PhD Patricia Otero Otero  

Profesora axudante doutora (LOSU) (AXU-DR-LOSU)

Department Psychology
Knowledgment area Personality, Psychological Testing and Treatment
Research  Research unit Unidad de Investigación en Psicología de la Salud
Research lines No data available from Curriculum Management System at UDC. (SUXI).
Contacto UDC directory


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 12
Master`s Dissertation
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies on Language, Communication and its Pathologies
0 2
Master's Dissertation
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 8.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation 0 18
Final Year Dissertation 0 64
Health Education: Health Psychology and Basic Care 0 21
Master`s Dissertation 0 34.5
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 8
Master's Dissertation 0 12.5
Master's Dissertation 0 15
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
0 2
Work Placement 0 2
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology I
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology II
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Assessment of Behavioural Disorders
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 60
Childhood and Youth Psychopathology
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 21
Clinical Health Psychology
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 24
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 16
Health Education: Health Psychology and Basic Care
Degree in Occupational Therapy
0 21
Language Psychopathology and Developmental Disorders of Language and Communication
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies on Language, Communication and its Pathologies
0 35
Master's dissertation
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mahtematics, Technology and Physical Education (Physical Education)
0 6
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 6
Master's Dissertation
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 8.5
Psychological Evaluation of Language and Communication Alterations
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies on Language, Communication and its Pathologies
0 42
Work placement
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching
University Master´s Degree in Compulsory Secondary Teachers, Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching. Specialization in Experimental Sciences, Mahtematics, Technology and Physical Education (Physical Education)
0 4
Work Placement
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 2
Work Placement II
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology I
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology II
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Assessment of Behavioural Disorders
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 55
Childhood and Youth Psychopathology
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 21
Clinical Health Psychology
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 12
Foundations of Assessment and Diagnosis
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 13
Health Education: Health Psychology and Basic Care
Degree in Occupational Therapy
0 21
Language Psychopathology and Developmental Disorders of Language and Communication
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies on Language, Communication and its Pathologies
0 35
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 12
Master's Dissertation
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 6
Master's Dissertation
Master´s in advanced studies on language. communication and its disorders
0 8
Psychological Evaluation of Language and Communication Alterations
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies on Language, Communication and its Pathologies
0 42
Work Placement
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 1
Work Placement II
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology I
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology II
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Assessment of Behavioural Disorders
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 44
Childhood and Youth Psychopathology
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 21
Clinical Health Psychology
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 6
Foundations of Assessment and Diagnosis
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 7
Health Education: Health Psychology and Basic Care
Degree in Occupational Therapy
0 21
Master's Dissertation
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 12
Master's Dissertation
Master´s in advanced studies on language. communication and its disorders
0 8
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 6
Psychological Assessment of Language and Communication Disorders
Master´s in advanced studies on language. communication and its disorders
0 42
Psychopathology of Language and Developmental Disorders of Language and Communication
Master´s in advanced studies on language. communication and its disorders
0 35
Work Placement
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 2
Work Placement II
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology I
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Areas of Intervention in Clinical Health Psychology II
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Assessment of Behavioural Disorders
Degree in Speech Therapy
0 14
Childhood and Youth Psychopathology
Masters Degree in Educational Psychology
0 21
Clinical Health Psychology
Master's in Applied Psychology
0 21
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Early Childhood Education
0 6
Health Education: Health Psychology and Basic Care
Degree in Occupational Therapy
0 21
Psychological Assessment of Language and Communication Disorders
Master´s in advanced studies on language. communication and its disorders
0 42
Psychopathology of Language and Developmental Disorders of Language and Communication
Master´s in advanced studies on language. communication and its disorders
0 35

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Educational Studies

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Thursday
10:30 a 13:30
Despacho P1B17 o Teams
2nd quarter Wednesday
10:00 a 13:00
Despacho P1B17 o Teams
2nd quarter Thursday
10:00 a 13:00
Despacho P1B17 o Teams
2nd chance Thursday
09:00 a 12:00
Despacho P1B17 o Teams

