PhD Alejandro Puente Castro  

Profesor axudante doutor (LOSU) (AXU-DR-LOSU)

Department Computer Science and Information Technologies
Knowledgment area Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence
Research  Research group Redes de Neuronas Artificiales y Sistemas Adaptativos - Imagen Médica y Diagnóstico Radiológico
Research lines Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, Reinforcement Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, e-Health
Keywords Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Data Mining, Signal Processing, Deep Learning, Evolutionary Computation, Bioinformátics
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0002-0134-6877 ResearcherIDC-7573-2016 Scopus57216390282
BSc. in Computer Science, gained his MSc. in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences and has worked in fields, such as early detection of Alzheimer’s disease using Deep Learning techniques or self-quantification. Currently, his research is focused on applying Artificial Intelligence techniques to the coordination of heterogeneous groups of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Bioinformatics.


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 3.5
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Science
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 4
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Technology
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1.5
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 6
Master's Dissertation
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
0 13.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular models 0 8
Computing as a Service 0 13
Development Frameworks 0 42
Final Year Dissertation 0 3
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Science 0 2
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Technology 0 4
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering 0 6
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics 0 18
Information Retrieval 0 21
Information Technology for the Treatment and Management of Information 0 33.5
Intelligent Systems 0 43
Master's Dissertation 0 2
Master's Dissertation 0 4
Work Placement 0 1
Workshop on Informational and Digital Skills: Graphic Representation and Digital Visualization of Information 0 20
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular models
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
0 8
Computing as a Service
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 13
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 42
Development Frameworks
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 42
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1.5
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Science
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 4
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 1
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
0 18
Information Retrieval
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 21
Information Technology for the Treatment and Management of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 33.5
Intelligent Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 43
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 2
Master's Dissertation
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
0 2.5
Work Placement
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
0 0.5
Workshop on Informational and Digital Skills: Graphic Representation and Digital Visualization of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 20
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Bioinformatics and Biomolecular models
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
0 8
Computing as a Service
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 13
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 39
Development Frameworks
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 41
Digital Content Editing
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 32
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
0 28
Information Technology for the Treatment and Management of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 33.5
Intelligent Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 16
Museums and New Technologies
MA in Advanced Studies in Museums, Archives and Libraries
0 4
Master's Degree in Industrial Design Engineering
0 18
Workshop on Informational and Digital Skills: Graphic Representation and Digital Visualization of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 20
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Computer Science Preliminaries
Degree in Computer Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 8
Immersive, Interactive and Entertainment Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 9.5
Information Retrieval
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 21
Information Technology for the Treatment and Management of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 10
Intelligent Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 28
New Trends and Applications in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences
0 10.5
Programming I
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 22
Project Management
Degree in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 90
Retrieval and Evaluation of Electronic Information
Degree in Information and Library Science
0 9
Master's Degree in Industrial Design Engineering
0 36
Workshop on Informational and Digital Skills: Graphic Representation and Digital Visualization of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
0 20
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Computer Science Preliminaries
Degree in Computer Engineering
0 59
Intelligent Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Master's in Computer Engineering
0 1

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Computer Science

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Monday
17:00 a 20:00
Laboratorio 2.2
1st quarter Wednesday
10:00 a 13:00
Laboratorio 2.2
2nd quarter Monday
10:00 a 12:00
Laboratorio 2.2
2nd quarter Tuesday
16:00 a 18:00
Laboratorio 2.2
2nd quarter Wednesday
10:00 a 12:00
Laboratorio 2.2

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.


Funding entity Consellería de Educación
Main researches Alejandro Pazos Sierra
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2022 to 20/11/2025


Funding entity Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria
Main researches Alejandro Pazos Sierra
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2019 to 20/11/2021

UAV swarm path planning with reinforcement learning for field prospecting - IF: 5.086 (Q2)

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Daniel Rivero, Alejandro Pazos, Enrique Fernandez-Blanco

A review of artificial intelligence applied to path planning in UAV swarms - IF:5.606 (Q1)

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Daniel Rivero Cebrián, Alejandro Pazos, Enrique Fernandez-Blanco

Using Reinforcement Learning in the Path Planning of Swarms of UAVs for the Photographic Capture of Terrains

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Daniel Rivero Cebrián, Alejandro Pazos, Enrique Fernández-Blanco
Journal Engineering Proceedings Vol. 7 Num. 1 (pages 32 to 34)

PRACTICUM DIRECT Simulator for Decision Making during Pandemics

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Brais Galdo, Ismael Said Criado, David Baltar Boileve, Juan R. Rabuñal, Alejandro Pazos, Modesto Martínez-Pillado
Journal Engineering Proceedings Vol. 2 Num. 1 (pages 1 to 3)

Automatic assessment of Alzheimer's disease diagnosis based on deep learning techniques - IF: 3.434 (Q1)

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Enrique Fernandez-Blanco, Alejandro Pazos Sierra, C. R. Munteanu
Journal COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Vol. 120 Num. 103764 (pages 1 to 7)

System for Automatic Assessment of Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Based on Deep Learning Techniques

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, C. R. Munteanu, Enrique Fernández Blanco
Journal Proceedings Vol. 21 Num. 28

Practicum Direct: Un Simulador para Lara la Toma de Decisiones durante Pandemias
X Congreso de la Sociedad Gallega de Calidad Asistencial

Authors M. Martínez-Pillado, I. Said-Criado, M. Varela-Durán, Alejandro Puente-Castro, M. Gestal, A. Pazos-Sierra
Organization Sociedad Gallega de Calidad Asistencial
Place Coruña, A (España)

Artificial Intelligence techniques for autonomous drone swarms
MOL2NET 2021, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 7th edition session IWMEDIC-08: North-Ibero-Am. Int. Work. Chem., Bio., and Med. Info., Coruña, Spain-Carleton, Canada-Standford, USA, 2021

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Daniel Rivero Cebrián, Alejandro Pazos Sierra, Enrique Fernandez-Blanco
Organization MDPI
Place Basel (Suiza)

Practicum Direct
MOL2NET 2021, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 7th edition session IWMEDIC-08: North-Ibero-Am. Int. Work. Chem., Bio., and Med. Info., Coruña, Spain-Carleton, Canada-Standford, USA, 2021

Authors Alejandro Puente-Castro, Brais Galdo, Juan R. Rabuñal, Alejandro Pazos Sierra
Organization MDPI
Place Basel (Suiza)

Internationalization of the ClepiTO web platform
The 2nd XoveTIC Conference (XoveTIC 2019)

Authors Eloy Naveira Carro, María del Carmen Miranda-Duro, Patricia Concheiro-Moscoso, Alejandro Puente-Castro, Paula Cristina Costa Portugal Cardoso, Tiago Filipe Mota Coelho
Organization Universidade da Coruña
Place Coruña, A (España)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Consello do Departamento Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 28/02/2025.

Xunta da Facultade de Informática

Vocal PDI

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información

Vocal PDI

From 15/03/2023 to 27/02/2025.

Consello do Departamento Ciencias da Computación e Tecnoloxías da Información

Vocal PDI

From 10/03/2021 to 04/08/2022.

Xunta da Facultade de Informática

Vocal PDI

From 10/03/2021 to 31/08/2022.

Comité de Dirección de la EIDUDC

Representantes de los Estudiantes