PhD María Elvira Lezcano González  

Profesora axudante doutora (AXU-DR)

Department Humanities
Knowledgment area History of Art
Research  Research group Grupo Interdisciplinar de Patrimonio Cultural y Geológico
Research lines Patrimonio Cultural, Interpretación del Patrimonio, Turismo
Teaching merits evaluation 4 five years period(s)
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0002-1937-7604 Scopus57240494000


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
0 66
Final Year Dissertation
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 37.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Art and Fashion History 0 63
Cultural Heritage 15 81
Final Year Dissertation 0 38
Final Year Dissertation 0 26
Galicia as Tourist Destination 6 24
Heritage Interpretation 0 42
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Art and Fashion History
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Cultural Heritage
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
Social and Legal Sciences
0 84
Cultural Heritage and Museology
MA in Advanced Studies in Museums, Archives and Libraries
0 42
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
0 23.5
Final Year Dissertation
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 16
Heritage Interpretation
Degree in Tourism
0 42
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Planning and management of destinations and tourist products
0 5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Art and Fashion History
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Cultural Heritage
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
Social and Legal Sciences
24 108
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
0 48
Galicia as Tourist Destination
Degree in Tourism
0 10
Heritage Interpretation
Degree in Tourism
0 42
Work Placement
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
0 24
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Art and Fashion History
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Cultural Heritage
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
Social and Legal Sciences
24 108
Final Year Dissertation
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
0 57
Galicia as Tourist Destination
Degree in Tourism
0 42
Heritage Interpretation
Degree in Tourism
0 42
Introduction to Tourism
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
Social and Legal Sciences
24 24
Work Placement
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
0 36
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Art and Fashion History
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Cultural Heritage
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
24 108
Galicia as Tourist Destination
Degree in Tourism
0 42
Heritage Interpretation
Degree in Tourism
0 42
Introduction to Tourism
Concurrent Programme of Studies for Degree in Tourism and Degree in Business Science
Degree in Tourism
24 24

