Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC)
Funding entity | European Commission |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto Internacional |
Dates | From 01/05/2022 to 30/04/2029 |
Department | Psychology |
Knowledgment area | Behavioural Neuroscience |
Research | Research group Diagnóstico conductual y molecular aplicado a la salud |
Research lines | Psychophysiological effects of environmental and occupational exposures. Genetic Toxicology. Biomarkers. Aging and frailty |
Teaching merits evaluation | 4 five years period(s) |
Research merits evaluation | 4 six years period(s) |
Contacto | UDC directory |
Orcid id0000-0001-7649-2599 ResearcherIDK-4608-2014 Scopus55951686300 |
Graduated in Pharmacy from the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1996 with Honors in all subjects and Extraordinary Award. She obtained the First National Prize for University Studies from the Ministry of Education and the Xunta de Galicia. She received her PhD in Pharmacy from the same University in 2001, also with an Extraordinary Award. She has been a predoctoral and postdoctoral fellow of various public and private entities and a postdoctoral researcher of the Parga Pondal Program of the Xunta de Galicia. She was Associate Professor at the Universidade da Coruña in 2008-10, Professor in 2010-18 and is currently Full Professor of Psychobiology since October 2018. She has been recognized with 4 six-year research periods by the CNEAI (last year 2020), 4 five-year teching periods (last year 2020), and 3 “Docentia” evaluation periods (all with an Excellent rating). Evaluations of outstanding research career: Manuel Colmeiro (Xunta de Galicia, 2008) and I3 program (Ministry of Education, 2009).
Her current research lines are essentially two. On one hand, the evaluation of the biocompatibility and safety of new nanomaterials present in various commercial products and biomedical applications, focusing especially on the effects on the nervous system. On the other hand, the study of frailty in aging, contributing to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of this gerontological syndrome, as well as to the development of biomarkers that allow its early detection, when it can still be reversed.
Throughout her more than two decades of academic experience, she has participated in about 25 research projects (7 of them as principal researcher: 2 European, 4 national and 1 regional), working in close collaboration with groups from different countries such as Portugal, the United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, France or India. Eight works from her research group have been recognized with awards from different entities. She is the author of about 130 research articles indexed in JCR (h-index=41 WoS), twenty international and national book chapters, 5 books, and has presented about 200 communications at mostly international conferences, several of them as an invited speaker.
She has been part of the Scientific Committee of 15 conferences (10 of them international), and the Organizing Committee of another 5 (3 international, 3 as President). She has carried out a total of 37 months of stays in other Spanish and foreign research centers (Autonomous University of Barcelona, National Health Institute in Portugal, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana in Italy), the most recent a 9-month stay at the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) in 2019-20. Within the framework of her research activity, she has supervised 10 Doctoral Theses, 6 of which obtained an Extraordinary Award, and 4 more are in progress. She serves as a member of the Editorial Board in 4 international journals and has been guest editor of 3 special issues in other journals.
She is a Corresponding Academic of the Galician Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery. She has been Secretary (2009-17) and Director (2017-19) of the Department of Psychology. She participates in knowledge dissemination activities in various non-university institutions.
This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Congenital Disorders | Compulsory | 0 | 84 |
Final Year Dissertation | Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Genetic Toxicology | Optional | 0 | 14 |
Master's Dissertation | Compulsory | 0 | 2 |
Psychopharmacology | Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Congenital Disorders
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 84 |
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 16 |
Genetic Toxicology
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Optional | 0 | 14 |
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Master's in Applied Psychology
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 24 |
Genetic Toxicology
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Optional | 0 | 14 |
Degree in Speech Therapy
Core | 0 | 49 |
Master's in Applied Psychology
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Work Placement II
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Genetic Toxicology
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Optional | 0 | 14 |
Master's in Applied Psychology
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Work Placement II
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Genetic Toxicology
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Optional | 0 | 14 |
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Master's in Applied Psychology
Compulsory | 0 | 21 |
Work Placement II
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 12 |
Subject and involved studies | Type | Distance hours | Total hours |
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Speech Therapy
Compulsory | 0 | 4 |
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Applied Psychology
Compulsory | 0 | 3 |
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Molecular Cellular and Genetic Biology
Compulsory | 0 | 8 |
Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.
Quarter | Day | Site |
1st quarter |
12:00 a 15:00 |
P1B19 |
1st quarter |
12:00 a 15:00 |
P1B19 |
2nd quarter |
09:00 a 15:00 |
P1B19 |
2nd chance |
09:00 a 15:00 |
P1B19 |
Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.
Cytotoxicity study of cerium dioxide nanoparticles in human neuronal and glial cells |
Intervention program in a case of ADHD |
Optimization of challenge-comet assay for DNA repair evaluation in human saliva leucocytes |
Speech therapy intervention project in a patient with intelectual disability |
Genotoxicity study of metal oxide nanoparticles in leukocytes isolated from saliva samples |
Intervention program for a case of psychogenic dysarthria |
Intervention program in a case of autism spectrum disorder |
Intervention program in a Specific Langauge Impairment (SLI) or Develomental Language Disorder (DLD) case |
Development of comet assay in saliva lymphocytes |
Speech therapy intervention in Parkinson’s disease |
Analysis of micronuclei frequency in neuronal cells treated with titanium dioxide nanoparticle |
Biomarkers and cognitive impairment in older adults |
Evaluation and Treatment of Disorders Associated with Parkinson´s Disease |
Genotoxicity related to exposure of hepatic cells to titanium dioxide nanoparticles |
Adaptation period in the stage of Early Childhood Education: analysis of a planning example. |
Analysis of internalization and chromosome alterations in lung cells treated with titanium dioxide nanoparticles |
Proposal for an intervention program in a case of Williams´Syndrome. |
Repair capacity in glial cells exposed to iron oxide nanoparticles |
Speech therapy in a patient with CDG syndrome |
Assessment of iron oxide nanoparticle cytotoxicity on human neuronal cells by flow cytometry. |
Select merit type and year to query research merits.
Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals (PARC)
Funding entity | European Commission |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto Internacional |
Dates | From 01/05/2022 to 30/04/2029 |
Funding entity | Consellería de Educación |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2022 to 20/11/2024 |
Identificación de factores de riesgo y biomarcadores de vulnerabilidad al deterioro cognitivo y físico en el envejecimiento
Funding entity | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage y Laura Lorenzo López |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2024 |
Evaluación del efecto de la quiralidad en la TOXIcidad de los NANOmateriales (TOXI-NANO)
Funding entity | CICA - Centro de Investigaciones Científicas Avanzadas |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage, Jesús Mosquera Mosquera |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/10/2021 to 30/10/2022 |
Neurotoxicidad de las nanopartículas de óxido de zinc: efectos celulares, moleculares y comportamentales (NeuroiNPact)
Funding entity | CICA - Centro de Investigaciones Científicas Avanzadas |
Main researches | Vanessa Valdiglesias García y Mónica Folgueira Otero |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/10/2021 to 30/10/2022 |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2019 to 20/11/2021 |
Estudio de factores de riesgo genético implicados en el desarrollo de fragilidad en personas mayores
Funding entity | Fundación San Rafael |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 24/09/2019 to 23/03/2021 |
Ayuda para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas del sistema gallego de I+D+I. Grupo DICOMOSA
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2018 |
Red Gallega de Investigación de la Fragilidad (Frailnet)
Funding entity | Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria - Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | José Carlos Millán Calenti |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2018 |
Evaluación de la influencia de la actividad física en el proceso de envejecimiento mediante el empleo de biomarcadores genéticos e inmunológicos
Funding entity | Fundación Mapfre (Ayuda a la investigación Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi) |
Main researches | Vanessa Valdiglesias |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2015 |
Contribución a la detección precoz de fragilidad en personas mayores mediante el uso de biomarcadores celulares y moleculares
Funding entity | Fundació Agrupació |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2016 |
Ayudas para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitiva. Modalidad de redes
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Emilio Gutierrez García |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2015 |
Ayuda para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas del sistema gallego de I+D+I. Grupo DICOMOSA
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2015 |
Consolidación de una red de investigación en Psicología Experimental (RPE)
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Miguel Fernandez del Olmo |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2013 |
Valoración de posible neurotoxicidad de nanopartículas superparamagnéticas de óxidos de hierro (SPION) con aplicaciones en biomedicina
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/10/2012 to 25/06/2015 |
Riesgo asociado a la exposición a nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos: efectos celulares y moleculares en células neuronales
Funding entity | FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 02/03/2012 to 01/03/2013 |
Estudio de los polimorfismos de los genes AR, ERBETA y CYP19, y de reordenaciones en los cromosomas X e Y, en dos poblaciones de personas con trastorno de identidad de género
Funding entity | Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2014 |
Acciones Complementarias para los proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada. XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Funding entity | Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 01/02/2010 to 31/12/2010 |
Ayuda para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas del sistema gallego de I+D+I. DICOMOSA
Funding entity | Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2010 |
Gen-FA - Occupational exposure to formaldehyde. Genotoxic damage and susceptibility evaluation in pathology anatomy laboratory workers
Funding entity | Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) |
Main researches | Joao Paulo Teixeira |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012 |
NanoLINEN - Nanotoxicology link between India and the European Nations (ERA-NET New INDIGO)
Funding entity | Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad |
Main researches | Blanca Laffon Lage |
Type | Proyecto UE |
Dates | From 01/10/2010 to 30/09/2012 |
Redes de Investigación
Funding entity | Conselleria de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria |
Main researches | Manuel Blanco Rial |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2010 |
Ayuda para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas del sistema gallego de I+D+I. DICOMOSA.
Funding entity | Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento. Xunta de Galicia. |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2009 to 31/12/2009 |
Ayuda para la consolidación y estructuración de unidades de investigación competitivas del sistema gallego de I+D+I. DICOMOSA.
Funding entity | Secretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento. Xunta de Galicia. |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2008 |
Seguimiento y nueva evaluación de la salud de los voluntarios y trabajadores que participaron en la limpieza del vertido del Prestige
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2008 to 31/12/2011 |
Ayuda para la Consolidación e estruturación de grupos de investigación: DICOMOSA.
Funding entity | Consellería de Educación |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 01/01/2007 to 16/12/2007 |
Evaluación de poblaciones humanas expuestas a carcinógenos o mutágenos potenciales.
Funding entity | Dirección Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 04/06/2004 to 03/06/2007 |
Evaluación del daño genético asociado a la exposición ocupacional a hidrocarburos en refinerías y gasolineras
Funding entity | Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Nacionales |
Dates | From 05/03/2004 to 31/12/2006 |
Recogida y limpieza del fuel del Prestige. Evaluación de la exposición y daños a la salud en voluntarios y trabajadores
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia |
Main researches | Juan Jesús Gestal Otero |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/01/2003 to 31/12/2004 |
Participación en proyectos de investigación y reuniones científicas, acciones cofinanciadas mediante el Convenio de colaboración entre la Consellería de Innovación, Industria y Comercio (a través de la Dirección Xeral de Investigación) y la UDC
Funding entity | Dirección Xeral de Investigación, Desenvolvemento e Innovación |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 01/09/2003 to 04/11/2003 |
Programa Isidro Parga Pondal
Funding entity | Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Innovación,Industria e Comercio |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 05/11/2003 to 31/10/2008 |
Análisis de la expresión de ARN mensajero, a partir de muestras de tejido renal sometido a isquemia
Funding entity | FUJISAWA, S.A. |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 09/09/2002 to 31/08/2003 |
Cuantificación diferencial de la expresión genética de P53, Factores de crecimiento y grupo BCL-2, en epitelio renal, según tiempo de isquemia y sección nefronal
Funding entity | Secretaria Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento Tecnolóxico |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Otros Programas |
Dates | From 20/07/2001 to 20/07/2004 |
Análisis molecular de expresión de ARN mensajero, a partir de muestras de tejido renal sometido a isquemia
Funding entity | FUJISAWA, S.A. |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Contrato |
Dates | From 14/12/2001 to 31/12/2002 |
Evaluación citogenética ; molecular y neurofisiológica de sujetos expuestos al estireno.