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Intervention proposal to address a case of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Interventions of emotional education in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
A proposal for a psychopedagogical intervention that involves the school and the family of Primary School students diagnosed with behaviour disorder
A proposal for a psychopedagogical intervention with primary school children diagnosed with Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Active Ageing: the effect of physycal activity on quality of life in older people
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Theory of Mind: proposal for intervention in a specific case.
Communication disorders in tourette syndrome: a systematic review
Depression and suicidal ideation in university students
Emotional education in Early Childhood Education. An intervention proposal for the 5 year classroom.
Intervention proposal for 4-year-old students with oppositional defiant disorder
Intervention proposal for children with Selective Mutism
Intervention proposal for the stimulation of children’s language with Down's syndrome in Early Chilhood Education.
Intervention proposal of emotional intelligence in early childhood education
Intervention proposal on language and communication for children with ADHD in Early Childhood Education.
Interventions used for the treatment of stuttering in childhood: a systematic review
Introduction to Floorball: An approach to the sports modalities of collaboration-opposition
Language and communication difficulties in schizophrenia
Language characteristics in Williams-Beuren syndrome
Proposal for speech therapy intervention for neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease in initial stages
Proposal for Speech Therapy Intervention for Patients with Smith-Magenis Syndrome in Childhood.
The influence of music on speech fluency disorder
The role of speech therapy in psychogenic voice disorder: a systematic review
Being different means being unique: Psycho-pedagogical intervention proposal oriented to primary school students with social anxiety disorder
Burden and associated factors in non-professional caregivers of hospital hemodialysis chronic kidney disease patients
Depression, anxiety and associated factors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Intervention proposal for Selective Mutism
Psycho-educational intervention proposal to ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Psychoeducational interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
Proposal of educational intervention for children of 4 years with language delay

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Desarrollo y evaluación de una intervención psicológica en videojuego para la promoción del envejecimiento activo

Funding entity Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Main researches Fernando L. Vázquez González
Type Proyecto Programas Nacionales
Dates From 01/06/2020 to 31/05/2023

Realización dun estudo sobre a epidemioloxía do suicidio en Galicia

Main researches Fernando L. Vázquez González
Type Contrato
Dates From 23/01/2020 to 23/06/2020

Gamificación aplicada a la promoción del envejecimiento activo

Funding entity Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI)
Main researches Fernando L. Vázquez González
Type Contrato
Dates From 01/06/2016 to 30/06/2019

Programa antiprocrastinación: Protocolo GRISAMP

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P., López, L.
Application date 21/03/2019

Un ensayo controlado aleatorizado sobre la eficacia de una intervención cognitivo-conductual por App para smartphones para mujeres víctimas de violencia de género con síntomas depresivos

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L.
Application date 31/10/2018

Una perspectiva longitudinal sobre la violencia física, sexual y psicológica contra la mujer gallega

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P., López, L.
Application date 31/10/2018

Protocolo de evaluación de un ensayo controlado aleatorizado para evaluar la eficacia de una intervención cognitivo-conductual aplicada a través de un videojuego para el envejecimiento activo

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., López, L., Blanco, V.
Application date 18/09/2018

Programa de prevención de la depresión para cuidadores a través de APP para smartphones

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., Blanco, V.
Application date 09/07/2018

Guía para cuidadores a través de APP para smarphones

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P.
Application date 09/07/2018

Programa de prevención del estrés: Protocolo GRISAMP

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P.
Application date 13/04/2018

Depresión y meditación mindfulness

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P.
Application date 06/03/2017

Una intervención cognitivo-conductual breve administrada a través de un videojuego

Type Propiedad Intelectual
Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Hermida, E., Torres, A. J., Otero, P., Arrojo, M.
Application date 22/01/2016

Factorial structure and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in non-professional caregivers

Authors Otero, P., Simón, Miguel A., Bueno, A.M., Blanco, Vanessa, Vázquez, F. L.
Journal HEALTHCARE Vol. 11 (pages 1 to 13)

A pilot study for a smartphone app for the prevention of depression in non-professional caregivers

Authors Blanco, V., Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal AGING & MENTAL HEALTH Vol. 27 (pages 166 to 175)

Prevalence and Associated Factors with Poor Sleep Quality in Non-Professional Caregivers

Authors Miguel A. Simón, Ana M. Bueno, Blanco, V., Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE Vol. 11 (pages 719 to 719)

Sexual victimization and mental health in female university students

Authors Blanco, V., López, L., Otero, P., Torres, A. J., Ferraces, M. J., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE Vol. 37 (pages NP14215 to NP14238)

