A New Measure of Socioeconomic Inequalities for International Comparison (INCASI2)
Funding entity | Union Europea |
Main researches | Pedro López Roldán |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/11/2023 to 01/11/2027 |
Department | Sociology and Communication Sciences |
Knowledgment area | Sociology |
Research | Research group Equipo de Investigación Sociedades en Movemento |
Research lines | La frontera como sujeto político, el racismo y la etnicidad como discursos constructores de la alteridad y la pertenencia. |
Keywords | mujeres migrantes, interseccionalidad, etnosexualidad, trabajo de frontera, mercados sexuales. |
Contacto | UDC directory |
Orcid id0000-0002-1727-9138 ResearcherIDFJM-1084-2022 Scopus57972142800 |
This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Sociology
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Design, Management and Evaluation of Social Policies | Compulsory | 24 | 56 |
Final Year Dissertation | Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
History and Theories of Migratory Movements | Optional | 0 | 31 |
Integration and Intercultural Relations | Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Sociology in the Information Age | Core | 0 | 42 |
Sociology of Education | Core | 0 | 21 |
Theory and History of the Population
Social and Legal Sciences
Compulsory | 0 | 32 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Integration and Intercultural Relations
Master in Social Policies and Community Intervention
Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Social Research Methods and Techniques
Degree in Sociology
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 40 |
Sociology in the Information Age
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Core | 0 | 27 |
Sociology of Globalization
Degree in International Relations
Core | 0 | 17.5 |
Theory and History of the Population
Degree in Sociology
Social and Legal Sciences
Compulsory | 0 | 67 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Qualitative, Prospective and Participatory Research Techniques
Master in Advanced Research Methods and Social Analysis Innovations
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Risk, Culture and Environment
Degree in Sociology
Optional | 0 | 14.5 |
Social Structure and Social Change in Galicia
Degree in Sociology
Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Sociological Theory 1
Degree in Sociology
Social and Legal Sciences
Compulsory | 0 | 35 |
Sociology of Consumption and Market Research
Degree in Sociology
Compulsory | 0 | 10 |
Territory-Museum and Cultural Tourism: Interpretation of Heritage
MA in Advanced Studies in Museums, Archives and Libraries
Optional | 0 | 21 |
The Process of Research in Tourism: Types, Structure and Phases
Master's in Planning and management of destinations and tourist products
Optional | 0 | 42 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Degree in Economics
Social and Legal Sciences
Core | 0 | 60 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Sociology of Consumption and Market Research
Degree in Sociology
Compulsory | 0 | 60 |
Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.
Quarter | Day | Site |
2nd quarter |
10:00 a 14:00 |
Despacho Andrea Souto, 1°andar |
Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.
The psychological harassment: a study on psychological abuse in secondary education students. |
The social construction of gender through cinema: the case of the Barbie phenomenon |
Select merit type and year to query research merits.
A New Measure of Socioeconomic Inequalities for International Comparison (INCASI2)
Funding entity | Union Europea |
Main researches | Pedro López Roldán |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/11/2023 to 01/11/2027 |
Care,Inequality and Wellbeing in Transnational Families in Europe: A comparative intergenerational study in Spain,France,Sweden and UK
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. MYBL JPI 2020/Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad. |
Main researches | Laura Oso Casas |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/06/2021 to 30/05/2024 |
Plan de Lucha contra el Racismo y la Xenofobia de Navarra 2021-2026
Funding entity | Comunidad Foral de Navarra |
Main researches | Laura Oso Casas |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 26/05/2021 to 26/12/2021 |
Funding entity | Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria |
Main researches | Laura Oso Casas |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2019 to 20/11/2021 |
Funding entity | Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) |
Main researches | LAURA OSO CASAS |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2019 |
International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities
Funding entity | Comisión Europea-HORIZON 2020. Marie Sk¿odowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) |
Main researches | Pedro López Roldán |
Type | Proyecto Internacional |
Dates | From 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2019 |
Violencia contra las mujeres y atención integral a las víctimas
Funding entity | Concellaría de Igualdade e Diversidade. Concello da Coruña. |
Main researches | Rosa Cobo Bedia |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2016 |
Asociacionismo migrante en Galicia. Lazos transnacionais e codesenvolvemento dende unha Perspectiva de Xénero
Funding entity | Dirección Xeral de Relacións Exteriores e coa UE da Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Antía Pérez Caramés |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2015 |
Género, transnacionalismo y estrategias intergeneracionales de movilidad social
Funding entity | Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) |
Main researches | Laura Oso Casas |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2014 |
Latinoamericanas en el Sur de Europa: un análisis interseccional de las migraciones (
Authors | Andrea Souto, Graziela Perosa |
Journal | Revista Estudos Feministas. Vol. 30 Num. 3 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9584-2022v30n379337 |
Bolivianas en Argentina, brasileiras en Portugal y Colombianas en España. Un análisis interseccional de las trayectorias migratorias de las mujeres de Latinoamérica
Authors | Andrea Souto, María Eugenia Ambort |
Journal | MIGRACIONES Num. 55 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.14422/mig.2022.001 |
En busca de un marco teórico empíricamente fundado para el análisis comparado de la colonialidad en las trayectorias migratorias de mujeres del Sur.