Funding entity | XUNTA DE GALICIA |
Main researches | Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Type | Proyecto Programas Autonomicos |
Dates | From 15/08/1998 to 15/08/1999 |
In vitro and in vivo assessment of nanoceria biocompatibility for their safe use in nervous system applications
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Martínez L., Ramos-Pan, L., Touzani, A., Costa, C., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Vol. 486 (pages 1 to 11) |
DOI | |
Toxoplasma gondii IgG serointensity is positively Associated with frailty
Authors | Mohyuddin, H., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, S., Teixeira-Gomes, A., Pásaro, E., Constantine, N., Dagdag, A., Ortmeyer, H., Tizenberg, B., Afram, L., Yen, P., Marano, C., Lowry, C.A., Hoisington, A.J., RachBeisel, J.A., Valdiglesias, V., Lema-Arranz, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Kovacs, E.J., Gostner, J.M., Fuchs, D., Brenner, L.A., Lorenzo-López L, Postolache, T. |
DOI | |
Toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles: Cellular and behavioural effects
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Alba-González, A., Touzani, A., Ramos-Pan, L., Méndez, J., Reis, A.T., Quelle-Regaldie, A., Sánchez, L., Folgueira, M., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | CHEMOSPHERE Vol. 363 (pages 1 to 10) |
DOI | |
Objectives and achievements of the HUMN project on its 26th anniversary
Authors | Fenech, M., Holland, N., Zeiger, E., Chang, W.P., Kirsch-Volders, M., Bolognesi, C., Stopper, H., Knudsen, L., Knasmueller, S., Nerseyan, A., Thomas, P., Dhillon, V.S., Deo, P., Franzke, B., Andreassi, M.-G., Laffon, B., Wagner, K.-H., Norppa, H., Da Silva, J., Volpi, E.V., Wilkins, R., Bonassi, S. |
DOI | |
Impact of gold nanoparticle exposure on genetic material
Authors | Ramos-Pan, L., Touzani, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fraga, S., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
DOI | |
Association of Torquetenovirus viremia with physical frailty and cognitive impairment in three independent European cohorts
Authors | Giacconi, R., Laffon, B., Teixeira-Gomes, A., Maggi, F., Macera, L., Spezia, P.G., Pieacenza, F., ¿Bürkle, A., Moreno-Villanueva, M., Bonassi, S., Valdiglesias, V., Teixeira, J.P., Dollé, M.E., Rietman, M.L., Jansen, L., Grune, T., Gonoss, E.S., Franceschi, C., Capri, M., Weinberger, B., Sikora, E., Stuetz, W., Toussaint, O., Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Hervonen, A., Hurme, M., Slagboon, P.E., Schön, C., Bernhardt, J., Breusing, N., Pásaro, E., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-Lopez, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Provinciali, M., Malavolta, M. |
Journal | GERONTOLOGY Vol. 69 (pages 684 to 693) |
DOI | |
Assessing the in vitro toxicity of airborne (nano)particles to the human respiratory system: from basic to advanced models
Authors | Bessa, M.J., Brandâo, F., Rosário, F., Moreira, L., Reis, A.T., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P. |
Effects of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle Exposure on Human Glial Cells and Zebrafish Embryos
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Alba-González, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Touzani, A., Ramos-Pan, L., Reis, A.T., Moreda-Piñeiro, J., Yáñez J., Laffon, B., Folgueira, M. |
Journal | International Journal of Molecular Sciences Vol. 24 (pages 12297 to 12297) |
DOI | |
Long-term cryopreservation of potassium bromate positive assay controls for measurement of oxidatively damaged DNA by the Fpg-modified comet assay: results from the hCOMET ring trial
Authors | Moller, Peter, Azqueta, Amaya, Rodriguez-Garraus, Adriana, Bakuradze, Tamara, Richling, Elke, Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel, Stopper, Helga, Bastos, Victoria Claudino, Langie, Sabine A. S., Jensen, Annie, Ristori, Sara, Scavone, Francesca, Giovannelli, Lisa, Wojewodzka, Maria, Kruszewski, Marcin, Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Costa, Carla, Costa, Solange, Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Marino, Mirko, Del Bo', Cristian, Riso, Patrizia, Zheng, Congying, Shaposhnikov, Sergey, Collins, Andrew |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 38 (pages 264 to 272) |
DOI | |
Inter-laboratory variation in measurement of DNA damage by the alkaline comet assay in the hCOMET ring trial
Authors | Moller, Peter, Azqueta, Amaya, Collia, Miguel, Bakuradze, Tamara, Richling, Elke, Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel, Stopper, Helga, Bastos, Victoria Claudino, Langie, Sabine A. S., Jensen, Annie, Ristori, Sara, Scavone, Francesca, Giovannelli, Lisa, Wojewodzka, Maria, Kruszewski, Marcin, Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Costa, Carla, Costa, Solange, Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Marino, Mirko, Del Bo, Cristian, Riso, Patrizia, Zheng, Congying, Shaposhnikov, Sergey, Collins, Andrew |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 38 (pages 283 to 294) |
DOI | |
DNA strand break levels in cryopreserved mononuclear blood cell lines measured by the alkaline comet assay: results from the hCOMET ring trial
Authors | Moller, Peter, Azqueta, Amaya, Rodriguez-Garraus, Adriana, Bakuradze, Tamara, Richling, Elke, Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel, Stopper, Helga, Claudino Bastos, Victoria, Langie, Sabine A. S., Jensen, Annie, Ristori, Sara, Scavone, Francesca, Giovannelli, Lisa, Wojewodzka, Maria, Kruszewski, Marcin, Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Costa, Carla, Costa, Solange, Paulo Teixeira, Joao, Marino, Mirko, Del Bo, Cristian, Riso, Patrizia, Zheng, Congying, Shaposhnikov, Sergey, Collins, Andrew |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 38 (pages 273 to 282) |
DOI | |
Visual comet scoring revisited: a guide to scoring comet assay slides and obtaining reliable results
Authors | Moller, Peter, Azqueta, Amaya, Sanz-Serrano, Julen, Bakuradze, Tamara, Richling, Elke, Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel, Stopper, Helga, Bastos, Victoria Claudino, Langie, Sabine A. S., Jensen, Annie, Scavone, Francesca, Giovannelli, Lisa, Wojewodzka, Maria, Kruszewski, Marcin, Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Costa, Carla, Costa, Solange, Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Marino, Mirko, Del Bo, Cristian, Riso, Patrizia, Zheng, Congying, Shaposhnikov, Sergey, Collins, Andrew |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 38 (pages 253 to 263) |
DOI | |
Measuring DNA modifications with the comet assay: a compendium of protocols
Authors | Collins, Andrew, Moller, Peter, Gajski, Goran, Vodenkova, Sona, Abdulwahed, Abdulhadi, Anderson, Diana, Bankoglu, Ezgi Eyluel, Bonassi, Stefano, Boutet-Robinet, Elisa, Brunborg, Gunnar, Chao, Christy, Cooke, Marcus S. S., Costa, Carla, Costa, Solange, Dhawan, Alok, de Lapuente, Joaquin, Del Bo, Cristian, Dubus, Julien, Dusinska, Maria, Duthie, Susan J. J., El Yamani, Naouale, Engelward, Bevin, Gaivao, Isabel, Giovannelli, Lisa, Godschalk, Roger, Guilherme, Sofia, Gutzkow, Kristine B. B., Habas, Khaled, Hernandez, Alba, Herrero, Oscar, Isidori, Marina, Jha, Awadhesh N. N., Knasmueller, Siegfried, Kooter, Ingeborg M. M., Koppen, Gudrun, Kruszewski, Marcin, Ladeira, Carina, Laffon, B., Larramendy, Marcelo, Le Hegarat, Ludovic, Lewies, Angelique, Lewinska, Anna, Liwszyc, Guillermo E. E., de Cerain, Adela Lopez, Manjanatha, Mugimane, Marcos, Ricard, Milic, Mirta, de Andrade, Vanessa Moraes, Moretti, Massimo, Muruzabal, Damian, Novak, Matjaz, Oliveira, Rui, Olsen, Ann-Karin, Owiti, Norah, Pacheco, Mario, Pandey, Alok K. K., Pfuhler, Stefan, Pourrut, Bertrand, Reisinger, Kerstin, Rojas, Emilio, Runden-Pran, Elise, Sanz-Serrano, Julen, Shaposhnikov, Sergey, Sipinen, Ville, Smeets, Karen, Stopper, Helga, Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Valdiglesias, V., Valverde, Mahara, van Acker, Frederique, van Schooten, Frederik-Jan, Vasquez, Marie, Wentzel, Johannes F. F., Wnuk, Maciej, Wouters, Annelies, Zegura, Bojana, Zikmund, Tomas, Langie, Sabine A. S., Azqueta, Amaya |
Journal | NATURE PROTOCOLS Vol. 18 Num. 3 (pages 929 to 989) |
DOI | |
From trihalomethanes chronic daily intake through multiple exposure routes to cancer and non-cancer health risk assessment: Evidence from public Portuguese indoor swimming pools facilities using a probabilistic approach
Authors | Costa, C., Assunçao, R., Sequeira, D., Esteves, F., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Madureira, J. |
Journal | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Vol. 818 (pages 151790 to 151790) |
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A pooled analysis of molecular epidemiological studies on modulation of DNA repair by host factors
Authors | Opattova, A., Langie, S.A.S., Milic, M., Collins, A., Brevik, A., Coskun, E., Dusinska, M., Gaivao, I., Kadioglu, E., Laffon, B., Marcos, R., Pastor, S., Slyskova, J., Smolkova, B., Szilágyi, Z., Valdiglesias, V., Vodicka, P., Volkovova, K., Bonassi, S., Godschalk, R. |
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Suitability of salivary leucocytes to assess DNA repair ability in human biomonitoring studies by the challenge-comet assay
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Lorenzo-López, L., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Journal | CHEMOSPHERE Vol. 307 (pages 136139 to 136139) |
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Relationship between DNA damage measured by the comet-assay and cognitive function
Authors | Lorenzo-López L, Lema-Arranz, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
DOI | |
Genomic instability as a main driving factor of unsuccessful ageing: potential for translating the use of micronuclei into clinical practice
Authors | Laffon, B., Bonassi, S., Costa, S., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH Vol. 787 (pages 108359 to 108359) |
The hCOMET project: international database comparison of results with the comet assay in human biomonitoring. Baseline frequency of DNA damage and effect of main confounders
Authors | Milic, M., Ceppi, M., Bruzzone, M., Azqueta, A., Brunborg, G., Godschalk, R., Koppen, G., Langie, S.A.S., Moller, P., Teixeira, J.P., Alija, A., Anderson, D., Moraes de Andrade, V., Andreoli, C., Asllani, F., Bankoglu, E.E., Barancokova, M., Basaran, N., Boutet-Robinet, E., Buschini, A., Cavallo, D., Costa-Pereira, C., Costa, C., Costa, S., Da Silva, J., Del Bo, C., Sreckovic, V.D., Djelic, N., Dobrzynska, M., Durackova, Z., Dvorakova, M., Gajski, G., Galati, S., Garcia-Lima, O., Giovanelli, L., Goroshinskaya, I.A., Grindel, A., Gutzkow, C., Hernández, A., Hernández, C., Holven, K.B., Ibero-Baraibar, I., Ottestad, I., Kadioglu, E., Kazimirova, A., Kuznetsova, E., Ladeira, C., Laffon, B., Lamonaca, P., Lebailly, P., Louro, H., Mandina-Cardoso, T., Marcon, F., Marcos, R., Moretti, M., Moretti, S., Najafzadeh, M., Nemeth, Z., Neri, M., Novotna, B., Orlow, I., Paduchova, Z., Pastor, S., Perdry, H., Spremo-Potparevic, B., Ramadhani, D., Riso, P., Rohr, P., Rojas, E., Rossner, P., Safar, A., Sardas, S., Silva, M.J., Sirota, N., Smolkova, B., Staruchova, M., Stetina, R., Stopper, H., Surikova, E.I., Ulven, S.M., Ursini, C.L., Valdiglesias, V., Valverde, M., Vodicka, P., Volkovova, K., Wagner, K.-H., Zivkovic, L., Dusinska, M., Collins, A., Bonassi, S. |
Applicability of flow cytometry gH2AX assay in population studies: suitability of fresh and frozen whole blood samples
Authors | Laffon, B., Sánchez-Flores, M., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY Vol. 95 (pages 1843 to 1851) |
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Salivary leucocytes as suitable biomatrix for the comet assay in human biomonitoring studies
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Azqueta, A., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY Vol. 95 (pages 2179 to 2187) |
Collection and storage of human white blood cells for analysis of DNA damage and repair activity using the comet assay in molecular epidemiology studies
Authors | Moller, P., Bankoglu, E.E., Stopper, H., Giovanelli, L., Ladeira, C., Koppen, G., Gajski, G., Collins, A., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Boutet-Robinet, E., Perdry, H., Del Bo, C., Langie, S.A.S., Dusinska, M., Azqueta, A. |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 36 (pages 193 to 211) |
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"Micronuclei and Disease" special issue: aims, scope, and synthesis of outcomes
Authors | Fenech, M., Knasmueller, S., Knudsen, L., Kirsch-Volders, M., Deo, P., Franzke, B., Stopper, H., Andreassi, M.-G., Bolognesi, C., Dhillon, V.S., Laffon, B., Wagner, K.-H., Bonassi, S. |
Journal | MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH Vol. 788 (pages 108384 to 108384) |
Salivary leucocytes as in vitro model to evaluate nanoparticle-induced DNA damage
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Pásaro, E., Reis, A.T., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Laffon, B. |
Journal | Nanomaterials Vol. 11 |
Suitability of the in vitro cytokinesis-block micronucleus test for genotoxicity assessment of TiO2 nanoparticles on SH-SY5Y cells
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Brandâo, F., Costa, C., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | International Journal of Molecular Sciences Vol. 22 |
DNA damage in circulating leukocytes measured with the comet assay may predict the risk of death
Authors | Bonassi, S., Ceppi, Marcello, Moller, P., Azqueta, A., Milic, M., Neri, M., Brunborg, G., Koppen, G., Langie, S.A.S., Teixeira, J.P., Bruzzone, M., Da Silva, J., Benedetti, D., Cavallo, D., Ursini, C.L., Giovanelli, L., Moretti, S., Riso, P., Del Bo, C., Russo, P., Dobrzynska, M., Goroshinskaya, I.A., Surikova, E.I., Staruchova, M., Barancokova, M., Volkovova, K., Kazimirova, A., Smolkova, B., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Pastor, S., Marcos, R., Hernández, A., Gajski, G., Spremo-Potparevic, B., Zivkovic, L., Boutet-Robinet, E., Perdry, H., Lebailly, P., Perez, C.L., Basaran, N., Nemeth, Z., Safar, A., Dusinska, M., Collins, A., for the hCOMET project |
Journal | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS Vol. 11 (pages 16793 to 16793) |
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Exploring early detection of frailty syndrome in older adults: evaluation of oxi-immune markers, clinical parameters and modifiable risk factors
Authors | Teixeira-Gomes, A., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Gostner, J., Felder, T., Costa, C., Madureira, J., Fuchs, D., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, S. |
Journal | ANTIOXIDANTS Vol. 10 (pages 1975 to 1975) |
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Immunometabolism as predictor of frailty
Authors | Gostner, J.M., Laffon, B., Felder, T.K. |
Journal | Aging Vol. 13 Num. 23 (pages 24917 to 24918) |
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Moving towards common data elements and core outcome measures in frailty research
Authors | Muscedere, J., Afilalo, J., Araujo de Carvalho, I., Cesari, M., Clegg, A., Eriksen, H.E., Evans, K.R., Heckman, G., Hirdes, J.P., Kim, P.M., Laffon, B., Lynn, J., Martin, F., Prorok, J.C., Rockwood, K., Rodrigues, L., Mañas, L., Rolfson, D., Shaw, G., Shea, B., Sinha, S., Theou, O., Tugwell, P., Valdiglesias, V., Vellas, B., Veronese, N., Wallace, L.M.K., Williamson, P.R., for the Canadian Frailty Network |
Journal | The Journal of Frailty & Aging Vol. 9 (pages 14 to 22) |
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Genotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles in four different human cell lines (A549, HEPG2, A172 and SH-SY5Y)
Authors | Brandâo, F., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Rosário, F., Bessa, M.J., Fraga, S., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, C. |
Journal | Nanomaterials Vol. 10 |
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Frailty syndrome, biomarkers and environmental factors - a pilot study
Authors | Teixeira-Gomes, A., Lage, B., Esteves, F., Sousa, A.C., Pastorinho, M.R., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, S., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 330 (pages 14 to 22) |
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Potassium bromate as positive assay control for the Fpg-modified comet assay
Authors | Moller, P., Muruzabal, D., Bakuradze, T., Richling, E., Bankoglu, E.E., Stopper, H., Langie, S.A.S., Azqueta, A., Jensen, A., Scavone, F., Giovanelli, L., Wojewódzka, M., Kruszewsky, M., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Costa, C., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Marino, M., Del Bo, C., Riso, P., Shaposhnikov, S., Collins, A. |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 35 (pages 341 to 347) |
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The impact of nanotechnology in the current universal COVID-19 crisis. Let's not forget nanosafety!