Development of a videogame for the promotion of active aging through depression prevention, healthy lifestyle habits, and cognitive stimulation for middle-to-older aged adults

Authors Otero, P., Cotardo, T., Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal Games for Health Journal Vol. 10 (pages 264 to 274)

Efecto de la intervención de estimulación cognitiva individual de larga duración para personas con trastorno neurocognitivo leve

Authors Justo-Henriques, S., Otero, P., Torres, A. J., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA Vol. 73 (pages 121 to 129)

Symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress and prevalence of major depression and its predictors in female university students

Authors Blanco, V., Salmerón, M., Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 18

Problem-solving intervention to prevent depression in non-professional caregivers: A randomized controlled trial with 8 years of follow-up

Authors López, L., Smit, F., Cuipers, P., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Torres, A. J., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE Vol. 50 (pages 1002 to 1009)

Identification of non-professional caregivers with high resilience using sociodemographic, care, and personal and social development variables

Authors Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L., Guisande, M.A., Sánchez, M. T., Otero, P.
Journal AGING & MENTAL HEALTH Vol. 24 (pages 1088 to 1097)

Long-term effects of a cognitive behavioral conference call intervention on depression in non-professional caregivers

Authors López, L., Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A. J., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Díaz, O., Páramo, M.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 17

Brief psychological intervention through mobile App and conference calls for the prevention of depression in non-professional caregivers: A pilot study

Authors Otero, P., Hita, I., Torres, A. J., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 17

Health-related quality of life among persons with physical disabilities: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Authors Lima-Castro, S., Blanco, V., Otero, P., López, L., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud Vol. 11 (pages 82 to 102)

Analysis of the components of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for the prevention of depression administered via conference call to nonprofessional caregivers: A randomized controlled trial

Authors Vázquez, F. L., López, L., Torres, A. J., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Díaz, O., Páramo, M.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 17

Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Caregiver Burden Inventory

Authors Fernando L. Vázquez, Otero, P., Miguel A. Simón, Ana M. Bueno, Blanco, V.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 16 (pages 1 to 19)

Insomnia in female family caregivers of totally dependent patients with dementia: an exploratory study

Authors Miguel A. Simón, Ana M. Bueno, Otero, P., Blanco, V., Fernando L. Vázquez

The Impact of EMG Biofeedback on Evacuation Difficulty Level and Pain Grade During Defecation in Chronically Constipated Elderly Female Patients Due to Dyssynergic Defecation

Authors Simón, Miguel A., Ana María Bueno Palomino, Otero, P.
Journal Gastrointestinal Disorders Vol. 1 (pages 308 to 313)

Caregiver Burden and Sleep Quality in Dependent People's Family Caregivers

Authors Simón, Miguel A., Ana M. Bueno, Otero, P., Blanco, V., Fernando L. Vázquez
Journal JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE Vol. 8 (pages 1 to 10)

A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Effects of Electromyographic Biofeedback on Quality of Life and Bowel Symptoms in Elderly Women With Dyssynergic Defecation

Authors Simón, Miguel A., Ana M. Bueno, Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 16 (pages 1 to 8)

El impacto del refuerzo ambiental reducido en la predicción de la gravedad de la depresión en cuidadores

Authors Vázquez, F. L., López, L., Blanco, V., Otero, P., Torres, A. J., Ferraces, M. J.
Journal ANALES DE PSICOLOGÍA Vol. 35 (pages 357 to 363)

Psychometric properties of the Castilian Spanish version of the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8)

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A. J., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Attkisson, C. C.
Journal CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY Vol. 38 (pages 829 to 835)

Spanish validation of the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC 10) with non-professional caregivers.

Authors Blanco, V., Guisande, M.A., Sánchez, M. T., Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal AGING & MENTAL HEALTH Vol. 23 (pages 183 to 188)

Programa de estimulación cognitiva individual de larga duración para personas con trastorno neurocognitivo leve: un estudio piloto

Authors Justo-Henriques, S., Marques-Castro, A. E., Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A. J.
Journal REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA Vol. 68 (pages 281 to 289)

Efficacy of video game-based interventions for active aging. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., García-Casal, J. A., Blanco, V., Torres, A. J., Arrojo, M.
Journal PLOS ONE Vol. 13

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Autoeficacia Generalizada en cuidadores no profesionales.

