ATEMPO - Asistencia Transfronteriza de EMergencias en el marco del POCTEP 2021-2027
Funding entity | Union Europea |
Main researches | Francisco Javier González Varela, Manuel F. González Penedo |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/09/2023 to 31/12/2025 |
Department | Computer Science and Information Technologies |
Knowledgment area | Computer Languages and Systems |
Research | Research group Laboratorio de Bases de Datos |
Research lines | Líneas de producto software, sistemas de información geográfica. |
Contacto | UDC directory |
Orcid id0000-0002-2555-6342 ResearcherIDF-6757-2016 Scopus57021823200 |
This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Databases | Compulsory | 0 | 30 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Computer Science | Compulsory | 0 | 7.5 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems | Compulsory | 0 | 28 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering | Compulsory | 0 | 20 |
Information Systems Architecture | Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Master's Dissertation | Compulsory | 0 | 5 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Business Process Management
Degree in Computer Engineering
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Degree in Artificial Intelligence
Compulsory | 0 | 30 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Technology
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 6 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Information Systems Architecture
Degree in Computer Engineering
Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Big Data
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Business Process Management
Degree in Computer Engineering
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Computer Science for Business
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Technical Architecture and Degree in Business Studies
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Business Studies
Compulsory | 0 | 28 |
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 35 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Information Systems and Technologies
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
Compulsory | 0 | 11 |
Information Systems Architecture
Degree in Computer Engineering
Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 20 |
New Technologies for the Storage, Management and Treatment of Information
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Programming, Analysis and Query Languages for Information Management
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Website Design and Management
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 18.66 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Technology
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Information and Communication Technologies
Degree in English Studies: Language and Literature
Degree in Galician and Portuguese Studies: Language and Literature
Degree in Spanish Studies: Language and Literature
Programa de simultaneidad del Grado en Español: Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios y el Grado en Gallego y Portugués: Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios
Programa de simultaneidade do Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios e o Grao en Español: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Programa de simultaneidade do Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios e o Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Core | 0 | 35 |
Information Systems Architecture
Degree in Computer Engineering
Optional | 0 | 31.5 |
Information Systems for Document Management
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Core | 0 | 15 |
Programming, Analysis and Query Languages for Information Management
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Website Design and Management
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Optional | 0 | 21 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 60 |
Design of Online Information Resources
Degree in Information and Library Science
Optional | 0 | 11 |
Digital Representation and Recovery of Information I
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Compulsory | 0 | 15 |
Document Databases
Degree in Information and Library Science
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Information Systems
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
Final Year Dissertation. Mention in Software Engineering
Degree in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
Information and Communication Technologies
Degree in English Studies: Language and Literature
Degree in Galician and Portuguese Studies: Language and Literature
Degree in Spanish Studies: Language and Literature
Programa de simultaneidad del Grado en Español: Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios y el Grado en Gallego y Portugués: Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios
Programa de simultaneidade do Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios e o Grao en Español: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Programa de simultaneidade do Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios e o Grao en Galego e Portugués: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Core | 0 | 35 |
Information Systems and Technologies
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
Information Systems Architecture
Degree in Computer Engineering
Optional | 0 | 33 |
Information Systems for Document Management
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Core | 0 | 10 |
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Computer Engineering
Compulsory | 0 | 5 |
Workshop on Informational and Digital Skills: Management, Publication and Promotion of Digital Content
Degree on Digital Management of Information and Documents
Compulsory | 0 | 15 |
Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.
Quarter | Day | Site |
1st quarter |
13:00 a 14:00 |
Área Científica, D3.04. Concertar cita por email previamente: |
2nd quarter |
13:00 a 14:00 |
Área Científica, D3.04. Concertar cita por email previamente: |
2nd chance |
13:00 a 14:00 |
Área Científica, D3.04. Concertar cita por email previamente: |
Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.