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Journal | Nanotoxicology Vol. 14 (pages 1013 to 1016) |
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Low vitamin D levels and frailty status in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Proietti, S., Bonassi, S., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Fernández-Tajes, J., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Journal | NUTRIENTS Vol. 12 |
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Association of inflammatory mediators with frailty status in older adults: results from a systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Proietti, S., Bonassi, S., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Fernández-Tajes, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | GeroScience Vol. 42 (pages 1451 to 1473) |
Expanded usage of the Challenge-Comet assay as a DNA repair biomarker in human populations: protocols for fresh and cryopreserved blood samples, and for different challenge agents
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Au, W., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Journal | ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY Vol. 94 (pages 4219 to 4228) |
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Minimum Information for Reporting Comet Assay (MIRCA) procedures and results
Authors | Moller, P., Azqueta, A., Boutet-Robinet, E., Koppen, G., Bonassi, S., Milic, M., Gajski, G., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Costa-Pereira, C., Dusinska, M., Godschalk, R., Brunborg, G., Gutzkow, C., Giovanelli, L., Cooke, M., Richling, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Basaran, N., Del Bo, C., Zegura, B., Novak, M., Stopper, H., Vodicka, P., Vodenkova, S., Moraes de Andrade, V., Sramkova, M., Gavelova, A., Collins, A., Langie, S.A.S. |
Journal | NATURE PROTOCOLS Vol. 15 (pages 3817 to 3826) |
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Exploring genetic outcomes as frailty biomarkers
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Lorenzo-López, L., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
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Assessment of oxidative damage induced by iron oxide nanoparticles on different nervous system cells
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Bessa, M.J., Park, M., Carriere, M., Dussert, F., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
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Toxicological impact of acute exposure to E171 food additive and TiO2 nanoparticles on Caco-2 and HT29-MTX intestinal cells
Authors | Dorier, M., Tisseyre, C., Dussert, F., Béal, D., Arnal, M.E., Douki, T., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Fraga, S., Brandâo, F., Herlin-Boime, N, Barreau, F., Rabilloud, T., Carriere, M. |
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Optimization of the harvesting and freezing conditions of human cell lines for DNA damage analysis by the alkaline Comet assay
Authors | Bessa, M.J., Brandâo, F., Querido, M., Costa, C., Costa-Pereira, C., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Carriere, M., Teixeira, J.P., Fraga, S. |
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Medication use in older patients and age-blind approach: narrative literature review (insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of drugs in older age, frequent use of PIMs and polypharmacy, and underuse of highly beneficial nonpharmacological strategies)
Authors | Fialova, D., Laffon, B., Marinkovic, V., Tasic, L., Doro, P., Soos, G., Mota, J., Dogan, S., Brkic, J., Teixeira, J.P., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, S., EUROAGEISM H2020 project and WG1b group Healthy clinical strategies for healthy aging of the EU COST Action IS 1402 |
Journal | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Vol. 75 (pages 451 to 466) |
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Serum corticol but not oxidative biomarkers are related to Frailty: results of a cross-sectional study in Spanish older adults
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A Vol. 82 Num. 14 (pages 815 to 825) |
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Evaluation of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induced by oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in human astrocytes
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandâo, F., Duarte, J.A., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MUTAGENESIS Vol. 60 (pages 816 to 829) |
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Occupational exposure to formaldehyde and early biomarkers of cancer risk, immunotoxicity and susceptibility
Authors | Costa, S., Costa, C., Madureira, J., Valdiglesias, V., Teixeira-Gomes, A., Guedes de Pinho, P., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
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Applicability of EU(7)-PIM criteria in cross-national studies in European countries
Authors | Fialova, D., Brkic, J., Laffon, B., Reissigová, J., Gresakova, S., Dogan, S., Doro, P., Tasic, L., Marinkovic, V., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, S., Kostriba, J. |
Journal | Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety Vol. 10 (pages 1 to 22) |
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Frailty syndrome and genomic instability in older adults. Suitability of the Cytome Micronucleus Assay as a diagnostic tool
Authors | Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Lorenzo-López, L., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Bonassi, S., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
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Toxicological assessment of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in human astrocytes
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Kiliç, G., Duarte, J.A., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Journal | FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY Vol. 118 (pages 13 to 23) |
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Frailty in older adults is associated with plasma concentrations of inflammatory mediators but not with lymphocyte subpopulations
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Gostner, J.M., Fuchs, D., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY Vol. 9 (pages 1056 to 1056) |
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Neurotoxicity assessment of oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in SH-SY5Y cells
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Kiliç, G., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY Vol. 406-407 (pages 81 to 91) |
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Is salivary chromogranin A a valid psychological stress biomarker during sensory stimulation in people with advanced dementia?
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Ana Maseda, Lorenzo-López, L., Pásaro, E., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Laffon, B. |
Journal | Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Vol. 55 Num. 4 (pages 1509 to 1517) |
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Immune biomarkers in older adults: Role of physical activity
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Marcos-Pérez, D., López-Cortón, A., Strasser, B., Fuchs, D., Laffon, B., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E. |
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Effects of Degree of Urbanization and Lifetime Longest-Held Occupation on Cognitive Impairment Prevalence in an Older Spanish Population
Authors | Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., López-López, R., Diego-Díez, C., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Maseda, A. |
Journal | Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 8 (pages 162 to 170) |
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Frailty status in older adults is related to alterations in indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 and guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase I enzymatic pathways
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Strasser, B., Gostner, J., Fuchs, D., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Journal | Journal of the American Medical Directors Association Vol. 18 Num. 12 (pages 1049 to 1057) |
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Comparative study of human neuronal and glial cell sensitivity for in vitro neurogenotoxicity testing
Authors | Laffon, Blanca, Fernandez-Bertolez, Natalia, Costa, Carla, Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, Vanessa |
Journal | FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY Vol. 102 (pages 120 to 128) |
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Oxidative stress, genomic features and DNA repair in frail elderly: A systematic review.
Authors | María Sánchez-Flores, Marcos-Pérez, D., Solange Costa, Joao Paulo Teixeira, Stefano Bonassi, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | Ageing Research Reviews Vol. 37 (pages 1 to 15) |
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Are iron oxide nanoparticles safe? Current knowledge and future perspectives
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Natalia Fernández-Bertólez, Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Costa, S., Sonia Fraga, Bessa, M.J., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B. |
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Early Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Effects of the Toxic Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima in the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Authors | Prego-Faraldo, M.V., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Méndez, J., Eirín-López, J.M. |
Journal | TOXINS (pages 159 to 173) |
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Effects of exposure to oil spills on human health: Updated review
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
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In vitro toxicity evaluation of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in human SHSY5Y neuronal cells
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Natalia Fernández-Bertólez, Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | Toxicology Research (pages 235 to 247) |
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The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay in human populations exposed to styrene: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Authors | Costa, Solange, Ceppi, Marcello, Costa, Carla, Silva, Susana, Pereira, Cristiana, Laffon, Blanca, Bonassi, Stefano, Teixeira, Joao Paulo |
Journal | MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH Vol. 770 Num. A, SI (pages 92 to 105) |
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Efectos celulares y moleculares de nanopartículas de magnetita en células neuronales humanas
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Gözde Kiliç, Carla Costa, Fátima Brandao, Pásaro, E., Joao Paulo Teixeira, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Lymphocyte Subsets in a Population of Nonfrail Elderly Individuals
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., María Sánchez-Flores, Ana Maseda, Diego Marcos-Pérez, Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B. |
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In Vitro Analysis of Early Genotoxic and Cytotoxic Efffects of Okadaic Acid in Different Cell Types of the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Authors | Prego-Faraldo, M.V., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Eirín-López, J.M., Méndez, J. |
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Effects of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity, Developmental Toxicity, and Neurotoxicity
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Natalia Fernández-Bertólez, Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MUTAGENESIS Vol. 56 (pages 125 to 148) |
Increased levels of chromosomal aberrations and DNA damage in a group of workers exposed to formaldehyde
Authors | Costa, S., Carvalho, S., Costa, C., Coelho, P., Silva, S., Luís S. Santos, Jorge F. Gaspar, Porto, B., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS (pages 463 to 473) |
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In vitro cytotoxicity of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on neuronal and glial cells. Evaluation of nanoparticle interference with viability tests
Authors | Costa, C., Brandâo, F., Bessa, M.J., Costa, S., Valdiglesias, V., Kiliç, G., Natalia Fernández-Bertólez, Pedro Quaresma, Eulália Pereira, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY (pages 361 to 372) |
yH2AX Assay as DNA Damage Biomarker for Human Population Studies: Defining Experimental Conditions
Authors | María Sánchez-Flores, Pásaro, E., Stefano Bonassi, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Journal | TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES (pages 406 to 413) |
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Lymphocyte subsets in a population of non-frail elder individuals
Authors | Valdiglesias V, Sánchez-Flores M, Maseda A, Marcos-Pérez D, José Carlos Millán Calenti, Pasaro E, Lorenzo-Lopez L, B Laffon |
Journal | JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A Vol. 78 Num. 13-14 (pages 790 to 804) |
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Proteomic Analyses Reveal that Sky1 Modulates Apoptosis and Mitophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cells Exposed to Cisplatin
Authors | Silvia Rodríguez-Lombardero, M. Esther Rodríguez-Belmonte, M. Isabel González-Siso, Ángel Vizoso-Vázquez, Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., M. Esperanza Cerdán |
Journal | International Journal of Molecular Sciences Vol. 15 (pages 12573 to 12590) |
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Biomonitoring of several toxic metal (loid)s in different biological matrices from environmentally and occupationally exposed populations from Panasqueira mine area, Portugal
Authors | Coelho, P., S. Costa, C. Costa, S. Silva, Alan Walter, James Ranville, M. Ramiro Pastorino, Chris Harrington, Andrew Taylor, Valentina Dall'Armi, Roberto Zoffoli, C. Candeias, E. Ferreira da Silva, Stefano Bonassi, Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira |
Journal | ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH Vol. 36 Num. 2 (pages 255 to 269) |
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Variation of DNA damage levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated in different laboratories
Authors | Godschalk, R., Clara Ersson, Maciej Stepnik, Magdalena Ferlinska, Jadwiga Palus, Teixeira, J.P., Costa, S., George D.D. Jones, Jennifer A. Higgins, Johanna Kain, Lennart Moller, Lykke Forchhammer, Steffen Loft, Yolanda Lorenzo, Andrew R. Collins, Frederik J. van Schooten, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Marcus Cooke, Vilas Mistry, Mahsa Karbaschi, David H. Phillips, Osman Sozeri, Michael N. Routledge, Kirsty Nelson-Smith, Patrizia Riso, Marisa Porrini, Adela López de Cerain, Amaya Azqueta, Giuseppe Matullo, Alessandra Allione, Peter Moller |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 29 Num. 4 (pages 241 to 249) |
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Folow-up study of genotoxic effects in individuals exposed to oil from the tanker Prestige, seven years after the accident
Authors | Laffon, B., Francisco Aguilera, Julia Ríos-Vázquez, Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E. |