Authors Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L., Guisande, M.A., Sánchez, M. T., Otero, P.
Journal Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación/e Avaliação Psicológica Vol. 52 (pages 115 to 127)

Does the disease of the person receiving care affect emotional state of non-professional caregivers?

Authors Otero, P., Torres, A. J., Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Ferraces, M. J., Díaz, O.
Journal Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 10

Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated for informal caregivers

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., López, L., Blanco, V., Ferraces, M. J., Torres, A. J.
Journal Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud Vol. 10 (pages 90 to 106)

Síndrome de carga del cuidador y factores asociados en cuidadores familiares gallegos

Authors Blanco, V., Guisande, M. A., Sánchez, M.T., Otero, P., López, L., Vázquez, F. L.

Cognitive-behavioral intervention via interactive multimedia online video game for active aging: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A. J., Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L., García-Casal, A., Arrojo, M.
Journal Trials Vol. 20

Prevalence and correlates of burnout in health professionals in Ecuador

Authors Ramírez, M. R., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Ontaneda, M. P., Díaz, O., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY Vol. 82 (pages 73 to 83)

La prevención de la depresión en cuidadores a través de multiconferencia telefónica

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., López, L., Blanco, V., Torres, A., Díaz, O.
Journal CLINICA Y SALUD Vol. 29 (pages 14 to 20)

Cognitive behavioral intervention via a smartphone app for non-professional caregivers with depressive symptoms: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A. J., Díaz, O., Páramo, M., Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L.
Journal Trials Vol. 19

Efficacy of a problem-solving intervention for the indicated prevention of suicidal risk in young Brazilians: Randomized controlled trial

Authors Xavier, A., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Vol. 49 (pages 1746 to 1761)

Terapia psicológica para cuidadores deprimidos a través de multiconferencia

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., López, L., Blanco, V., Torres, A., Díaz, O.
Journal Infocop Vol. 29 (pages 1 to 3)

Predictores del cambio clínicamente significativo en una intervención de prevención de la depresión

Authors Blanco, V., Otero, P., López, L., Torres, A., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud Vol. 8 (pages 9 to 20)

Mental health problems and related factors in Ecuadorian college students

Authors Torres, C., Otero, P., Bustamante, B., Blanco, V., Díaz, O., Vázquez, F. L.
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Vol. 14 (pages 530 to 530)

Analysis of the components of a cognitive-behavioral intervention administered via conference call for preventing depression among non-professional caregivers: A pilot study

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Díaz, O., Estévez, E.
Journal AGING & MENTAL HEALTH Vol. 21 (pages 938 to 946)

Propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Pensamientos Automáticos (ATQ) en la población de cuidadores familiares

Authors Otero, P., Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Torres, A.

Long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial assessing the efficacy of a brief cognitive-behavioral depression prevention intervention for caregivers with elevated depressive symptoms

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A., Blanco, V., Otero, P., Díaz, O., Ferraces, M. J.

Prevalence of major depressive episodes in non-professional caregivers

Authors Torres, A., Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L., Díaz, O., Otero, P., Hermida, E.
Journal PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH Vol. 226 (pages 333 to 339)

Guía de intervención del estrés

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P.
Publishing Editorial Síntesis, S. A., (España)
ISBN 978-84-1357-204-8

Guía de intervención de la depresión

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., Blanco, V.
Publishing Editorial Síntesis, S. A., (España)
ISBN 978-84-9171-384-5

Deja atrás la depresión y alcanza la felicidad

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., Torres, A., Arrojo, M.
Publishing Pirámide, (España)
ISBN 978-84-368-3577-9

Depression and its correlates in non-professional female caregivers caring for dependent persons

Authors Torres, A. J.. Vázquez-Asper, F.. Blanco, V.. Otero, P.. López, L.. Vázquez, F. L.
Book Caregiving. Perpectives, experiences and challenges
Publishing: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
ISBN: 9781536168891
Pages From 23 to 65

Costs derived from the consumption of health resources and loss of productivity in non-professional caregivers

Authors Vázquez, F. L.. López, L.. Blanco, V.. Otero, P.. Torres, A. J.
Book Caregiving. Perpectives, experiences and challenges
Publishing: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
ISBN: 9781536168891
Pages From 67 to 103

