PhD Carlos Isolino De Paz Villasenín  

Profesor asociado tipo 3 (ASOC-3)

Department Pedagogy and Didactics
Knowledgment area Teaching Experimental Science
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0003-0762-1443


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Primary Education
0 12
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 15
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Design. planning and evaluation of didactic offers of Technology in the secondary education
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 28
Didactics of the Technology in the secondary education
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 28
Final Year Dissertation 0 6
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 20.5
Projects of innovation and educational investigation(research) in technology
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 14
Teaching Natural Sciences II 0 47.5
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 6
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Design. planning and evaluation of didactic offers of Technology in the secondary education
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Technology)
0 4
Didactics of the Technology in the secondary education
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Technology)
0 0
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Primary Education
0 17
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 10.5
Teaching Natural Sciences I
Degree in Primary Education
0 72
Teaching Natural Sciences II
Degree in Primary Education
0 32
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 2
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Primary Education
0 12
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 6
Projects of innovation and educational investigation(research) in technology
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Technology)
0 8.5
Teaching Natural Sciences
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 15
Teaching Natural Sciences II
Degree in Primary Education
0 106
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 2
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Primary Education
0 18
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 12
Teaching Natural Sciences II
Degree in Primary Education
0 105
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 6
Work Placement II
Degree in Primary Education
0 5.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Primary Education
0 12
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 6
Teaching Natural Sciences II
Degree in Primary Education
0 125
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mathematics, Technology and Physical Education (Experimental Sciences)
0 2

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Educational Studies

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Thursday
10:30 a 13:30
Despacho P0A11 (previa cita vía Teams)
2nd quarter Thursday
10:30 a 13:30
Despacho P0A11 (previa cita vía Teams)

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Didactic proposal on antibiotics and bacterial resistance for students of the 1st year of the Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory advanced specific vocational training
Ecosystems. A didactic unit for 4º ESO students
Education in healthy habits through citizen science.
Inheritance and the transmission of traits: a didactic proposal for 4th ESO students
Augmented reality in the study of living beings in sixth grade
Didactic programming on ecosystems and ecological factors for 4th of ESO
Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
Teaching Unit on dynamics of Earth's fluid masses for 2nd year of Bachillerato
Virtual reality in Primary Education: a Didactic Proposal
The danger of plastics: a didactic proposal for Primary Education
The great variety of living beings
Design and Planning of a Didactic Unit for Earth and Environmental Sciences: Water Pollution
Didactic unit about living beings model
Water pollution: proposal and design of a didactic unit for Earth and Environmental Sciences
Teaching-learning by inquiry: matter and energy project for 6th year Primary Education.
The day after tomorrow
The media and scientific literacy using the radio as an educational resource for Science teaching.
The use of the digital books in primary education. A case study
Aplications for tablets in Primary Education
Design and development of a didactical unit to enhance scientific competence
Living beings: an instruction manual
Water protection

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Consello do Departamento Pedagoxía e Didáctica

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Pedagoxía e Didáctica

PDI (Membros Natos)