Authors | Andrea Souto, María Eugenia Ambort |
Journal | Cuestiones de Sociología Num. 24 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.24215/23468904e117 |
Colombianas en España, Brasileiras en Portugal: un análisis interseccional de las identidades migrantes en el contexto poscolonial.
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Book |
Identidades, segregación, vulnerabilidad. ¿Hacia la construcción de sociedades inclusivas? Un reto pluridisciplinar. Publishing: Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1377-566-1 |
Pages | From 887 to 887 |
Latinoamericanas en España: la colonialidad de la migración y la subversión de la frontera. Gestión, turismo y género
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Book |
GESTIÓN, TURISMO Y GÉNERO Publishing: Thompson Reuters-Aranzadi. ISBN: 978-84-1309-499-1 |
Pages | From 175 to 185 |
Thinking the migrations of Colombian and Brazilian women through intersectionally. Or, how to analyse the transnational/poscolonial space as a matrix of power
Authors | Andrea Souto, Laura Oso Casas |
Place | Niza (Francia) |
The impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Migrant Population in Spain.
Authors | Raquel Martínez Buján, Laura Oso, Andrea Souto |
Place | Sheffield (Reino Unido) |
Care, wellbeing and inequalities in transnational families: a comparative perspective from France and Spain
Authors | Polina Palash, Andrea Souto, Laura Oso, Virginie Baby-Collin |
Place | Sheffield (Reino Unido) |
Organising care in transnational families in Europe: Actors, practices and challenges for wellbeing and equality in the (post)Covid-19
20th IMISCOE Annual Conference
MIGRATION AND INEQUALITIES. In search of answers and solutions
Authors | Andrea Souto, Laura Oso |
Place | Varsovia (Polonia) |
Analysing boundary work through sexual-racial/migratory policies and labour/marriage markets in the Iberian countries. Brazilian women in Portugal, Colombian women in Spain
20th IMISCOE Annual Conference
MIGRATION AND INEQUALITIES. In search of answers and solutions
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Varsovia (Polonia) |
Fronteras inscriptas: Las articulaciones transnacionales de la dominación sexo-racial en los vínculos familiares de mujeres latinoamericanas migrantes
16 Congreso ASAEE.
Authors | María Eugenia Ambort, Andrea Souto |
Organization | Asociación de Antropología del Estado Español |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
An analysis of ethnosexual/migration policies in poscolonial contexts: Bolivian in Argentina, Brazilian in Portugal and Colombian in Spain.
IMISCOE¿s annual conference ¿Migration and Time: Temporalities of Mobility, Governance, and
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Oslo (Noruega) |
8º Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR. Creando legados
Authors | Andrea Souto García |
Place | Salamanca (España) |
Un análisis de la política sexorracial/migratoria en el espacio poscolonial: bolivianas en Argentina, colombianas en España y brasileiras en Portugal
XIV Congreso de la Federación Española de Sociología.
Authors | Andrea Souto, María Eugenia Ambort |
Place | Murcia (España) |
Migrant cultures of resistance: Colombian women in Spain, Brazilian women in Portugal
18th IMISCOE Annual Conference. Crossing borders, connecting cultures
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Luxemburgo (Luxemburgo) |
Illegality as a resistance strategy against the neoliberalization of life
The Migration Conference 2021
Authors | Andrea Souto García |
Place | Londres (Reino Unido) |
Identidades migrantes interserccionales en el contexto poscolonial.
III Congreso Internacional Identidades, Inclusión y Desigualdad (CIIID 3)
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Mujeres brasileiras en Portugal, mujeres colombianas en España: sujetos de deseo/objetos de violencia masculina. La geopolítica al interior de las relaciones mixtas heterosexuales
6º Congreso Internacional de Sociología AIBR
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Mujeres brasileiras en Portugal, mujeres colombianas en España: sujetos de deseo/objetos de violencia masculina. La geopolítica al interior de las relaciones mixtas heterosexuales
7º Congreso Internacional de Antropología AIBR
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Vila Real (Portugal) |
Un análisis interseccional ubicado en la (pos)colonialidad: Colombianas en España y brasileiras en Portugal.