Psychopathological symptoms in caregivers of demented and nondemented patients

Authors Vázquez, F. L.. Otero, P.. Blanco, V.. López, L.. Torres, A.
Book Caregiving and Home Care
Publishing: INTECH.
ISBN: 978-953-51-3778-8
Pages From 105 to 124

Conference calling to prevent depression in non-professional caregivers

Authors Vázquez, F. L.. Otero, P.. Blanco, V.. López, L.. Torres, A.
Book Advances in Psychology Research
Publishing: Nova Science Publisher, Inc..
ISBN: 978-1-53612-542-9
Pages From 123 to 150

Pensamientos negativos en los cuidadores no profesionales con síntomas depresivos elevados

Authors Otero, P.. Blanco, V.. López, L.. Torres, A. J.. Vázquez, F. L.
Book Avances en Psicología Clínica
Publishing: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC).
ISBN: 978-84-09-13320-8
Pages From 841 to 850

An overview of problem-solving therapy

Authors Otero, P.. Vázquez, F. L.. Blanco, V.. Torres, A. J.
Book Problem-solving. Strategies, challenges and outcomes
Publishing: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
ISBN: 9781634855136
Pages From 123 to 150

Análisis de la realización de actividades agradables en la prevención de la depresión

Authors Blanco, V.. Vázquez, F. L.. Hermida, E.. Otero, P.. Torres, A.
Book Psicología y Salud II. Salud física y mental
Publishing: GEU editorial.
ISBN: 978-84-15953-46-3
Pages From 153 to 159

Asociación entre las actividades agradables, los pensamientos negativos y los contactos sociales y la sintomatología depresiva tras una intervención de prevención de la depresión

Authors Hermida, E.. Blanco, V.. Vázquez, F. L.. Otero, P.. Torres, A.
Book Psicología y Salud II. Salud física y mental
Publishing: GEU editorial.
ISBN: 978-84-15953-46-3
Pages From 137 to 144

Efecto de una intervención breve de prevención de la depresión en las variables relacionadas con el modelo teórico subyacente

Authors Hermida, E.. Blanco, V.. Torres, A.. Otero, P.. Vázquez, F. L.
Book Psicología y Salud II. Salud física y mental
Publishing: GEU editorial.
ISBN: 978-84-15953-46-3
Pages From 145 to 152

Análisis de las preferencias sobre la atención clínica en potenciales usuarias de servicios de salud mental: un estudio piloto

Authors Hermida, E.. Blanco, V.. Otero, P.. Vázquez, F. L.. Díaz, O.
Book Psicología y Salud II. Salud física y mental
Publishing: GEU editorial.
ISBN: 978-84-15953-46-3
Pages From 65 to 73

Programa de estimulação cognitiva individual de longa duração para pessoas com perturbação neurocognitiva ligeira

Autor Susana Isabel Justo Henriques
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

Programa breve de prevenção indicada do suicídio em adolescentes: um ensaio controlado aleatorizado

Autor Alessandra Silva Xavier
Qualification Sobresaliente Cum Laude

El desafío del envejecimiento de la población

Authors Otero, P.
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Videojuego para el envejecimiento activo del grupo GRISAMP de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Authors Otero, P.
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Los hábitos de vida saludable a partir de los 45 años en Galicia
VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Salud y Envejecimiento y IV Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Salud

Authors Otero, P.
Place Madrid (España)

Salud mental a partir de los 45 años en una muestra de la población gallega
VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Salud y Envejecimiento y IV Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Salud

Authors López, L., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L.
Place Madrid (España)

Preservación de la memoria a partir de los 45 años en una muestra de la población gallega
VI Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Salud y Envejecimiento y IV Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Salud

Authors Otero, P., López, L., Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L.
Place Madrid (España)

Programa de intervención con cuidadores de pacientes con demencia
II International Congress in Geriatric and Mental Health/ II Congresso Internacional de Geriatria e Saúde Mental/ II Congreso Internacional de Geriatría y Salud Mental

Authors Otero, P.
Place Mealhada (Portugal)

El refuerzo ambiental en cuidadores no profesionales
IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología

Authors Hita, I., Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L., Salmerón, M., Vázquez, F. L.
Place Vitoria-Gasteiz (España)