AvaliaÇao in vitro da neurotoxicidade de nanopartículas de magnetite revestidas por sílica
Authors | Costa, C., Brandâo, F., Kiliç, G., Natalia Fernández-Bertólez, Bessa, M.J., Costa, S., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | ObservaÇoes-Boletím Epidemiológico Vol. 4 Num. 2 (pages 42 to 44) |
Immunological alterations in individuals exposed to metal (loid)s in the Panasqueira mining area, Central Portugal
Authors | Coelho, P., Julia García-Lestón, Costa, S., Costa, C., Silva, S., Fuchs, D., Simon Geisler, Valentina Dall'Armi, Roberto Zoffoli, Stefano Bonassi, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT Vol. 475 (pages 1 to 7) |
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Is organic farming safer to farmers' health? A comparison between organic and traditional farming
Authors | Costa, C., Julia García-Lestón, Costa, S., Coelho, P., Silva, S., Marta Pingarilho, Valdiglesias, V., Francesca Mattei, Valentina Dall'Armi, Stefano Bonassi, Laffon, B., Snawder,J., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 230 (pages 166 to 176) |
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Okadaic Acid: More than a Diarrheic Toxin
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Prego-Faraldo, M.V., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Laffon, B. |
Journal | Marine Drugs Vol. 11 (pages 4328 to 4349) |
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The marine toxin okadaic acid induces alterations in the expression level of cancer-related genes in human neuronal cells
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Tajes, J., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Journal | ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY Vol. 92 (pages 303 to 311) |
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Genotoxic effect of exposure to metal (loid)s. A molecular epidemiology survey of populations living and working in Panasqueira mine area, Portugal
Authors | Coelho, P., Julia García-Lestón, Costa, S., Costa, C., Silva, S., Valentina Dall'Armi, Roberto Zoffoli, Stefano Bonassi, Joao Pereira de Lima, Jorge Francisco Gaspar, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 60 (pages 163 to 170) |
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Endocrine and immunological parameters in individuals involved in Prestige spill cleanup tasks seven years after the exposure
Authors | Laffon, B., Francisco Aguilera, Julia Ríos-Vázquez, Julia García-Lestón, Fuchs, D., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 59 (pages 103 to 111) |
An ECVAG inter-laboratory validation study of the comet assay:inter-laboratory and intra-laboratory variations of DNA strand breaks and FPG-sensitive sites in human mononuclear cells
Authors | Clara Ersson, Peter Moller, Lykke Forchhammer, Steffen Loft, Amaya Azqueta, Godschalk, R., Frederik J. van Schooten, George D.D. Jones, Jennifer A. Higgins, Marcus Cooke, Vilas Mistry, Mahsa Karbaschi, David H. Phillips, Osman Sozeri, Michael N. Routledge, Kirsty Nelson-Smith, Patrizia Riso, Marisa Porrini, Giuseppe Matullo, Alessandra Allione, Maciej Stepnik, Magdalena Ferlinska, Joâo P. Teixeira, Costa, S., Laura-Ana Corcuera, Adela López de Cerain, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Andrew R. Collins, Lennart Moller |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 28 Num. 3 (pages 279 to 286) |
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Cytogenetic and immunological effects associated with occupational formaldehyde exposure
Authors | Costa, S., Julia García-Lestón, Marta Coelho, Coelho, P., Costa, C., Silva, S., Porto, B., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
DOI | |
Comparative study on effects of two different types of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Costa, C., Vyom SHARMA, Kiliç, G., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Alok Dhawan, Laffon, B. |
Journal | FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY Vol. 57 (pages 352 to 361) |
Neuronal cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induced by zinc oxide nanoparticles
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Costa, C., Kiliç, G., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 55 (pages 92 to 100) |
Daño al sistema nervioso inducido por nanopartículas
Authors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Trinidade da Costa, C.S., Killiç, G, Bastos da Costa,S. C., Fernandes-Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E. |
Journal | Seguridad y Medio Ambiente Num. 130 (pages 34 to 45) |
Identification of differentially expressed genes in SHSY5Y cells exposed to okadaic acid by suppression subtractive hybridization
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Juan Fernández Tajes, Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Laffon, B. |
Journal | BMC GENOMICS Vol. 13 (pages 46 to 59) |
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Genotoxic effects of occupational exposure to lead and influence of polymorphisms in genes involved in lead toxicokinetics and in DNA repair
Authors | Julia García-Lestón, Roma-Torres, J., Maria Vilares, Rui Pinto, Joao Prista, Teixeira, J.P., Mayan, O., Joao Conde, Marta Pingarilho, Jorge Francisco Gaspar, Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Laffon, B. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 43 (pages 29 to 36) |
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Genotyping an ALAD Polymorphism with Real-Time PCR in Two Populations from the Iberian Peninsula
Authors | Moreira, A.O., André Almeida, Costa, S., Laffon, B., Julia García-Lestón, Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Teixeira, J.P. |
Journal | BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS Vol. 50 (pages 560 to 564) |
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In vivo genotoxicity assessment in rats exposed to Prestige-like oil by inhalation
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Amor-Carro, O., Mariñas-Pardo, L., Ramos-Barbón, D., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
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Assessment of immunotoxicity parameters in individuals occupationally exposed to lead
Authors | García-Lestón, J., Roma-Torres, J., Mayan, O., Schroecksnadel, S., Fuchs, D., Moreira, A.O., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B. |
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Alterations in metabolism-related genes induced in shsy5y cells by okadaic acid exposure
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Tajes, J., Costa, C., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
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Occupational and Environmental Health Issues in Portugal
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B. |
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DNA Damage and Susceptibility Assessment in Industrial Workers Exposed to Styrene
Authors | Costa, C., Costa, S., Silva, S., Coelho, P., Mónica Botelho, Gaspar, J., José Rueff, Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
DOI | |
Metal (LOID) levels in biological matrices from human popultaions exposed to mining contamination-panasqueira mine (Portugal)
Authors | Coelho, P., Costa, S., Silva, S., Alan Walter, James Ranville, Ana C.A. Sousa, Costa, C., Marta Coelho, Julia García-Lestón, M. Ramiro Pastorino, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Chris Harrington, Andrew Taylor, Teixeira, J.P. |
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Inter-laboratory variation in DNA damage using a standard comet assay protocol
Authors | Lykke Forchhammer, Clara Ersson, Steffen Loft, Lennart Moller, Godschalk, R., Frederik J. van Schooten, George D.D. Jones, Jennifer A. Higgins, Marcus Cooke, Vilas Mistry, Mahsa Karbaschi, Andrew R. Collins, Amaya Azqueta, David H. Phillips, Osman Sozeri, Michael N. Routledge, Kirsty Nelson-Smith, Patrizia Riso, Marisa Porrini, Giuseppe Matullo, Alessandra Allione, Maciej Stepnik, Magdalena Komorowska, Teixeira, J.P., Costa, S., Laura-Ana Corcuera, Adela López de Cerain, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Peter Moller |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 27 Num. 6 (pages 665 to 672) |
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Use of three bivalve species for biomonitoring a polluted estuarine environment
Authors | Juan Fernández Tajes, Fernanda Flórez Barrós, Sandra María Pereira Fernández, Tamara Rabade Barreiro, Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Vol. 177 (pages 289 to 300) |
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Okadaic acid induces morphological changes, apoptosis and cell cycle alterations in different human cell types
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
Journal | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Vol. 13 Num. 6 (pages 1831 to 1840) |
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Induction of oxidative DNA damage by the marine toxin okadaic acid depends on human cell type
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Eduardo Cemeli, Diana Anderson, Méndez, J. |
Journal | TOXICON Vol. 57 Num. 6 (pages 882 to 888) |
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Biomonitoring of a population of Portuguese workers exposed to lead
Authors | Julia García-Lestón, Roma-Torres, J., Maria Vilares, Rui Pinto, Luis M. Cunha, Joao Prista, Teixeira, J.P., Mayan, O., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Laffon, B. |
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Special Issue: Current Studies in Environmental Biomonitoring and Ecotoxicology in Spain PREFACE
Authors | Laffon, B., Ricard Marcos, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E. |
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Micronucleus frequencies in lymphocytes and reticulocytes in a pesticide-exposed population in Portugal
Authors | Costa, C., Silva, S., Neves,J., Coelho, P., Costa, S., Laffon, B., Snawder,J., Teixeira, J.P. |
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Evaluation of okadaic acid-induced genotoxicity in human cells using the micronucleus test and gamma H2AX analysis
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
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Chemical exposure and occupational symptoms among portuguese hairdressers
Authors | Mendes, A., Madureira, J., Neves, P., Carvalhais, C., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
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Comparison Between Two Bivalve Species as Tools for the Assessment of Pollution Levels in an Estuarian Environment
Authors | Pereira, S., Fernández-Tajes, J., Rábade, T., Flórez-Barrós, F., Laffon, B., Méndez, J. |
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Occupational exposure to formaldehyde: Genotoxic risk evaluation by comet assay and micronucleus test using human peripheral lymphocytes
Authors | Costa, S., Pina, C., Coelho, P., Costa, C., Silva, S., Porto, B., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
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Monitoring follow up of two areas affected by the Prestige oil four years after the spillage
Authors | Fernández-Tajes, J., Rábade, T., Laffon, B., Méndez, J. |
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Geno- and immunotoxic effects on populations living near a mine: a case study of Panasqueira mine in Portugal
Authors | dos Santos Coelho, P.C., García-Lestón, J., Pinho e Silva, S., Trindade da Costa, C.S., Bastos da Costa,S. C., Correia-Coelho, M.I., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Fernandes-Teixeira, J.P. |
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Assays to determine DNA repair ability
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Laffon, B. |
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Adaptación de una asignatura de Logopedia al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, EEES: Percepción de los estudiantes
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Journal | Formación Universitaria Vol. 4 (pages 13 to 20) |
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NanoLINEN: Nanotoxicology link between India and European Nations
Authors | Alok Dhawan, Rishi Shanker, Laffon, B., Juan Fernández Tajes, Fuchs, D., Gert van der Laan, Pieter van Broekhuizen, Heidi Becker, Heinz-Jorn Moriske, Teixeira, J.P., Marie Carriere, Nathalie Herlin-Boime, Ayse Basak Engin, Erdem Coskun, Bensu Karahalil |
Journal | Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology Vol. 7 (pages 203 to 204) |
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Assessment of okadaic acid effects on cytotoxicity, DNA damage and DNA repair in human cells
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Eduardo Cemeli, Diana Anderson, Laffon, B. |
Genotoxic effects of lead: An updated review
Authors | García- Lestón,J., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 36 (pages 623 to 636) |
Genotoxicity evaluation of exposure to lead
Authors | García- Lestón,J., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
In vitro evaluation of selenium genotoxic, cytotoxic, and protective effects: a review
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Laffon, B. |
Journal | ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY Vol. 84 Num. 5 (pages 337 to 351) |
Review on the effects of exposure to spilled oils on human health
Authors | Francisco Aguilera Arriagada, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Journal | JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY Vol. 30 Num. 4 (pages 291 to 301) |
The importance of the in vitro genotoxicity evaluation of food components: the selenium
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
The Organic Selenium Compound Selenomethionine Modulates Bleomycin-Induced DNA Damage and Repair in Human Leukocytes
Authors | Laffon, B., Vanessa Valdiglesias, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH Vol. 133 Num. 1 (pages 12 to 19) |
Cytogenetic and DNA damage in workers exposed to styrene
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., Gaspar, J., Coelho, P., Costa, C., Pinho-Silva, S., Costa, S., Da Silva, S., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Rueff, J., Farmer, P. |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 25 Num. 6 (pages 617 to 621) |
DNA damage related to exposure to oil spills: the Prestige experience
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Vanessa Valdiglesias, Laffon, B. |
Biomonitoring of Human Exposure to Prestige Oil: Effects on DNA and Endocrine Parameters
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Anunciación Lafuente, Teresa Cabaleiro, Laffon, B. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH INSIGHTS Vol. 2 (pages 83 to 92) |
Cytogenetic effects induced by Prestige oil on human populations: The role of polymorphisms in genes involved in metabolism and DNA repair
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Vanessa Valdiglesias, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Efectos genotóxicos e inmunotóxicos de la exposición laboral al plomo.
Authors | García- Lestón,J., Laffon, B., Joana Roma Torres, Teixeira, J.P., Silvia Monteiro, Pásaro, E., Joao Prista, Mayan, O., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | ARCHIVOS DE PREVENCIÓN DE RIESGOS LABORALES Vol. 11 Num. 3 (pages 124 to 130) |
Relationship between blood concentrations of heavy metals and cytogenetic and endocrine parameters among subjects involved in cleaning coastal areas affected by the "Prestige" tanker oil spill.