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Analysis of visits to the MEGA Museum (Mundo Estrella Galicia) from the perspective of heritage interpretation
Explore UDC: discover the Heritage of the University of A Coruña
Interpretative Plan in the surroundings of Camping Playa Paisaxe II.
Jewelry Industry in Galicia
Lotus, hostworking in Bali
Nature Tourism: A case study of the Milky Sea.
Revaluation of 'Foliadas': Viability in the Tourism Sector
Sustainable tourism in the Rocinha favela - Río de Janeiro
The flax industry in Galicia. Past, present and future
The historic district of Pescadería (A Coruña) through its unnoticed heritage.
The interpretation of heritage as a tool to boost traditional commerce in Santiago de Compostela
The Presence of Art in the Inditex Group Stores
The use of animals in tourism. Case study: A rapa das bestas of Sabucedo
Transforming the concept of gender in the textile industry - Mestura
Wine tourism in the Canary Islands. The case of Tenerife (Icod de los Vinos)
Convergene between fashion and art: Maruja Mallo
Craftsmanship and 'Made in Spain'. Analysis of the mid-range footwear and leather goods sector in Spain
Negative effects of tourism in Santiago de Compostela: Consequences produced by the way of Santiago
Planning an interpretive itinerary: The case of Carballo's unknown heritage
The evolution of the tourist massification of the national Park islas Atlánticas de Galicia; the case of the Cíes Islands.
The intagible heritage archive of Galicia: an oppotunity for the tourism
The tourist value of the Holy Week: León
Wine Tourism in El Bierzo. Evolution and current situation.
Zara’s universe as a method of artistic and cultural transmission
Augmented Reality in Cultural Heritage: The case of Pontedeume (A Coruña)
Clothing museums and exhibitions analysis. Communication and intepretation of textile heritage: The Galician case.
Fabela Tourism
Revaluation and tourist revitalization of archaeological sites through interpretation: the case of Barranc de La Boella (La Canonja)
Tourist revitalization of a village: an Interpretative Plan of Rebordechao
When Fashion meets Art. Study Cases.
Abandoned heritage in As Mariñas Coruñesas
Analysis of the resources associated with the Ferrol Holy Week.
Cemeteries as a tourist resource. Galician case.
Ferrol´s military architecture. Recovery of the Cape Prior coastal batteries and their use as a tourism resource
Interpretive planning of Portas´ village
The creation of a tourist and interpretative product: B U S E T A
Tourism analysis of Wellington, New Zealand
TV series as a basis for the dissemination and tourist use of heritage: the case of Game of Thrones
 Implementation of the part III of The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism : analysis of touristic companies on the island of La Gomera
Analysis of the tourism management of Ibiza's museums
Creation of company and tourism product for San Andrés de Teixido
Literature review on the Galician legends: an approach to the tourism sector
Musical Events and Tourism: The Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel
Musis Festivals as a Tourism Resource in Galicia
Painting as a tourism resource: the case of the Impressionist Route of As Mariñas
Pórtico de la Gloria: analysis of its evolution and tourist use
Study of "Bosque Encantado-Finca O Frendoal" in Aldán (Cangas) as a tourist resource.
Sustainable Tourism. Fact or fiction? Case study of Mariñas Coruñesas and Terras do Mandeo Biosphere Reserve
The musical events as a new way of tourism: Resurrection Fest example
Grief Tourism. Shipwrecks in Galicia
The Pondal Route: opportunities and proposals for its revitalisation from A Coruña
The Way is not only what you hear about
Analysis and tourist revitalisation proposals of Méndez Núñez Gardens
Classification of the tangible element of tuourism in Galicia: The Souvenir
Life in Palace, analysing Patrimonio Nacional
Magic torusm in a magical place: the case of Galicia
Mout San Pedro: Development and tourism potential
Olive Oil Tourism: Analysis and proposal for actions to create an olive oil trail through areas producing top quality Spanish virgin olive oil.
Patrimonial value and its tourist use: Barcino and Lucus
Religious tourism in Galicia: case studies outside the scope of the "Camino de Santiago"
Tourism development master plan for the Costa Dexo Natural Monument and Marítime Centre

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Axuda para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas. GPC 2024

Funding entity Consellería de Educación, Ciencia, Universidades e Formación Profesional
Main researches Aurora Grandal Danglade
Type Proyecto Programas Autonomicos
Dates From 01/01/2024 to 20/11/2026


Main researches Iria Caamaño Franco, Mª Elvira Lezcano González
Type Contrato
Dates From 15/06/2022 to 30/07/2022

Realización dun plan dirixido a axentes turísticos para a mellora da calidade e posta en marcha da plataforma interna de comunicación entre axentes turísticos do territorio

Funding entity Asociación de Desenvolvemento Rural Mariñas - Betanzos
Main researches María Elvira Lezcano González / Antonia Pérez García
Type Contrato
Dates From 22/07/2022 to 01/10/2022

Heritage Efficient management through Relevant IT use (HERIT)

Funding entity Agence francophone pour l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (AEF-Europe)
Type Proyecto UE
Dates From 01/06/2021 to 31/05/2023


Main researches Iria Caamaño Franco
Type Contrato
Dates From 24/05/2021 to 23/06/2021


Main researches Iria Caamaño Franco, Mª Elvira Lezcano González
Type Contrato
Dates From 15/07/2021 to 01/10/2021

Intervenciones perniciosas contra el patrimonio cultural y su repercusión en el turismo

Authors Antonia Pérez-García, Iria Caamaño Franco, Mª Elvira Lezcano González
Journal PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural Vol. 21 Num. 2 (pages 271 to 288)