Approaching Software Product Line development from an Application Lifecycle Management perspective |
Integration of Git repositories into corporate project management platform |
Music collection management web tool with support for integration with external services |
Application for champion recommendation in League of Legends |
Development of a web application for a car crane company |
Development of a web application for managing events in groups of friends |
Development of a web application for the management and handling of geographic layers |
Framework for the registration, visualization and analysis of personal routes |
Tool for the management and coordination of volunteering |
Tool to automatically extract and import data from OpenStreetMap into relational databases |
Tool to automatically test web services for querying geographic information (WFS) |
Tool to support the management and completion of final degree projects |
Web application for booking management and the organization of events in a sports town |
Web application for the management of planned menus for home delivery |
Web application oriented to the promotion of geolocated events |
Web tool for managing deployments of RFID solutions |
Web tool for managing room rentals for students |
Sustainable Food Delivery Platform |
Tool to support the management and completion of final degree projects |
Virtual classroom web application with videoconference and interactive activities |
Web application to compute multimodal routes through GTFS specifications |
A tool for the semi-automatic generation of software for Digital Libraries |
Cartographic viewer for massive visualization of trajectories |
Flexible platform for selling tickets to high-demand events |
Information system to manage flight routes and flight diary |
Mapp, GIS web application for the cartographic representation of 17th century notices and news |
Native application generation in the domain of Mobile Workforce Management |
Tools for geospatial analysis of the Tierra 3 web viewer |
Web Viewer for decision support in case of a forest fire |
Design and development of a logistics management software for SMEs |
Design and development of a management tool for collaborative trips |
Trainings, activities and horse care management for each of the horses on a specific stable Web Application |
Web application for project management in an architecture and construction company |
Select merit type and year to query research merits.
ATEMPO - Asistencia Transfronteriza de EMergencias en el marco del POCTEP 2021-2027
Funding entity | Union Europea |
Main researches | Francisco Javier González Varela, Manuel F. González Penedo |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/09/2023 to 31/12/2025 |
GRESINT: Una transformación digital inteligente en el proceso de recogida y clasificación de residuos
Funding entity | Programa Interreg VA España-Portugal (POCTEP) |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Type | Proyecto Internacional |
Dates | From 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2026 |
Modelado, Descubrimento, Exploración e Análise da Data Lakes Medioambientais (UDC)
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces (IP1)/ Susana Ladra González (IP2) |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2026 |
Contrato para desenvolvemento do proxecto INTELIDATA
Funding entity | Asociación INSERTA Innovación |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces / Susana Ladra González |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 18/09/2023 to 31/12/2024 |
Contrato de colaboración para o desenvolvemento do proxecto de investigación: "KENTYOU ¿ AI4CITIES PHASE 2"
Funding entity | Kentyou |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces / Alejandro Cortiñas Álvarez |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/02/2022 to 31/03/2022 |
Contrato de colaboración para o desenvolvemento do proxecto de investigación: "Dixitalización nas interaccións da industria de corte láser"
Funding entity | Industrias Abalde SL |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 02/03/2022 to 30/10/2022 |
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa (IP1) / Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Luaces (IP2) |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/12/2022 to 30/11/2024 |
Funding entity | Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2021 to 20/11/2024 |
Explotación enriquecida de trayectorias con estructuras de datos compactas y GIS
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
Main researches | NIeves Rodríguez Brisaboa/ José Paramá Gabia |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2024 |
Digitalización interculturas "LEMSI". F21/04
Funding entity | Instituto Interculturas Promoción Educativa S.L. |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/02/2021 to 31/01/2023 |
Digitalización interculturas "LEMSI". F21/06
Funding entity | Instituto Interculturas Promoción Educativa S.L. |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/02/2021 to 31/01/2023 |
Friendly barrierLess AdapTable City: Proof of Concept (FLATCity-POC)
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
Main researches | Miguel Rodriguez Luaces / Susana Ladra González |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2023 |
Asesoría Dixitalización, Parametrización, Desenvolvemento e Implatación plataforma e-commerce
Funding entity | Madeiras BESTEIRO SL |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces / Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 19/04/2021 to 19/10/2021 |
Contrato desenvolvemento proxecto "Recoñecemento automatizado de obxectos para mapeo de infraestruturas en ambentes rurais e urbanos"
Funding entity | Ingeniería INSITU SL |
Main researches | Miguel Rodriguez Luaces / Fernando Silva Coira |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/12/2021 to 30/11/2022 |
Actividades de Asesoramento e Asistencia Técnica
Funding entity | Investimentos do Coto SL |