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Miquel Porta, Anunciación Lafuente, Teresa Cabaleiro, Tomás López, Ana Caride, José Pumarega, Alejandro Romero, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | CHEMOSPHERE Vol. 71 (pages 447 to 455) |
Segmental heterogeneity in Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and Bax expression in rat tubular epithelium after ischemia-reperfusion
Authors | Valdés, F., Pásaro, E., Díaz, I., Centeno, A., López, E., García-Doval, S., González-Roces, S., Alba, A., Laffon, B. |
Journal | NEPHROLOGY Vol. 13 Num. 4 (pages 294 to 301) |
Evaluación del efecto de la selenometionina sobre la reparación del daño en el ADN
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA GALLEGA DE CIENCIAS Num. 27 (pages 41 to 94) |
Biomonitorización de la exposición ocupacional a hidrocarburos aromáticos presentes en el ambiente de refinerías
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | MAFRE SEGURIDAD Vol. 106 (pages 18 to 26) |
Genetic polymorphism in Cytochrome P450 1B1 in a Spanish population
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Laffon, B. |
Journal | BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY Vol. 101 Num. 1 (pages 70 to 72) |
Initial study on the effects of Prestige oil on human health
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Anunciación Lafuente, Teresa Cabaleiro, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Laffon, B. |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 33 Num. 2 (pages 176 to 185) |
Assessment of occupational genotoxic risk in the production of rubber tyres
Authors | Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Silva, S., Joana Roma Torres, Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Mayan, O. |
Journal | ANNALS OF OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE Vol. 50 (pages 583 to 592) |
Evaluation of genotoxicity in a group of workers from a petroleum refinery aromatics plant
Authors | Juana Roma Torres, Teixeira, J.P., Silva, S., Laffon, B., Luís Cunha, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Mayan, O. |
First step in the evaluation of the effects of Prestige oil on the shore environment: availability, bioaccumulation and DNA damage
Authors | Laffon, B., Iria Aldao Prada, Pérez-Cadahía, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | CIENCIAS MARINAS Vol. 32 (pages 389 to 399) |
Genetic damage induced by accidental environmental pollutants
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | The Scientificworld Journal Vol. 6 (pages 1221 to 1237) |
Genotoxicity associated to exposure to Prestige oil during autopsies and cleaning of oil-contaminated birds
Authors | Laffon, B., Rebeca Fraga Iriso, Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY Vol. 44 (pages 1714 to 1723) |
Monitoring of the impact of Prestige oil spill on Mytilus galloprovincialis from Galician coast
Authors | Laffon, B., Tamara Rábade Barreiro, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL Vol. 32 (pages 342 to 348) |
Cytogenetic and molecular biomonitoring of a Portuguese population exposed to pesticides
Authors | Clara Costa, Teixeira, J.P., Silva, S., Joana Roma Torres, Coelho, P., Gaspar, J., María Alves, Laffon, B., Rueff, J., Mayan, O. |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 21 (pages 343 to 350) |
The effectsof GSTM1 and GSTT1 Polymorphisms on Micronucleus Frequencis in Human Lymphocytes In vivo
Authors | Micheline Kirsch-Volders, Mateuca Raluca Antonina, Mathieu Roelants, Annie Tremp, Zeiger, E., Stefano Bonassi, Holland, N., Chang, W.P., Peter Vande Aka, Marlies DeBoeck, Lode Godderis, Vincent Haufroid, Hitoshi Ishikawa, Laffon, B., Ricardo Marcos, Lucía Migliore, Norppa, H., Teixeira, J.P., Andrea Zigno, Michael Fenech |
Journal | CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION Vol. 15 (pages 1038 to 1042) |
Genotoxic effects in a population of nurses handling antineoplastic drugs, and relationship with genetic polymorphisms in DNA repair enzymes
Authors | Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira, S. Silva, Loureiro J, J. Torres, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, O. Mayan |
Journal | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE Vol. 48 (pages 128 to 136) |
Evaluation of PAH bioaccumulation and DNA damage in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) exposed to spilled Prestige crude oil
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Influencia de determinados polimorfismos de enzimas metabólicas en la genotoxicidad del estireno
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | ANALES DE LA REAL ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE FARMACIA Vol. 70 Num. 1 (pages 95 to 123) |
Occupational exposure to styrene: modulation of cytogenetic damage and levels of urinary metabolites of styrene by polymorphisms in genes CYP2E1, EPHX1, GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1
Authors | Joâo P. Teixeira, Gaspar, J., Silva, S., Joana Torres, Susana N. Silva, M. Conceiçâo Azevedo, Neves, P., Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Carla Gonçalves, Mayan, O., Peter B. Farmer, José Rueff |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY Vol. 195 (pages 231 to 242) |
Papel de los polimorfismos genéticos para enzimas de reparación en el daño en el ADN inducido por el estireno y estireno-7,8-óxido
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Loureiro J, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E. |
Journal | REVISTA DE TOXICOLOGÍA Vol. 21 Num. 2 (pages 92 to 97) |
Individual sensitivity to DNA damage induced by styrene in vitro: influence of cytochrome P450, epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferase genotypes
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY Vol. 186 (pages 131 to 141) |
Effect of epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferase genotypes on the induction of micronuclei and DNA damage by styrene-7,8-oxide in vitro
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
Evaluation of genotoxic effects in a group of workers exposed to low levels of styrene
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY Vol. 171 Num. - (pages 175 to 186) |
DNA damage and repair in human Leukocytes exposed to styrene-7,8-oxide measured by comet assay.
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | TOXICOLOGY LETTERS Vol. 126 Num. - (pages 61 to 68) |
Genotoxic effects of styrene-7,8-oxide in human white blood cells: comet assay in relation to the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges and micronuclei.
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
Simultaneous high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of urinary mandelic and phenylglyoxylic acids as indirect evaluation of styrene exposure.
Authors | Laffon, B., María Lema Grille, Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY. BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS Vol. 753 Num. - (pages 385 to 393) |
Effects of styrene-7, 8-oxide over P53, P21, BCL-2 and bax expression in human lymphocyte cultures
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Journal | MUTAGENESIS Vol. 16 Num. 2 (pages 127 to 132) |
Application of the effects of solvent and disolved oxygen on the determination of benzo[a]pyrene by constant-wavelength synchronous spectrofluorimetry in smoke-flavouring
Authors | García Falcón, S., González Amigo, S., Lage Yusty, M.A., Laffon, B., J. Simal Lozano |
Journal | TALANTA Vol. 48 (pages 377 to 384) |
DOI | |
Comparison of supercritical fluid extaction and liquid-solid extraction for the analysis of Benzo(a)pyrene in water-soluble smoke
Authors | Laffon, B., García Falcón, S., González Amigo, S., Lage Yusty, M.A., J. Simal Lozano |
Journal | FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS Vol. 14 (pages 469 to 474) |
Terapia génica. Colección ¿Qué sabemos de?
Authors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E. |
Publishing | La Catarata, Madrid (España) |
ISBN | 978-84-00-09905-3 |
Fundamentos de las patologías del lenguaje de origen congénito
Editors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Eduarado Pásaro |
Publishing | UNO Editorial, (España) |
ISBN | 978-84-16382-96-5 |
Bases congénitas de las alteraciones del lenguaje
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Publishing | Bubok, Madrid (España) |
ISBN | 978-84-686-0714-6 |
Recollida e limpeza do fuel do Prestige. Avaliación da exposición e danos á saúde en voluntarios e traballadores
Authors | Juan Jesús Gestal Otero, Maria de los Remedios Aguiar González-Redondo, Juan Miguel Barros Dios, Francisco Caamaño Isorna, Carlos Fernández González, Adolfo Figueiras Guzmán, Agustín Montes Martínez, Carlos Quintás Fernández, Ernesto Smyth Chamosa, Margarita Taracido Trunk, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., M. Anunciación Lafuente Giménez, Aníbal González Carracedo, Alejandro Romero Martínez, Eva Fernández Rodríguez, María Teresa Urbieta Garagorri, María José Quintana San José, Jaione Montes Beneitez |
Publishing | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela (España) |
ISBN | 84-688-6048-4 |
Aplicación de los fluidos supercríticos a al extracción de benzo(a)pireno
Authors | Laffon, B., M.A. Lage Yusty, J. Simal Lozano, García Falcón, S., González Amigo, S. |
Publishing | Imprenta Universitaria Santiago, Santiago de Compostela (España) |
ISBN | 84-8498-780-9 |
Docencia presencial frente a docencia virtual en una asignatura de prácticas de laboratorio
Authors | Valdiglesias, V.. Fernández-Bertólez, N.. Fernández, R.. Lamas, J.. Pásaro, E.. Laffon, B. |
Book |
Innovación en la práctica educativa universitaria Publishing: Educación Editora. ISBN: 978-84-15524-48-9 |
Pages | From 159 to 166 |
Toxicological aspects of iron oxide nanoparticles
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N.. Costa, C.. Brandâo, F.. Teixeira, J.P.. Pásaro, E.. Valdiglesias, V.. Laffon, B. |
Book |
Nanotoxicology in safety assessment of nanomaterials Vol. 1357 Publishing: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-88070-5 |
Pages | From 303 to 350 |
An overview on micronucleus assay evaluation by flow cytometry
Authors | Sánchez-Flores, M.. Pásaro, E.. Laffon, B.. Valdiglesias, V. |
Book |
Micronucleus assay: an overview Publishing: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-53616-678-1 |
Pages | From 97 to 122 |
Beneficios del aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes con formación académica diversa
Authors | Valdiglesias, V.. Laffon, B.. Pásaro, E. |
Book |
Perspectivas docentes en la educación superior Publishing: Educación Editora. ISBN: 978-84-15524-45-8 |
Pages | From 93 to 95 |
Cellular and Molecular Toxicity of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles.
Authors | Laffon, B.. Fernández-Bertólez, N.. Costa, C.. Brandâo, F.. Teixeira, J.P.. Pasaro,E.. Valdiglesias, V. |
Book |
Cellular and Molecular Toxicology of Nanoparticles Vol. 1048 Publishing: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-319-72040-1 |
Pages | From 199 to 213 |
Indoor environments and elderly health
Authors | Mendes, A.. Teixeira-Gomes, A.. Costa, S.. Laffon, B.. Madureira, J.. Teixeira, J.P. |
Book |
Elderly care. Options, challenges and trends Publishing: Nova Science Pub Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53613-463-6 |
Pages | From 27 to 51 |
De la Diplomatura al Grado en Logopedia. Influencia sobre las tasas de éxito y rendimiento en una asignatura obligatoria
Authors | Laffon, B.. Valdiglesias, V.. Pásaro, E. |
Book |
Contextos universitarios transformadores: retos e ideas innovadoras. Publishing: Universidade da Coruña - Servizo de Publicacións. ISBN: 978-84-9749-678-0 |
Pages | From 413 to 415 |
The application, neurotoxicity and related mechanism of iron oxide nanoparticles
Authors | Kiliç, G.. Natalia Fernández-Bertólez. Costa, C.. Brandâo, F.. Joao Paulo Teixeira. Eduarado Pásaro. Laffon, B.. Valdiglesias, V. |
Book |
Neurotoxicity of Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine Publishing: Elsevier. ISBN: 978-0-12-804598-5 |
Pages | From 127 to 150 |
Cellular and molecular biomarkers for assessing the harmful effects of marine toxins in bivalve mollusks
Authors | Prego-Faraldo, M.V.. Méndez, J.. Laffon, B.. Valdiglesias, V. |
Book |
Marine toxins Publishing: Nova Science Publishers . ISBN: 978-1-63484-486-4 |
Pages | From 59 to 86 |
Lead Exposure: Assesssment of Effects on the Genetic Material
Authors | María Sánchez-Flores. Laffon, B.. Julia García-Lestón. Méndez, J.. Pásaro, E.. Valdiglesias, V. |
Book |
Lead Exposure and Poisoning Publishing: Nova Biomedical Books. ISBN: 978-1-63482-699-0 |
Pages | From 1 to 40 |
Fuel oils
Authors | Laffon, B. |
Book |
Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition) Vol. 2 Publishing: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780123864543 |
Pages | From 667 to 670 |
Okadaic acid
Authors | Valdiglesias, V.. Laffon, B.. Juan Fernández Tajes. Méndez, J. |
Book |
Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition) Vol. 3 Publishing: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780123864543 |
Pages | From 682 to 686 |
Assessment of cellular and molecular toxicity by in vitro tests: the okadaic acid toxin case
Authors | Valdiglesias, V.. María Sánchez-Flores. Eduardo Cemeli. Diana Anderson. Pásaro, E.. Méndez, J.. Laffon, B. |
Book |
Shellfish: Human Consumption, Health Implications and Conservation Concerns Publishing: Nova Science Publishers . ISBN: 978-1-63321-195-7 |
Pages | From 89 to 139 |
Toxicología Genética: fundamentos y metodologías
Authors | Laffon, B.. Valdiglesias, V. |
Book |
Investigación aplicada en medicina respiratoria. Un ABC para entender las innovaciones biomédicas Publishing: Editorial Andavira. ISBN: 978-84-8408-724-3 |
Pages | From 117 to 133 |
Incidencia de las horas presenciales de docencia sobre los resultados académicos y la percepción de los estudiantes en una asignatura de logopedia
Authors | Laffon, B.. Pásaro, E. |
Book |
FECIES 2012 Publishing: Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC).. ISBN: 978-84-695-6734-0 |
Pages | From 755 to 760 |
The use of biomarkers in bivalve molluscs for the evaluation of marine environment pollution
Authors | Juan Fernández Tajes. Laffon, B.. Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Book |
Impact, Monitoring and Management of Environmental Pollution Vol. - Publishing: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60876-487-7 |
Pages | From 409 to 429 |
Research on the human health effects of exposure after oil spills: the Prestige experience
Authors | Laffon, B. |
Book |
Assessing the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on human health Publishing: The National Academies Press. ISBN: 978-0-309-15781-0 |
Pages | From 22 to 24 |
Chapter 1: The importance of the in vitro genotoxicity evaluation of food components: the selenium
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias. Josefina Méndez Felpeto. Pásaro, E.. Laffon, B. |
Book |
Genotoxicity: evaluation, testing and prediction Vol. - Publishing: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60741-714-9 |
Pages | From 1 to 38 |
Chapter 3: Genotoxicity evaluation of exposure to lead
Authors | García- Lestón,J.. Josefina Méndez Felpeto. Pásaro, E.. Laffon, B. |
Book |
Genotoxicity: evaluation, testing and prediction Vol. - Publishing: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60741-714-9 |
Pages | From 75 to 105 |
Adaptación a los créditos ECTS de una asignatura de Logopedia en la Universidad de A Coruña
Authors | Laffon, B.. Pásaro, E. |
Book |
La docencia en el nuevo escenario del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior Publishing: Vicerectorado de Formación e Innovación Educativa, Universidad de Vigo. ISBN: 978-84-8158-493-6 |
Pages | From 395 to 399 |
Percepción de los estudiantes de Alteraciones Congénitas del Lenguaje (Logopedia, UDC) sobre la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
Authors | Laffon, B.. Pásaro, E. |
Book |
Evaluación de la calidad en la educación superior y la investigación Publishing: Fundación Empresa Universidad de Granada. ISBN: 978-84-692-3556-0 |
Pages | From 304 to 304 |
DNA damage related to exposure to oil spills: the Prestige experience
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B.. Josefina Méndez Felpeto. Pásaro, E.. Vanessa Valdiglesias. Laffon, B. |
Book |
Progress in DNA Damage Research Vol. - Publishing: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. ISBN: 978-1-60456-582-9 |
Pages | From 165 to 198 |
Human health: The great forgotten after accidental oil spills
Authors | Laffon, B.. Pérez-Cadahía, B.. Pásaro, E.. Méndez, J. |
Book |
Environmental Research Advances Vol. - Publishing: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. ISBN: 978-1-60021-762-3 |
Pages | From 1 to 3 |