Residents' Perceptions Regarding the Implementation of a Tourist Tax at a UNESCO World Heritage Site: A Cluster Analysis of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Authors Jakson Renner Rodrigues Soares, Paula Remoaldo, André Riani Costa Perinotto, Larissa Paola Macedo Castro Gabriel, María Elvira Lezcano González, María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández
Journal LAND Vol. 11 Num. 2 (pages 1 to 18)

The Role of the Local Host Community's Involvement in the Development of Tourism: A Case Study of the Residents' Perceptions toward Tourism on the Route of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Authors Jakson Renner Rodrigues Soares, Maria-Francisca Casado-Claro, María Elvira Lezcano González, María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández, Larissa Paola Macedo Castro Gabriel, María Abril Sellarés
Journal Sustainability Vol. 13 Num. 17 (pages 1 to 24)

Paradores y comunicación turística del patrimonio

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Journal Estudios Turísticos Vol. 217-217 (pages 217 to 226)

La interpretación del patrimonio como herramienta en la responsabilidad social

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Journal Estudios Turísticos Vol. 211-212 (pages 99 to 110)

A transmisión do patrimonio arqueolóxico a través da Interpretación. Estudo de caso sobre o Museo Arqueolóxico Aberto de Carnota (A Coruña, Galicia)

Authors Patricia Trasmonte Martínez, Iria Caamaño Franco, María Elvira Lezcano González
Journal AMBIENTALMENTE SUSTENTABLE Vol. 2 Num. 18 (pages 23 to 47)

El Sanatorio Riazor, una auténtica experiencia interpretativa

Authors Mavi Lezcano González
Journal Boletín de Interpretación (pages 13 to 14)

Estudo demoscópico sobre a demanda do Camiño Inglés 2022

Authors Antonia Pérez-García, Iria Caamaño Franco, Mª Elvira Lezcano González, Carlos Jaime Rodríguez Carro
Publishing Universidade da Coruña e Asociación de Concellos do Camiño Inglés, (España)
ISBN 978-84-09-48439-3

Interpretación do Patrimonio Artístico. Guía para profesionais do turismo

Authors Matilde González Martínez, María Elvira Lezcano González, Araceli Serantes Pazos
Editors Matilde González Martínez, María Elvira Lezcano González, Araceli Serantes Pazos
Publishing CEIDA, Coruña, A (España)
ISBN 978-84-697-2013-4

El turismo experiencial como generador de un nuevo modelo de destino sostenible. Estudio del caso "Cabañitas del Bosque"

Authors Antonia Pérez-García. Iria Caamaño Franco. María Elvira Lezcano González
Book Diseñando experiencias sostenibles en turismo
Publishing: Tirant lo Blanch.
ISBN: 978-84-18970-58-0
Pages From 181 to 191

Competencias, conocimientos y creatividad: aprendizaje colaborativo en ¿Historia del arte y de la moda¿

Book International Handbook of Innovation and Assessment of the Quality of Higher Education and Research (1st ed., Vol. 1)
Publishing: Thomson Reuters.
ISBN: 978-84-1390-873-1
Pages From 1 to 5

Dinamización y desarrollo local del territorio: San Andrés de Teixido y su camino de peregrinación (Galicia-España)

Authors Antonia Pérez-García. María Elvira Lezcano González. Sergio Muiño Freire. Carlos Jaime Rodríguez Carro
Book Turismo y Desarrollo:contextos diversos
Publishing: Editorial Aranzadi, S. A..
ISBN: 978-84-1390-052-0
Pages From 131 to 149

El patrimonio marítimo industrial. Pasado, presente y futuro en el ámbito cultural-turístico de Galicia

Authors Iria Caamaño Franco. María Elvira Lezcano González
Book El patrimonio marítimo de los caminos del mar a Santiago
Publishing: Fundación de la Universidad de A Coruña.
ISBN: 978-84-09-31890-2
Pages From 33 to 38