El programa de prevención de la depresión para cuidadores del grupo GRISAMP de la USC: desarrollo inicial y resultados
IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología e International Symposium on Psychological Prevention

Authors Otero, P.
Place Vitoria-Gasteiz (España)

Perfil del cuidador no profesional participante en un programa de prevención de la depresión a través de una App para Smartphones
IV Congreso Nacional de Psicología e International Symposium on Psychological Prevention

Authors Salmerón, M., Blanco, V., Otero, P., López, L., Hita, I., Vázquez, F. L.
Place Vitoria-Gasteiz (España)

Efficacy of video games for cognitive decline prevention: A meta-analysis.
28th Alzheimer Europe Conference

Authors García-Casal, A., Otero, P., Blanco, V., Vázquez, F. L.
Place Barcelona (España)

Pensamientos negativos en los cuidadores no profesionales con síntomas depresivos elevados
X Congreso Internacional - XV Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Authors Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L., Torres, A., Vázquez, F. L.
Organization Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Grupo de Investigación CTS-261 (Universidad de Granada)
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Disponibilidad de Smartphones y disposición para el uso de Apps para la salud mental en la población de cuidadores no profesionales de Galicia (España)
X Congreso Internacional - XV Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Authors Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L., Torres, A., Vázquez, F. L.
Organization Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Grupo de Investigación CTS-261 (Universidad de Granada)
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Análisis de las actividades agradables en la población de cuidadores no profesionales
X Congreso Internacional - XV Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Authors Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L., Torres, A., Vázquez, F. L.
Organization Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Grupo de Investigación CTS-261 (Universidad de Granada)
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Prevalencia de fibromialgia en una muestra de cuidadores informales de personas dependientes en riesgo de depresión
I Jornada de Abordaje Integral de las Enfermedades Reumáticas y Musculoesqueléticas

Authors López, M., Otero, P., Blanco, V., López, L., Vázquez, F. L.
Place Coruña, A (España)

La autoeficacia en los cuidadores no profesionales: personas capaces y eficaces
X Congreso Internacional - XV Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Authors Otero, P.
Organization Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), Grupo de Investigación CTS-261 (Universidad de Granada)
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Estudio piloto de una terapia de activación conductual para la prevención de la depresión a través de multiconferencia telefónica en cuidadores informales
I Congreso Internacional de psicología, Salud y Educación

Authors Blanco, V., Guisande, M.A., Sánchez, M. T., Otero, P., López, L, Vázquez, F. L.
Organization Grupo de Investigación ADIR de la Universidad de Oviedo, y Associtation University os Scientific Formation Psychology and Education Research
Place Oviedo (España)

Factores predictores de la autoeficacia en cuidadores no profesionales de personas en situación de dependencia
I Congreso Internacional de psicología, Salud y Educación

Authors Blanco, V., Guisande, M.A., Sánchez, M. T., Otero, P., López, L., Vázquez, F. L.
Organization Grupo de Investigación ADIR de la Universidad de Oviedo, y Associtation University os Scientific Formation Psychology and Education Research
Place Oviedo (España)

La investigación en psico-oncología en España
III Congreso Ibérico de Psico-oncología

Authors Otero, P.
Place Oporto (Portugal)

La depresión en cuidadoras no profesionales gallegas: un estudio transversal
III Xornada Universitaria Galega en Xénero. Trazos de xénero no século XXI

Authors Vázquez, F. L., Torres, A., Blanco, V., Otero, P., Hermida, E.
Organization Universidade de Vigo
Place Pontevedra (España)

El malestar emocional en los cuidadores no profesionales
VI Congreso Internacional y XI Nacional de Psicología Clínica

Authors Hermida, E., Vázquez, F. L., Blanco, V., Otero, P., Torres, A.
Place Santiago de Compostela (España)

Un programa de prevención para personas mayores
I Congreso Internacional sobre Envellecemento Activo "Preparando o noso futuro"

Authors Hermida, E., Vázquez, F. L., Otero, P., Blanco, V.
Place Coruña, A (España)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.



From 25/09/2024.

Comisión Académica Máster Universitario en Psicología Aplicada

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From 11/07/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

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From 15/03/2023.

Comisión Académica Máster Universitario en Psicopedagogía

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From 21/06/2022.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)