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Organization | Instituto Nacional de Migración de la República Dominicana |
Place | Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) |
An analysis of the effects of sexual/migration policies in poscolonial contexts
European Sociological Association Summer School.
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
En busca de un marco teórico empíricamente fundado para el análisis comparado de la colonialidad en las trayectorias migratorias de mujeres del Sur¿.
Cátedra Jorge A. Bustamante de Migraciones Internacionales
Authors | Andrea Souto García, María Eugenia Ambort |
Place | Tijuana (México) |
Copying with colonial `ways of seeing¿: gendered, racialized and sexualized constructs in the lives of Latin American migrant women in Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom
The Migration Conference 2020
Authors | Andrea Souto, Rosa Màs-Giralt |
Place | Tetovo (Macedonia) |
Colombian women in Spain, Brazilian women in Portugal. Migration as the embodied resistance against neoliberalization of life
16th EASA Biennial Conference New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe
Authors | Andrea Souto, María Eugenia Ambort, Nazaret Abalde Bastero, Eleder Piñeiro Aguiar |
Place | lLisboa (Portugal) |
Sambar to resist! Brazilian women identity politics in Leeds: struggling for recognition and against cultural appropriation
14th international SIEF Congress. Track Changes: Reflecting on a Transforming World
Authors | Andrea Souto García, Carlos Diz |
Organization | SIEF. Société Internationale d¿Ethnologie et de Folklore |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Brasileiras en Portugal y colombianas en España. La colonialidad al interior de la experiencia migratoria de las trabajadoras del Sur global en el Norte
Congreso VI Asociación Argentina de Estudios del Trabajo (ASET)
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Buenos Aires (Argentina) |
Colonialidad y trayectorias migratorias de mujeres latinoamericanas en Argentina, España y Portugal. Un ejercicio comparativo¿
XIII Congreso Español de Sociología, Federación Española de Sociología.
Authors | Andrea Souto, María Eugenia Ambort |
Place | Valencia (España) |
Colombianas en España y brasileiras en Portugal: identidades inter- seccionadas. Los vestigios coloniales al interior de las relaciones en- tre las mujeres migrantas y locales
XIII Congreso Español de Sociología, Federación Española de Sociología.
Authors | Andrea Souto García |
Place | Valencia (España) |
Colombianas na Espanha, brasileiras em Portugal: a interseccionalidade do gênero, a raça e a classe nas migrações entre a Península Ibérica e Latinoamerica
Seminario INCASI Escola das Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (EACH). Universidade de São Paulo.
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | São Paulo (Brasil) |
Colombianas en España, brasileiras en Portugal: la colonialidad como frontera
Seminario del Centro de Investigación de Estudios en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Córdoba (Argentina) |
Combianas y Brasileiras en la Península Ibérica: el peso de la colonialidad y la resistencia de las mujeres¿
XIX International Sociological Association Congress (ISA)
Authors | Andrea Souto García |
Organization | international sociological association |
Place | Toronto (Canadá) |
XIX International Sociological Association Congress (ISA)
Authors | Andrea Souto García, Carlos Diz |
Organization | international sociological association |
Place | Toronto (Canadá) |
Crossed mobilities within a context of crisis: an approach to the study of geographical and social mobility from a gender, transnational and intergenerational perspective
15th Congreso IMISCOE
Authors | Laura Oso, Laura Suarez Grimalt, Paula Alonso, Andrea Souto |
Organization | Universidad Pompeu Fabra |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Sex, race and the coloniality of power¿* in the North-West of Spain. The everyday struggles of Brazilian and Colombian migrant women at the crossroads of citizenship, gender, race and class¿
Leeds Research Migration Network Seminars
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Leeds (Reino Unido) |
Sex, race and the practice of power among (and against) Colombian and Brazilian women in the North-West of Spain: Talking about power racist relationship between white and colombian/brazilian women. Some examples
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Place | Leeds (Reino Unido) |
Sex, race and the practice of power¿ in the Iberian Peninsula: the weight of colonial identity in everyday life of Brazilian and Colombian migrant women.
15th Congreso IMISCOE
Authors | Andrea Souto |
Organization | Universidad Pompeu Fabra |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Diálogos cruzados. Aquí e alén. As presencias e as ausencias nas migracións e a cooperación con Cabo Verde-Senegal
Curso de verán. A igualdade de xénero na axenda para o desenvolvemento.
Authors | Andrea Souto García |
Organization | Facultad de Sociología |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Academic or management positions held by teacher.