Assessing the toxicity of airborne nanoceramics in vitro and in vivo - contribution to the safe production and use of nanomaterials in the ceramic industry¿
Autor | Maria João Moura Gonçalves Moutinho de Bessa |
Director/s | Sónia Fraga, Joao Paulo Teixeira, Blanca Laffon Lage |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Asociación del estado de fragilidad en personas mayores con biomarcadores inmunológicos, endocrinos y de estrés oxidativo
Autor | Diego Marcos Pérez |
Director/s | Blanca Laffon Lage; Vanessa Valdiglesias García |
Scope | Facultad de Ciencias |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Frailty in the elderly: analysis of the relationship with genomic alterations and cell repair
Autor | María Sánchez Flores |
Director/s | Blanca Laffon Lage; Vanessa Valdiglesias García |
Scope | Facultad de Ciencias |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Estudio toxicológico comparativo de nanopartículas de óxido de hierro en células nerviosas humanas
Autor | Natalia Fernández Bertolez |
Director/s | Blanca Laffon Lage; Vanessa Valdiglesias García |
Scope | Facultad de Ciencias |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Cellular and molecular effects of metal oxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
Autor | Gözde Kiliç |
Director/s | Blanca Laffon Lage; Vanessa Valdiglesias García |
Scope | Biología Celular y Molecular |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Seguimiento de la salud de las personas que participaron en la limpieza del vertido del buque Prestige siete años después del accidente
Autor | Julia Ríos Vázquez |
Director/s | Blanca Laffon Lage; Eduardo Pásaro Méndez |
Scope | Biología Celular y Molecular |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Exposición ocupacional a plomo: efectos genotóxicos e inmunotóxicos
Autor | Julia García Lestón |
Director/s | Blanca Laffon Lage; Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Scope | Biología Celular y Molecular |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Biomarcadores de contaminación del medio marino: Herramientas citogenéticas y moleculares
Autor | Tamara Rabade Barreiro |
Director/s | Josefina Méndez Felpeto;Blanca Laffon Lage;Juan Fernández Tajes |
Scope | Biología Celular y Molecular |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Evaluación de los efectos citogenéticas y moleculares del ácido ocadaico en líneas celulares humanas
Autor | Vanessa Valdiglesias García |
Director/s | Josefina Méndez Felpeto;Blanca Laffon Lage |
Scope | Biología Celular y Molecular |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Evaluación toxicológica de poblaciones humanas expuestas al fuel del Prestige
Autor | Beatriz Perez Cadahia |
Director/s | Josefina Méndez Felpeto;Blanca Laffon Lage |
Scope | Biología Celular y Molecular |
Qualification | Sobresaliente Cum Laude |
Are circulating inflammatory markers in older adults influenced by physical interventions? An umbrella review
The European Group for Research on Aging and Physical Activity (EGRAPA) Conference
Authors | Mathot, E., Hemadeh, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Knoop, V., Islamaj, E., Bautmans, I., Lorenzo-López, L., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Kaunas (Lituania) |
Implantación de un grado STEAM: experiencia por géneros de la primera promoción
VIII Congreso Internacional Virtual en Investigación e Innovación Educativa - CIVINEDU 2024
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Lamas, J., Fernández, R., Valdiglesias V |
Place | Madrid (España) |
DOI | |
El cine como herramienta educativa en el ámbito universitario
VIII Congreso Internacional Virtual en Investigación e Innovación Educativa - CIVINEDU 2024
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Lamas, J., Laffon, B., Fernández, R. |
Place | Madrid (España) |
DOI | |
Association between micronucleus frequency and frailty geriatric syndrome. Influence of cognitive impairment
Human Biomonitoring Workshop in Portugal (4th BMH-PT)
Authors | Hemadeh, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Cibeira N, López-López, R., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Mendez,J., Sánchez-Flores, M., Bonassi, S., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, JC, Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias V, Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B. |
Place | Lisboa (Portugal) |
Biomarkers of immune performance for early identification of frailty in older adults
Human Biomonitoring Workshop in Portugal (4th BMH-PT)
Authors | Lema-Arranz, C., Hemadeh, A., Cibeira, N., López-López, R., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Méndez, J., Sánchez-Flores, M., Gostner, J., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Lorenzo-López, L. |
Place | Lisboa (Portugal) |
Physiopathology of frailty in older adults: biomarkers for early identification
V International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Laffon, B., Lema-Arranz, C., Hemadeh, A., Cibeira, N., López-López, R., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Méndez, J., Sánchez-Flores, M., Gostner, J., Bonassi, S., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Lorenzo Lopez, L. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Psicobiología |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Cognitive dimensions and frailty: insights from UK Biobank data
V International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Lorenzo-López, L., Cibeira, N., Hemadeh, A., López-López, R., Lema-Arranz, C., Maseda, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Psicobiología |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Neuropsychological markers of frailty state
V International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Cibeira, N., López-López, R., Lema-Arranz, C., Hemadeh, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., González-Abraldes, I., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Maseda, A., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Lorenzo-López, L. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Psicobiología |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Neuroimaging correlates of physical and cognitive frailty: a comprehensive literature review
V International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Lorenzo-López, L., Cibeira, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Hemadeh, A., López-López, R., González-Abraldes, I., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Maseda, A., Pásaro, E., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Psicobiología |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Depression moderates the link between Toxoplasma gondii and frailty
2024 SOBP Annual Meeting
Authors | Mohyuddin, H., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, S., Constantine, N., Kunwar, J., Dagdag, A., Lowry, C.A., Brenner, L.A., Volkov, J., Hemadeh, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Lorenzo-López, L., Valdiglesias, V., Postolache, T. |
Organization | Society of Biological Psychiatry |
Place | Austin (Estados Unidos) |
DOI | |
Association of genetic and oxidative stress biomarkers with physical and cognitive frailty in older adults
XXVIII Meeting of the Spanish Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (SEMA) 2024
Authors | Lema-Arranz, C., Hemadeh, A., Cibeira, N., López-López, R., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Méndez, J., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B. |
Place | Vila Real (Portugal) |
Biocompatibility of platinum nanoparticles: study in neuronal cells and Drosophila melanogaster
XXVIII Meeting of the Spanish Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (SEMA) 2024
Authors | Touzani, A., Ramos-Pan, L., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Martínez L., Díaz-Prado, M.L:, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Vila Real (Portugal) |
Analysis of cell cycle, apoptosis rate and DNA damage in neuronal cells exposed to differently charged gold nanoparticles
XXVIII Meeting of the Spanish Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (SEMA) 2024
Authors | Ramos-Pan, L., Touzani, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Mendez,J., Paz, M., Mosquera, J., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Vila Real (Portugal) |
Assessing the potential toxic effects of platinum nanoparticles using neuronal cells and Drosophila melanogaster
Total-Nanosafe II International Conference
Authors | Touzani, A., Ramos-Pan, L., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Martínez Martínez L., Reis, A.T., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Braga (Portugal) |
In vitro evaluation of differently charged gold nanoparticles in neuronal cells: analysis of cell cycle, apoptosis and DNA damage
Total-Nanosafe II International Conference
Authors | Ramos-Pan, L., Touzani, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Paz, M., Baúlde, S., Mosquera, J., Criado, A., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Braga (Portugal) |
Application of nanoceria in nervous system diseases: biocompatibility study in neuronal and glial cells
XI International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (XI NyNA 2024)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Ramos-Pan, L., Touzani, A., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Real Sociedad Española de Química |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
In vitro and in vivo assessment of potential toxicity of platinum nanoparticles
XI International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (XI NyNA 2024)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Touzani, A., Ramos-Pan, L., Martínez Martínez Luisa, Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Real Sociedad Española de Química |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Diferente experiencia por géneros de los estudiantes del nuevo Grado en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de la UDC
II Jornada Interuniversitaria Gallega de Innovación Docente (XIGAID)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fernández, R., Laffon, B. |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Fisiopatología de la fragilidad en mayores: desarrollo de biomarcadores para su identificación temprana
XI Congreso de Investigación Biomédica
Authors | Laffon, B., Lema-Arranz, C., Wences-Chirino, T., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Lorenzo-López, L. |
Place | Valencia (España) |
Toxoplasma IgG serointensity is positively associated with cognitive impairment in older adults even after adjustment for depression
40th International Winter-Workshop on Clinical, Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines and Related Topics
Authors | Dagdag, A., Kunwar, J., Mohyuddin, H., Pásaro, E., Constantine, N., Ortmeyer, H., Tizenberg, B., Afram, L., Marano, C., Lowry, C.A., Hoisington, A.J., RachBeisel, J.A., Lema-Arranz, C., Wences-Chirino, T., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Kovacs, E.J., Brenner, L.A., Lorenzo-López, L., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Postolache, T. |
Organization | International Society of Pteridinology |
Place | Innsbruck (Austria) |
Viability assay and DNA double strand break induction in nervous system cells exposed to cerium dioxide nanoparticles
51st Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS2023)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Touzani, A., Martínez L., Reis, A.T., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Málaga (España) |
Analysis of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of differently charged gold nanoparticles in human SH-SY5Y neuronal cells
51st Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS 2023)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Paz, M., Touzani, A., Baúlde, S., Mosquera J, Criado, A., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society |
Place | Málaga (España) |
Influence of surface charge on biological behaviour of gold nanoparticles in human SH-SY5Y neuronal cells
4th International Online Conference on Nanomaterials
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Paz, M., Touzani, A., Baúlde, S., Mosquera J, Criado, A., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J., Laffon, B., Fernández-Bertólez, N. |
Place | Online (Otros Organismos Internacionales) |
DOI | |
Neuron and glial cells exposed to cerium dioxide nanoparticles: results from MTT and yH2AX assays
4th International Online Conference on Nanomaterials
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Touzani, A., Martínez L., Méndez, J., Reis, A.T., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Online (Otros Organismos Internacionales) |
DOI | |
Cytotoxic effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on human glial cells
4th International Online Conference on Nanomaterials
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Touzani, A., Alba-González, A., Folgueira, M., Moreda-Piñeiro, J., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B. |
Place | Online (Otros Organismos Internacionales) |
DOI | |
Cognitive impairment due to biological ageing process related to DNA damage assessed by the comet assay
51st Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS 2023)
Authors | Laffon, B., Lema-Arranz, C., Wences-Chirino, T., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Cibeira N, Maseda, A., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Fernando del Valle-Inclán Alsina, Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Lorenzo-López, L. |
Organization | European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society |
Place | Málaga (España) |
Relación entre la velocidad de marcha y el rendimiento neurocognitivo en una muestra de personas mayores sin diagnóstico previo de demencia
63 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología - SEGG 2023
Authors | Cibeira, N., Laffon, B., Lema-Arranz, C., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Valdiglesias, V., Lorenzo-López, L. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología |
Place | Pamplona/Iruña (España) |
Importancia de utilizar un método de ajuste adecuado para evitar la sobreestimación del deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores mediante el MOCA
63 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología - SEGG 2023
Authors | Cibeira N, Laffon, B., Wences-Chirino, T., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lorenzo-López, L. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología |
Place | Pamplona/Iruña (España) |
Assessment of DNA damage and repair in biomonitoring studies: salivary leucocytes as non-invasive sample
12th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-12)
Authors | Laffon, B., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Touzani, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Wences-Chirino, T., Méndez, J., Azqueta, A., Lorenzo-López L, Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Utility of salivary leucocytes for biomonitoring of human exposure to nanomaterials by means of the comet assay
12th International Symposium on Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health (ISBM-12)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Touzani, A., Méndez, J., Martínez L., Pásaro, E., Reis, A.T., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Laffon, B. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Evaluation and validation of the suitability of the standardised in vitro mammalian cell Micronucleus (MN) test (OECD TG No. 487) for testing genotoxicity of nanodrugs with potential use in cancer nanomedicine
2nd CA17140 STSM Virtual Conference
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Brandâo, F., Costa, C., Touzani, A., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Online (Italia) |
Biocompatibility evaluation of CeO2 nanoparticles to be employed as nanodrugs in brain cancer nanomedicine
2nd CA17140 STSM Virtual Conference
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Touzani, A., Martínez Martínez Luisa, Reis, A.T., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Online (Italia) |
Hábitos de vida y predisposición a la enfermedad durante la vejez
33st International Conference of Geriatrics and Geronotology
Authors | Lorenzo-López, L., Valdiglesias, V., Cibeira, N., Hemadeh, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Sociedad Gallega de Geriatría y Gerontología |
Place | Vigo (España) |
Abordaje de los contrastes en la formación previa del alumnado de Psicolingüística
I Jornada Interuniversitaria Gallega de Innovación Docente
Authors | Laffon, B., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Fernández, R., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
¿Influye la titulación de ingreso del alumnado del Máster de Psicología Aplicada en su rendimiento?