Main researches | Tirso Varela Rodeiro |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 15/12/2021 to 31/01/2023 |
Actividades de Asesoramento e Asistencia Técnica
Funding entity | Aivadabir SLU |
Main researches | Alejandro Cortiñas Alvarez / Guillermo de Bernardo Roca |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 15/12/2021 to 31/01/2023 |
BIZDEVOPS-Global: Un Framework Tecnológico y Metodológico Sostenible para el Desarrollo de Software alineado con el Negocio en DevOps Global
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades |
Main researches | Óscar Pedreira Fernández / Antonio Fariña Martínez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/01/2019 to 30/06/2022 |
Contrato de colaboración para o desenvolvemento do proxecto de investigación "GEMA: Xestión da mobilidade" entre a FCITICG
Funding entity | Axencia Galega de Innovación |
Main researches | Nieves Rodriguez Brisaboa |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/04/2019 to 28/02/2022 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "Plataforma e-commerce interactiva para venta en prazas de abastos" entre a FCITICG e KIBUS
Funding entity | Kibus Distribución Alimenticia S.L. |
Main researches | Nieves Rodriguez Brisaboa, Ana Cerdeira Pena, Guillermo de Bernardo Roca |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 15/05/2018 to 31/12/2020 |
Contrato para desenvolvemento proxecto "PESIP - Planificación estratéxica de Sistemas de Información e Dixitalización de procesos produtivos"
Funding entity | Maderas Besteiro S.L. |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 15/11/2018 to 15/10/2019 |
Axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas-GRC (ED431C 2017/58 )
Funding entity | Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2020 |
Contrato de colaboración para o desenvolvemento do Plan de Innovación de Enxenio 2017-2018-"Enxenio 15" (F17/09)
Funding entity | ENXENIO, S.L. |
Main researches | Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 15/11/2017 to 30/11/2018 |
Funding entity | Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa; José Ramón Paramá Gabia |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 30/12/2016 to 29/06/2021 |
Bioinformatics and Information Retrieval Data Structures Analysis and Design (BIRDS)
Funding entity | Union Europea |
Main researches | Susana Ladra González |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2019 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "GIRO: Xeración, Xestión e Integración de Rutas en OLAP" (15/24 BFC)
Funding entity | Biogas Fuel Cell, S.A. |
Main researches | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 26/06/2015 to 31/12/2017 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "GIRO: Xeración, Xestión e Integración de Rutas en OLAP" (15/25 Gesuga)
Main researches | José Ramón Paramá Gabía |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 26/06/2015 to 31/12/2017 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "GIRO: Xeración, Xestión e Integración de Rutas en OLAP" 15/26 Grupo ON
Funding entity | Grupo ON Seguridad S.L. |
Main researches | Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 26/06/2015 to 31/12/2017 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "GIRO: Xeración, Xestión e Integración de Rutas en OLAP" (15/27 A0 Mayores)
Funding entity | A0 Mayores Servicios Sociales S.L. |
Main researches | Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 26/06/2015 to 31/12/2017 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "GIRO: Xeración, Xestión e Integración de Rutas en OLAP" (15/28 Mugatra/Cualtis)
Funding entity | Mugatra Sociedad de Prevención S.L.U. |
Main researches | José Ramón Paramá Gabía |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 26/06/2015 to 31/12/2017 |
Contrato de colaboración desenvolvemento proxecto "GIRO: Xeración, Xestión e Integración de Rutas en OLAP" (15/29 Taprega)
Funding entity | Taprega Prevención de Riesgos S.L. |
Main researches | Ana Belén Cerdeira Pena |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 26/06/2015 to 31/12/2017 |
Contrato entre Indra Software Labs e CITIC no marco do proxecto CIEN 2014, "LPS-BIGGER": Liña de produtos software para BIG data a partir de aplicacións innovadoras en entornos reais"
Funding entity | INDRA SOFTWARE LABS S.L.U. |
Main researches | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/09/2014 to 31/12/2017 |
Component for the visualization of a spatio-temporal data warehouse in a Geographic Information System
Authors | Lamas Sardiña, V., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Journal | Kalpa Publications in Computing Vol. 14 (pages 139 to 141) |
DOI | |
Product configuration of a software product line using a Domain Specific Language
Authors | David de Castro, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Journal | Kalpa Publications in Computing Vol. 14 (pages 50 to 52) |
DOI | |
Reducing complexity and cost of Digital Libraries development through Software Product Line Engineering
Authors | Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Journal | Kalpa Publications in Computing Vol. 14 (pages 133 to 135) |
DOI | |
Combining multiple granularity variability in a software product line approach for web engineering
Authors | Horcas, J.M., Alejandro Cortiñas, Fuentes, L., Miguel R. Luaces |
DOI | |
A scoping review on the use, processing and fusion of geographic data in virtual assistants
Authors | Carlos Granell, Paola G. Pesántez-Cabrera, Luis M. Vilches-Blázquez, Rosario Achig, Miguel R. Luaces, Alejandro Cortiñas, Carolina Chayle, Villie Morocho |
Journal | Transactions in GIS Vol. 25 Num. 4 (pages 1784 to 1808) |
Multilevel modeling of geographic information systems based on international standards
Authors | Alvarado, S.H., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Journal | Software and Systems Modeling |
Development of Digital Libraries with Software Product Line Engineering
Authors | Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Journal | Journal of Web Engineering Vol. 20 Num. 7 |
