adjoining languages
6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language( MOL 6)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Eric De la Clergerie, David Cabrero Souto
Place Orlando (Florida) (Estados Unidos)

Dealing with non- termination in DCG's
CACIC' 99. V Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Tandil (Argentina)

Exploring Parsing Efficiency in Computational Linguistics
Utrecht Congress on Storage and Computation in Linguistics

Authors Manuel Vilares, David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Utrecht (Países Bajos)

A Tabular Interpretation of Botton-up Automata for TAG
Fourth International Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks. TAG+4

Authors Eric De la Clergerie, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Philadelphia (Estados Unidos)

GALENA:Tabular DCG parsing for Natural Languages
Tabulation in Parsing and Deduction (TAPD'98)

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto, Jorge Graña Gil
Place París (Francia)

A Tabular Interpretation of a Class of 2-Stack Automata
36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistic and 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. COLING-ACL'98

Authors Eric De la Clergerie, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Montreal (Canadá)

A Comparison for Unification-Based Parsers
APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1998 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming (AGP'98)

Authors Manuel Vilares, David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Coruña, A (España)

Dynamic Programming as Frame for Efficient Parsing
XVIII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society

Authors Manuel Vilares, David Cabrero Souto, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Antofagasta (Chile)

An approach to infinite term traversal in DCGs
APPIA-GULP-PRODE 1997 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Grado (Italia)

An operational model for parsing fixed-mode DCGs
Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL'97)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Nancy (Francia)

Construction of efficient generalized LR parsers
2 International Workshop on Implementing Automata (WIA'97)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place London, Ontario (Canadá)

Automata-based parsing in dynamic programming for linear indexed grammars
DIALOGUE'97 Computational Linguistics and its Applications International Workshop

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Eric De la Clergerie
Place Moscú (Rusia)

A new approach to the construction of generalized LR parsing algorithms
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP'97)

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Tzigov Chark (Bulgaria)

Efficient parsing of fixed-mode DCGs0D0A
Formal Grammar 1997

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, David Cabrero Souto
Place Aix-en-Provence (Francia)

II International Conference on Mathematical linguistics (ICML`96)
International Conference on Information Systems Analysis

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Orlando (México)

An LALR Extension for DCGs in dinamic programming
APPIA-GULP-PRODE'96 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place España

Autómatas lógicos y lenguaje natural
V Congreso Iberoamericano de Inteligencia Artificial. IBERAMIA'96

Authors Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo, Souto Cabrero
Place Puebla (México)

Friendly incremental prototyping
Proc. of ASF + SDF'95, Generation tools from algebraic specifications

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Amsterdam (Países Bajos)

Une approache formelle pour les analyseurs de langages naturels
Proc. of TALN'95, Tratement automatique du langage naturel

Authors Manuel Vilares, Alberto Valderruten Vidal, Jorge Graña Gil, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Francia

Exploring interactive chart parsing

Authors Manuel Vilares, Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo
Place Bilbao (España)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Xunta da Facultade de Informática

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión Académica Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Computación

Vocal PDI

From 11/10/2013.

Vicerrectorado de Planificación Académica e Innovación Docente


From 01/04/2022 to 15/01/2024.

Xunta da Facultade de Informática

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información

PDI (Membros Natos)