I Jornada Interuniversitaria Gallega de Innovación Docente
Authors | Fernández, R., Laffon, B., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Análisis de la titulación de ingreso del alumnado que cursa el Máster en Psicología Aplicada
11th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development
Authors | Fernández, R., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Online (Otros Organismos Internacionales) |
Impacto de la disparidad formativa del alumnado de primero del Grado en Logopedia
11th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, Natalia, Pásaro, E., Fernández, R., Lamas, J., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Online (Otros Organismos Internacionales) |
Study on the effects of exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles and zinc sulphate in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and larvae
IUTOX XVIth International Congress of Toxicology
Authors | Alba-González, A., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Quelle-Regaldie, A., Sánchez, L., Moreda-Piñeiro, J., Yáñez, J., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Folgueira, M. |
Organization | International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) and the European Society of Toxicology (EUROTOX) |
Place | Maastricht (Países Bajos) |
DOI | |
Identificación de carencias formativas para el abordaje de una asignatura multidisciplinar del Grado en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología
VI Jornadas de Innovación Docente en la UDC - Contextos Universitarios Transformadores: la innovación como eje vertebrador de la docencia
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fernández, R., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Genotoxicity testing of nanomaterials: adequacy of the standardized in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus test
XXVI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental (SEMA 2022)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Pásaro, E., Brandâo, F., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Assessing DNA repair abiity in salivary leucocytes with the challenge-comet assay
XXVI Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental (SEMA 2022)
Authors | Lema-Arranz, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lorenzo-López, L., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Proyecto AGECOG-SPUK. Identificación de factores de riesgo y biomarcadores de vulnerabilidad al deterioro cognitivo y físico en el envejecimiento
XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría
Authors | Lorenzo-López, L., Valdiglesias, V., Cibeira, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Maseda, A., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría |
Place | Valladolid (España) |
Disfunción cognitiva relacionada con el daño del ADN debido al proceso de envejecimiento biológico medido mediante el ensayo del cometa
XXVII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría
Authors | Lorenzo-López L, Laffon, B., Cibeira, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Maseda, A., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatría |
Place | Valladolid (España) |
Déficits formativos en el alumnado del Grado en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología
VI Congreso Internacional Virtual en Investigación e Innovación Educativa - CIVINEDU 2022
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B. |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Suitability of Salivary Leucocytes to assess DNA Damage and Repair in Human Biomonitoring Studies Using The Comet Assay
11th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology
Authors | Laffon, B., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Azqueta, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Lorenzo-López, L., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Turkish Society of Toxicologyy |
Place | Ankara (Turquía) |
Genotoxicity of metal-based nanoparticles in human salivary leucocytes
11th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lema-Arranz, C., L. Martínez, Pásaro, E., Reis, A.T., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Criado, A., Jesús Mosquera, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Turkish Society of Toxicologyy |
Place | Ankara (Turquía) |
Link between geriatric frailty, depression and cognitive impairment with Toxoplasma gondii IgG serointensity and seropositivity
Society of Biological Psychiatry's 2021 Annual Meeting
Authors | Postolache, T., Laffon, B., Mohyuddin, H., Pásaro, E., Marcos-Pérez, D., Constantine, N., Dagdag, A., Ortmeyer, H., Mohyuddin, I., Marano, C., Lowry, C.A., Brenner, L.A., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | San Diego (Estados Unidos) |
Link between frailty, depression and cognitive impairment with Toxoplasma gondii IgG serointensity and seropositivity
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting
Authors | Mohyuddin, H., Constantine, N., Laffon, B., Dagdag, A., Postolache, T. |
Place | Online (Estados Unidos) |
Adequacy of the standardised in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus (MN) test for nanomaterials genotoxicity testing
10th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Lema-Arranz, C., Pásaro, E., Brandâo, F., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Edimburgo (online) (Reino Unido) |
Primary and oxidative DNA damage induced by titanium dioxide nanoparticles in salivary leucocytes: a non-invasive alternative in nanomaterials genotoxicity assessment
10th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Lema-Arranz, C., Pásaro, E., Reis, A.T., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Edimburgo (online) (Reino Unido) |
Docencia presencial frente a docencia virtual en una asignatura de prácticas de laboratorio
VII Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria CINDU 2021
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fernández, R., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Vigo (España) |
Opinión del estudiantado sobre la docencia online en una asignatura de prácticas de laboratorio
V Jornadas de Innovación Docente en la UDC
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Exploring early detection of frailty syndrome in older adults: evaluation of biomarkers, clinical parameters and modifiable risk factors
International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR 2021)
Authors | Teixeira-Gomes, A., Esteves, F., Silva, S., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, S. |
Organization | International Academy Nutrition & Aging |
Place | Boston (online) (Estados Unidos) |
DOI | |
Suitability of whole blood samples for the flow cytometry gammaH2AX assay
XLII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Lema-Arranz, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Sánchez-Flores M, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Genética |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Salivary leucocytes: a suitable non-invasive alternative for the comet assay in human biomonitoring studies
XXV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental (SEMA)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Azqueta, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis y Genómica Ambiental |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Genotoxicity assessment of TiO2 nanoparticles in SH-SY5Y cells: suitability of the cytokinesis-block micronucleus test
Characterisation of nanomaterials towards safe and efficient nanodrugs
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Brandao, F., Costa, C., Lema-Arranz, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Zagreb (online) (Croacia) |
Suitability of salivary leucocytes as biomatrix for the comet assay in human biomonitoring, and applicability in nanogenotoxicity testing
XV Brazilian Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Association - MutaGen Brasil
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Azqueta, A., Lema-Arranz, C., Rodríguez-Fernández, R., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Organization | Brazilian Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Association |
Place | Ribeirao Preto (online) (Brasil) |
Collection and storage of human white blood cells for analysis of DNA damage and repair activity using the comet assay in molecular epidemiology studies
XV Brazilian Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Association - MutaGen Brasil
Authors | Moller, P., Bankoglu, E.E., Stopper, H., Giovanelli, L., Ladeira, C., Koppen, G., Gajski, G., Collins, A., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Boutet-Robinet, E., Perdry, H., Del Bo, C., Langie, S.A.S., Dusinska, M., Azqueta, A. |
Organization | Brazilian Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Association |
Place | Ribeirao Preto (online) (Brasil) |
Link between depression and cognitive impairment with Toxoplasma gondii IgGs serointensity and seropositivity
21st WPA World Congress of Psychiatry
Authors | Mascarenhas, C., Laffon, B., Afram, L., Mohyuddin, H., Upadhyaya, S., Dagdag, A., Constantine, N., Mohyuddin, I., Tizenberg, B., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Marcos-Pérez, D., Teixeira, J.P., Ortmeyer, H., Marano, C., Lowry, C.A., Brenner, L.A., Valdiglesias, V., Postolache, T. |
Organization | World Psychiatry Association |
Place | Online (Estados Unidos) |
Salivary Leucocytes as Alternative Model to Study Nanomaterials Genotoxicity: the Case of ZnO and CeO2 Nanoparticles
Total-Nanosafe. From Molecules to Public Health
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fidalgo-Rodríguez, M., Malla-Bañeres, M., Lema-Arranz, C., Pásaro, E., Reis, A.T., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Online (Portugal) |
Assessment of genotoxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on different human cell types
INASCON 2020 International Nanoscience Student Conference
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Brandâo, F., Rosário, F., Bessa, M.J., Fraga, S., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Genotoxicity study of human astrocytes exposed to oleic acid-coated iron oxide nanoparticles
INASCON 2020 International Nanoscience Student Conference
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandâo, F., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Transición de la educación convencional a la educación no presencial en una asignatura de Neurociencias
XVIII Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES)
Authors | Fernández, R., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Carmona (España) |
Planteamiento de no presencialidad en una asignatura totalmente práctica (Prácticas de laboratorio integrado)
XVIII Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fernández, R., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Carmona (España) |
Enseñanza no presencial en la universidad: recursos disponibles y nuevas herramientas
XVIII Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B., Fernández, R., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Carmona (España) |
Adaptación de una asignatura de prácticas de laboratorio a docencia no presencial
IV Congreso Internacional Virtual en Investigación e Innovación Educativa. CIVINEDU 2020
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Fernández, R., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Herramientas para impartir docencia universitaria online
IV Congreso Internacional Virtual en Investigación e Innovación Educativa. CIVINEDU 2020
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B., Fernández, R., Lamas, J., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Determining the association between genomic instability and prevalence of frailty syndrome in Portuguese older adults
2020 EMGS Annual Meeting: Environmental Genomics: Mechanisms & Approaches For Genomic Integrity
Authors | Costa, S., Teixeira-Gomes, A., Lage, B., Esteves, F., Loureiro, A., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Organization | Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society |
Place | Online (Estados Unidos) |
DOI | |
Biomonitoring of occupational exposure to a known carcinogen: formaldehyde
3rd Workshop on Human BioMonitoring in Portugal
Authors | Costa, S., Costa, C., Madureira, J., Valdiglesias, V., Teixeira-Gomes, A., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Online (Portugal) |
Are immune activation and inflammaging involved in the physiopathology of frailty in older adults?
38th International Winter-Workshop on Clinical, Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines and Related Topics
Authors | Laffon, B., Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Gostner, J.M., Fuchs, D., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Innsbruck (Austria) |
DOI | |
Experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo en alumnos de Grado en Logopedia
II Congreso Mundial de Educación EDUCA 2019
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Immune activation in older-aged individuals is associated with genetic instability (or vice versa)
38th International Winter-Workshop on Clinical, Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines and Related Topics
Authors | Gostner,J.M., Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Lorenzo-López, L., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Fuchs, D., Bonassi, S., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Innsbruck (Austria) |
DOI | |
Beneficios del aprendizaje colaborativo en estudiantes con formación académica diversa
VI Congreso Internacional de Docencia Universitaria (CINDU 2019). El futuro de la docencia en la Universidad
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Organization | Universidade de Vigo |
Place | Vigo (España) |
Systematic review of oxidative stress, genetic damage and DNA repair biomarkers in frailty syndrome in older adults
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - European Region Congress 2019
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Gotemburgo (Suecia) |
Defining experimental conditions for using ¿H2AX assay in biomonitoring studies
10th International Congress of the Turkish Society of Toxicology
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Potential biomarkers and risk factors associated with frailty syndrome in older adults. Preliminary results from the BioFrail study
2nd Sheld-on conference meeting
Authors | Teixeira-Gomes, A., Costa, S., Lage, B., Silva, S., Valdiglesias V, Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Ohrid (Macedonia) |
Promoción de la actividad reflexiva en el aula mediante proyectos de investigación grupal
IV Jornadas de innovación docente de la UDC
Authors | Fernández, R., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Lamas, J., Valdiglesias, V., Cortés-Cortés, J., Fernández-Bertólez, N. |
Organization | Universidade da Coruña (UDC) |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Genotoxocity assessment of iron oxide nanoparticles on human astrocytes
Society of Toxicology 57th annual meeting
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Fraga, S., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | San Antonio (Texas) (Estados Unidos) |
Parámetros biomédicos en personas con demencia institucionalizadas: estimulación multisensorial vs. luminoterapia
60 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología
Authors | Cibeira, N., Maseda, A., Rodríguez-Villamil, J.L., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Millán-Calenti, J.C. |
Place | Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las (España) |
DOI | |
Influencia de factores de riesgo ambiental y estilos de vida en la fragilidad de personas mayores
II Congreso Intersectorial de Envejecimiento y Dependencia
Authors | Teixeira-Gomes, A., Lage, B., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, S., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Jaén (España) |
Cytotoxicity of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in human astrocytes
4th International Congress on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandâo, F., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Cellular and molecular effects of iron oxide nanoparticles on nervous system cells
3rd International DiMoPEx Conference
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandâo, F., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Links between immunological biomarkers and frailty in the elderly
3rd International DiMoPEx Conference
Authors | Laffon, B., Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Costa, S., Teixeira-Gomes, A., Gostner, J., Fuchs, D., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Searching for neuroimmune biomarkers of frailty in older adults
4th International Congress on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
Authors | Laffon, B., Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Study of genotoxicity of TiO2 nanoparticles in four different cells lines (A549, A172, SH-SY5Y and HEPG2)
4th International Congress on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
Authors | Brandâo, F., Costa, C., Fraga, S., Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Cardiovascular effects of noise exposure from an epigenetic perspective
4th International Congress on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
Authors | Carvalhais, C., Neves, P., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Costa-Pereira, C. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Noise exposure and cardiovascular disease: a protocol for systematic review
4th International Congress on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology
Authors | Carvalhais, C., Santos, J., Neves, P., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Costa-Pereira, C. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Effect of cytochalasin-B on TiO2 nanoparticle uptake by different cell lines
6th International Conference on Health and Safety issues related to Nanomaterials (nanoSAFE 2018)
Authors | Brandâo, F., Costa, C., Fraga, S., Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Grenoble (Francia) |
Estado de Ánimo, Conducta y Parámetros Biomédicos en Personas con Demencia: Intervención Multisensorial Vs. Música Individualizada
59º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología - 29º Congreso da Sociedade Galega de Xerontoloxía e Xeriatría
Authors | Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B., José Carlos Millán Calenti, N Cibeira, I González-Abraldes, C Diego-Diez |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología (SEGG) - Sociedade Galega de Xerontoloxía e Xeriatría (SGXX) |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Is micronucleus frecuency in peripherical lymphocytes and buccal cells related to Frailty Syndrome in older adults?