Comunicación emocional del patrimonio

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Book Turisme cultural: anàlisi, diagnòstic i perspectives de futur
Vol. 2 Publishing: Agència d'Estratégia Turística Illes Balears.
ISBN: PM 0013-2020
Pages From 365 to 375

La interpretació del patrimoni i el turisme, i la creativitat com a eina imprescindible

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Book Interpretació del patrimoni. Com provocar preguntas i significats
Publishing: Rafael Dalmau.
ISBN: 978-84-232-0857-9
Pages From 133 to 150

El souvenir como fuente de información sobre un destino turístico

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González. José Rabuñal Varela
Book Las fuentes de información turística en foco
Publishing: Thompson Reuters-Aranzadi.
ISBN: 978-84-9099-192-3
Pages From 201 to 216

La reinterpretación del patrimonio como cultura y economía: los casos de Galicia e Illes Balears

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González. María Margarita Novo Malvárez
Book Modelos, intercambios y recepción artística (De las rutas marítimas a la navegación en red)
Vol. 2 Publishing: Universitat Illes Balears.
ISBN: 978-84-8384-062-7
Pages From 1227 to 1240

Nuevas Tendencias en Museología: la Interpretación del patrimonio

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Book Desenvolvemento e planificación municipal do turismo
Publishing: Diputación Provincial de A Coruña.
ISBN: 978-84-95335-99-9
Pages From 335 to 342

Turismo experiencial: un modelo que integra diversidad de actividades en crecimiento
XXII CONGRESO AECIT EL NUEVO TURISMO. Innovación, digitalización, sostenibilidad y competitividad

Authors Antonia Pérez-García, Iria Caamaño Franco, Mª Elvira Lezcano González
Organization Facultade de Ciencias Empresariais e Turismo
Place Ourense (España)

Cambios de función en el patrimonio del centro histórico de Palma: la mutación de edificios históricos en hoteles boutique
XVI Coloquio de Geografía Urbana Científica

Authors Margarita Novo Malvárez, María Elvira Lezcano González
Organization Universidad de Málaga (UMA)
Place Málaga (España)

San Andrés de Teixido (Galicia-Spain): a road to travel in life
UGI-IGU 2022

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Organization Comité National Français de Géographie
Place Paris (Francia)

Competencias, conocimientos y creatividad: Aprendizaje Colaborativo en Historia del Arte y de la Moda

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Organization Universidad de Granada
Place Granada (España)

Adelantarse a la situación: el Trabajo de Principio de Grado (TPG)
EDUNOVATIC 2020. 5th Virtual International Conference on Education, Innovation and ICT

Authors María Elvira Lezcano González
Place Madrid (España)

Irresponsabilidad social contra el patrimonio cultural: Actos vandálicos inconscientes o de reivindicación que afectan al turismo. Postura y actuación político-administrativa
III Congreso Iberoamericano de Turismo y Responsabilidad Social (CiTurs 2020)

Authors Pérez-García, Antonia, María Elvira Lezcano González, Iria Caamaño Franco, Carlos Jaime Rodríguez Carro
Organization Mestrado Profissional em Gestão de Negócios Turísticos de la Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brasil en colaboración con la Universidade de A Coruña
Place Ceará (Brasil)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Consello do Departamento Humanidades

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión de Cultura e Extensión Universitaria da Facultade de Filoloxía

Vocal PDI

From 20/05/2021.

Comisión de calidad de la Escuela Universitaria de Turismo

Profesora del Área de Gestión del Territorio
Vocal PDI

From 10/06/2013.

Comision Académica de la Escuela Universitaria de Turismo

Profesor Responsable del Área de Gestión del Territorio y Gestión Turística
Vocal PDI

From 01/10/2009.

Xunta da Facultade de Turismo

Vocal PDI

From 04/11/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Xunta da Facultade de Filoloxía

Vocal PDI

From 10/03/2021 to 03/11/2021.

Consello do Departamento Humanidades

PDI (Membros Natos)