Developing web-based geographic information systems with a DSL: proposal and case study
Authors | Alvarado, S.H., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, M. de Los Angeles Saavedra Places |
Journal | Journal of Web Engineering |
An architecture for software engineering gamification
Authors | Óscar Pedreira Fernández, García, F., Mario Piattini, Alejandro Cortiñas, Ana Belén Cerdeira Pena |
Journal | Tsinghua Science and Technology Vol. 25 Num. 6 (pages 776 to 797) |
Fundamentos de SIG: Tecnologías básicas
Authors | Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Guillermo De Bernardo Roca, Alejandro Cortiñas |
Publishing | Reprografía Noroeste S.L., Coruña, A (España) |
ISBN | 978-84-16294-37-4 |
Generación automática de aplicaciones para la visualización y promoción del Patrimonio Cultural
Authors | Angeles Saavedra Places. Alejandro Cortiñas. Miguel Rodríguez Luaces. Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Book |
Las humanidades digitales como expresión y estudio del patrimonio digital Publishing: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. ISBN: 978-84-9044-444-3 |
Pages | From 77 to 89 |
Adapting the Database to Feature Changes in Software Product Lines
27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2023)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, M. de Los Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
Place | Tokyo (Japón) |
DOI | |
GIS-Publisher: From a Geographic Data Set to a Deployed Product with One Command
27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2023)
Authors | David de Castro, Alejandro Cortiñas, Lamas Sardiña, V., Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Organization | National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
Place | Tokyo (Japón) |
DOI | |
How to Retire and Replace a Software Product Line
27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2023)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Jacob Krüger, Lamas Sardiña, V., Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Organization | National Institute of Informatics, Japan |
Place | Tokyo (Japón) |
DOI | |
A methodology to Retire a Software Product Line
XXVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2023)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Jacob Krüger, Lamas Sardiña, V., Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Place | Ciudad Real (España) |
Arquitectura para la Gestión del Ciclo de Vida de Líneas de Producto Software
XXVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2023)
Authors | David de Castro, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, M. de Los Angeles Saavedra Places |
Place | Ciudad Real (España) |
Efficient Multiscale Representations for Geographical Objects
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2022)
Authors | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa, Alejandro Cortiñas, Gutiérrez Asorey, Pablo, Miguel R. Luaces, Tirso V. Rodeiro |
Organization | University of Konstanz |
Place | Konstanz (Alemania) |
DOI | |
Configuración de productos de una línea de producto software utilizando un lenguaje específico del dominio
XXVI Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2022)
Authors | David de Castro, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Oscar Pedreira Fernandez |
Organization | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
DSL para la migración de bases de datos legacy en el marco de una LPS
XXVI Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2022)
Authors | Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Oscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Componente para la visualización de un data warehouse espacio-temporal en un Sistema de Información Geográfica
XXVI Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2022)
Authors | Lamas Sardiña, V., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Oscar Pedreira Fernandez |
Organization | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Simplificando la importación de datos de OpenStreetMap a bases de datos relacionales mediante un lenguaje específico de dominio
XXVI Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2022)
Authors | Gayoso S., D., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Oscar Pedreira Fernández |
Organization | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Multilevel Modeling of Geographic Information Systems Based on International Standards
XXVI Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2022)
Authors | Alvarado, S.H., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Oscar Pedreira Fernandez, M. de Los Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Improving the Customization of Software Product Lines through the Definition of Local Features
26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2022)
Authors | David de Castro, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | Graz University of Technology |
Place | Graz (Austria) |
DOI | |
spl-js-engine: a JavaScript tool to implement Software Product Lines
26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2022)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Oscar Pedreira Fernández |
Organization | Graz University of Technology |
Place | Graz (Austria) |
DOI | |
Utilización de estructuras compactas para la generalización cartográfica de información geográfica vectorial
XXV Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2021)
Authors | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa, Alejandro Cortiñas, Gutiérrez Asorey, Pablo, Miguel R. Luaces, Tirso V. Rodeiro |
Organization | Universidad de Málaga (UMA) |
Place | Málaga (España) |
Re-ingeniería y Modernización de la Biblioteca Virtual Galega
XXV Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2021)
Authors | Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | Universidad de Málaga (UMA) |
Place | Málaga (España) |
A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries
