Department | Physiotherapy, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences |
Knowledgment area | Medicine |
Research | Research group Grupo de Investigación en Gerontología y Geriatría |
Research lines | No data available from Curriculum Management System at UDC. (SUXI). |
Contacto | UDC directory |
This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Clinic Gerontology II | Optional | 0 | 6 |
Clinical Models in Advanced Therapies in Medical-Surgical Specialties | Optional | 0 | 2 |
No available EOG works or final master thesis directed by current teacher since 2013 year.
Select merit type and year to query research merits.
Academic or management positions held by teacher.