16th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Authors | Delfina Ramos-Vidal, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | INSTICC |
Place | ONLINE (Hungría) |
Applying Multilevel Modeling to the Development of Geographic Information Systems
22nd ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS 2019)
Authors | Alvarado, S.H., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | Technical University of Munich and Fortiss |
Place | Munich (Alemania) |
A Domain Specific Language for Web-based GIS
15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019)
Authors | Alvarado, S.H., Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Place | Viena (Austria) |
DOI | |
Incorporación de Tecnologías de Desarrollo Dirigido por Modelos en una PYME
XXIV Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2019)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Javier Vilares |
Organization | Universidad de Extremadura (UNEX) |
Place | Cáceres (España) |
Aplicación de Tecnología de Líneas de Producto Software a Sistemas de Gestión del Trabajo en Movilidad
XXIV Jornadas de Ingeniería Del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2019)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Angeles Saavedra Places, Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa |
Organization | Universidad de Extremadura (UNEX) |
Place | Cáceres (España) |
Generación automática de aplicaciones para la visualización y promoción del Patrimonio Cultural
IV Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas: Humanidades Digitales y Patrimonio Cultural
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel R. Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Place | Toledo (España) |
Generation of Web-Based GIS Applications Through the Reuse of Software Artefacts
16th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2018)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, M. de Los Angeles Saavedra Places |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
DOI | |
Integrating the Common Variability Language with Multilanguage Annotations for Web Engineering
22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2018)
Authors | Horcas, J.M., Alejandro Cortiñas, Fuentes, L., Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Organization | Chalmers University of Technology |
Place | Gothenburg (Suecia) |
A Case Study on Visualizing Large Spatial Datasets in a Web-Based Map Viewer
18th International Conference On Web Engineering (ICWE 2018)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Tirso V. Rodeiro |
Organization | Universidad de Extremadura (UNEX) |
Place | Cáceres (España) |
Storing and Clustering Large Spatial Datasets Using Big Data Technologies
16th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2018)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Tirso V. Rodeiro |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Experiencias y resultados para facilitar la compatibilización de un máster interuniversitario con un trabajo a tiempo completo
XXIV Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI 2018)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Higinio González Jorge, Susana Ladra, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Organization | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Web-based Geographic Information Systems SPLE: Domain Analysis and Experience Report
21st International Systems & Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2017)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places, Perez, J. |
Organization | Universidad de Sevilla (US) |
Place | Sevilla (España) |
Creating web-based GIS applications using automatic code generation techniques
15th Int. Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information System (W2GIS 2017)
Authors | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Place | Shanghai (China) |
Scaffolding and in-browser generation of web-based GIS applications in a SPL tool
21st International Systems & Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2017)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández, Angeles Saavedra Places |
Organization | Universidad de Sevilla (US) |
Place | Sevilla (España) |
Enabling Agile Web Development Through In-Browser Code Generation and Evaluation
7th International Conference Model and Data Engineering (MEDI 2017)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Carlo Bernaschina, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Piero Fraternali |
Organization | Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Improving GISBuilder with Runtime Product Preview
17th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2017)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Carlo Bernaschina, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Piero Fraternali |
Place | Roma (Italia) |
Generación, almacenamiento y consulta de datos espaciales masivos
XXII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2017)
Authors | Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces |
Organization | Universidad de La Laguna |
Place | San Cristóbal de La Laguna (España) |
GISBuilder: A framework for the semi-automatic generation of web-based geographic information systems
20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016)
Authors | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Organization | Chinese Society of Information Management |
Place | Chiayi (China) |
Intelligent virtual assistant for gamified environments
20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2016)
Authors | Silva Coira, F., Alejandro Cortiñas, Oscar Pedreira Fernández |
Organization | Chinese Society of Information Management |
Place | Chiayi (China) |
Aplicando scaffolding en el desarrollo de Líneas de Producto Software
XXI Jornadas de Ingenieria del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2016)
Authors | Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces, Óscar Pedreira Fernández |
Organization | Universidad de Salamanca |
Place | Salamanca (España) |
Academic or management positions held by teacher.