XXIII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, Ana, Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Bonassi, S., Pasaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Oviedo (España) |
Reference ranges of lymphocyte subsets in non-frail older adults
IAGG 2017 World Congress
Authors | Laffon, B., Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Pásaro, E. |
Place | San Francisco (Estados Unidos) |
DOI | |
Prescribed medication ans malnourishment at risk of malnutrition
IAGG 2017 World Congress
Authors | Maseda, A., Buján, A., Lorenzo-López, L., López-López, R., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Millán-Calenti, J.C. |
Place | San Francisco (Estados Unidos) |
DOI | |
Association between frailty syndrome and micronucleus frequency in an older adult population. Influence on cognitive impairment
2nd International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Pásaro, E., Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Bonassi, S., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Ávila (España) |
Changes in Psychoneuroendocrine system in frail spanish older adults in association with phenylalanina, tyrosine and nitric oxide serum concentrations
2nd. International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Strasser, B., Gostner, J., Fuchs, D., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Ávila (España) |
Psychoinmunological depletion in frailty status in older adults is related to alterations in neopterin and tryptophan breakdown
2nd. International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Laffon, B., Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Strasser, B., Gostner, J., Fuchs, D., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Ávila (España) |
Genotoxicity evaluation of nanomaterials: What is the most suitable option of in vitro cytokinesis-block micronucleus cytome assay?
56th Annual Meeting Society of Toxicology
Authors | Brandao, F., Costa, C., Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Baltimore (Maryland) (Estados Unidos) |
Human astrocytes DNA repair competence: influence of iron oxide nanoparticle surface coating
XXIII Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Oviedo (España) |
Effects of two types of iron oxide nanoparticles on DNA repair competence in human astrocytes
12th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2017)
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Pamplona/Iruña (España) |
DOI | |
Frailty status is not associated with increase in DNA damage or repair alterations in older adults
12th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2017)
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Pamplona/Iruña (España) |
DOI | |
Cytogenetic markers and DNA damage in workers exposed to formaldehyde, a recent known human carcinogen
12th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2017)
Authors | Costa, S., Costa, C., Valdiglesias, V., Coelho, P., Silva, S., Silva-Santos, L., Porto, B., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Pamplona/Iruña (España) |
DOI | |
Toxicity assessment of iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications
2nd International Conference DiMoPEx working groups meeting: Pollution in living and working environments and health
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Bentivoglio (Italia) |
DOI | |
Development of biomarkers for identification of frailty in the elderly
2nd International Conference DiMoPEx working groups meeting: Pollution in living and working environments and health
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Lorenzo-López, L., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Bentivoglio (Italia) |
DOI | |
Human exposure to noise and development of cardiovascular disorders: an epigenetic analysis
2nd International Conference DiMoPEx working groups meeting: Pollution in living and working environments and health
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., Carvalhais, C., Neves, P., Laffon, B., Costa-Pereira, C. |
Place | Bentivoglio (Italia) |
DOI | |
De la Diplomatura al Grado en Logopedia. Influencia sobre las tasas de éxito y rendimiento en una asignatura obligatoria
II Xornadas de Innovación Docente
Authors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Immnunological biomonitoring of elderly adults- Influence of physical activity
3rd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology/ 3rd Ibero American Meeting on Toxicology and Environmental Health
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Maseda, A., Sánchez-Flores, M., Lorenzo-López, L., Marcos-Pérez, D., Fuchs, D., Pásaro, E., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Laffon, B. |
Place | Porto (Portugal) |
Genotoxic Effects Related to Participation in Prestige Oil Clean-up: Immediate and Follow-up
Gulf of Mexico oil spill and ecosystem science conference 2016. Organizadora de la sesión One health: unraveling the interconnectedness between human and ecosystem health through the lens of oil spills.
Authors | B. Laffon, Vanessa Valdiglesias 3, J. Méndez, E. Pásaro |
Organization | Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative |
Place | Tampa (Estados Unidos) |
Frailty and Immunology in Older Adults
I Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina
Authors | Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Lorenzo-López, L., Strasser, B., Gostner, J., Fuchs, D., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Valencia (España) |
Genotoxicity assessment of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in human astrocytes
XXII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Fernández-Bertólez, N., Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Brandao, F., Fraga, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Analysis of cellular damage induced by silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles on neuronal cells
3rd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology/ 3rd Ibero American Meeting on Toxicology and Environmental Health
Authors | Laffon, B., Kiliç, G., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Porto (Portugal) |
H2AX phosphorylation analysis as DNA damage biomarker for human population studies
3rd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology/ 3rd Ibero American Meeting on Toxicology and Environmental Health
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Bonassi, S., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Porto (Portugal) |
Considering cell type for in vitro neurogenotoxicity testing: neuronal vs. glial cell sensitivity
3rd International Conference on Occupational & Environmental Toxicology/ 3rd Ibero American Meeting on Toxicology and Environmental Health
Authors | Laffon, B., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Mendez,J., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Porto (Portugal) |
Potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly and their different approval rates in countries participating in the EU COST Action 1402 initiative
45th European Society of Clinical Pharmacy Symposium (ESCP)
Authors | Fialova, D., Vysinova, T., Gresakova, S., Laffon, B., Doro, P., Dogan, S., Costa, S., Valdiglesias, V., Marinkoviv, V., on behalf of the EU COST Action WG1b working group |
Place | Oslo (Noruega) |
Association between muscle strength and immune system biomarkers in older adults
International Sport + Exercise Nutrition Conference
Authors | Strasser, B., Marcos-Pérez, D., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Gostner, J., Lorenzo-López, L., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Fuchs, D., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Newcastle upon Tyne (Reino Unido) |
DOI | |
Influence of alcohol intake and smoking on neopterin production and tryptophan breakdown rates in frail elderly
International Academy Nutrition and Aging (IANA 2015)
Authors | Fuchs, D., Gotsner, JM, Snachez-Flores, M, Millan-Calenti, Jose C., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, Ana, Pasaro, E., Strasser, B., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | International Academy Nutrition and Aging (IANA 2015) |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Frailty in the elderly: biomarkers for early detection
1st International Congress of Psychobiology
Authors | Laffon, B., José Carlos Millán-Calenti, Valdiglesias, V., Ana Maseda, María Sánchez-Flores, Lorenzo-López, L., Diego Marcos-Pérez, Pásaro, E. |
Place | Oviedo (España) |
Increased neopterin production and tryptophan breakdown in the frail elderly, potential pathophysiologic consequences
34th International Winter Workshop. Clinical, Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines and Related Topics
Authors | Gostner, J., Marcos-Pérez, D., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Valdiglesias, V., Lorenzo-López, L., Strasser, B., Pásaro, E., Fuchs, D., Laffon, B. |
Place | Innsbruck (Austria) |
DOI | |
Neopterin concentrations and tryptophan breakdown rates in the elderly are influenced by life style and dietary habits
34th International Winter Workshop. Clinical, Chemical and Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines and Related Topics
Authors | Fuchs, D., Gostner, J., Sánchez-Flores, M., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, A., Pásaro, E., Strasser, B., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Innsbruck (Austria) |
DOI | |
Serum neopterin production and tryptophan breakdown rates correlate with decline of grip strength and physical activity in the elderly
8th International Conference on Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle Wasting
Authors | Fuchs, D., Gostner, J., Sánchez-Flores, M., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Marcos-Pérez, D., Maseda, A., Pásaro, E., Strasser, B., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Society of Sarcopenia, Cachesia and Wasting Disorders |
Place | París (Francia) |
DOI | |
Genotoxic potential of nanomaterials: in vitro evaluation of iron oxide nanoparticles
44th Annual Meeting European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society(EEMGS 2015)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Praga (República Checa) |
Micronucleus and H2AX phosphorylation assessment of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in human neuronal cells
44th Annual Meeting European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society(EEMGS 2015)
Authors | Sánchez-Flores, M., Valdiglesias, V., Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Praga (República Checa) |
Comet assay assessment of oleic acid-coated magnetite nanoparticles on human SHSY5Y neuronal cells
11th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2015)
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B., Kiliç, G., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Amberes (Bélgica) |
DOI | |
Silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles do not induce DNA double strand breaks or aneugenicity in SHSY5Y neuronal cells
51st Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2015)
Authors | Sánchez-Flores, M., Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
DOI | |
Oxidative stress induced by silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in SHSY5Y neuronal cells
51st Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2015)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Vdz Park, M., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
DOI | |
In vitro toxicity screening of silica-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in glial cells
51st Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2015)
Authors | Costa, C., Brandao, F., Bessa, M.J., Costa, S., Valdiglesias, V., Kiliç, G., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
DOI | |
A molecular approach to frailty in older adults
51st Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2015)
Authors | Costa, S., Costa, C., Silva, S., Carvalho, J., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
DOI | |
Toxic effects of silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
11th Congress of the International Society for Trace Element Research in Humans (ISTERH 2015)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Dubrovnik (Croacia) |
DOI | |
Flow cytometry assessment of cell death in haemocytes from Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed to okadaic acid
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014)
Authors | Prego-Faraldo, M.V., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Eirín-López, J.M., Méndez, J. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Evaluation of in vitro cytotoxic effects of oleic acid-coated magnetite nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014)
Authors | María Verónica Prego-Faraldo, Costa, C., Costa, S., Kiliç, G., Aida Castelo, Teixeira, J.P., Méndez, J., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Assessment of okadaic acid genotoxicity on cells of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis.
ICES Annual Science Conference
Authors | Prego-Faraldo, M.V., Valdiglesias, V., Hidalgo, C., Laffon, B., Eirín-López, J.M., Méndez, J. |
Organization | ICES |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Frailty in the elderly: current identification and alternative markers
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health ICEH2014
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Millán-Calenti, JC, Sánchez-Flores, M., Maseda, A., Marcos-Pérez, D., Pasaro,E., Lorenzo-López, L., Laffon, B. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Lymphocyte subsets in a population of non-frail elder individuals
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health ICEH2014
Authors | Laffon, B., Maseda, A., Pasaro, E., Millán-Calenti, J.C., Lorenzo Lopez, L., Sánchez-Flores, M., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Human exposure to formaldehyde, a risk evaluation of occupational health effects
50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2014)
Authors | Costa, S., Costa, C., García-Lestón, J., Coelho, P., Silva, S., Carvalho, S., Laffon, B., Porto, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Edimburgo (Reino Unido) |
DOI | |
Cytotoxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles with different coatings on human neuronal cells
50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2014)
Authors | Costa, C., Kiliç, G., Brandâo, F., Bessa, M.J., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Edimburgo (Reino Unido) |
DOI | |
Cytotoxicity evaluation of oleic acid-coated magnetite nanoparticles on SHSY5Y neuronal cells
7th NanoTox 2014: 7th International Nanotoxicology Congress
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Cytotoxicity of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
7th NanoTox 2014: 7th International Nanotoxicology Congress
Authors | Costa, C., Kiliç, G., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
7th NanoTox 2014: 7th International Nanotoxicology Congress
Authors | Costa, C., Valdiglesias, V., Kiliç, G., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Assessment of DNA damage induced by superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
7th NanoTox 2014: 7th International Nanotoxicology Congress
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
In vitro analysis of neuronal DNA damage induced by magnetite nanoparticles
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014)
Authors | Laffon, B., Kiliç, G., Castelo, A., Costa, C., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Flow cytometry analysis of gamma-H2AX levels in fresh and cryopreserved human peripheral blood lymphocytes
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Sánchez-Flores, M., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Neurotoxicity induced by silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles
3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014)
Authors | Costa, C., Kiliç, G., Costa, S., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P. |
Place | O Porto (Portugal) |
Analysis of reactive potential of iron oxide nanoparticles
Nanosafety forum for young scientists
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Park, M. |
Place | Siracusa (Italia) |
Toxicity of silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles on SHSY5Y neuronal cells
6th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application (NANOCON2014)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Fernández-Bertólez, N., Costa, C., Costa, S., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Brno (República Checa) |
Riesgo asociado a la exposición a nanomateriales en el ámbito laboral
XXI Jornadas de la Sociedad Gallega de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales
Authors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Sociedad Gallega de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales |
Place | Lugo (España) |
In vitro evaluation of okadaic acid genotoxicity in haemocytes of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis using the comet assay
10th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2013)
Authors | M.Verónica Prego-Faraldo, Laffon, B., Fernández-Tajes, J., Eirín-López, J.M., Méndez, J. |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Neurotoxicity assessment of zinc oxide nanoparticles: cytotoxic and genotoxic effects
49th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2013)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Teixeira, J.P., Pásaro, E., Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B. |
Place | Interlaken (Suiza) |
DOI | |
Toxicidade celular de nanopartículas de óxidos metálicos en células de neuroblastoma humano
2º Encontro Nacional de Nanotoxicologia (E2N 2013)
Authors | C. Costa, Valdiglesias, V., G. Kiliç, S. Costa, Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Lisboa (Portugal) |
In vitro cytotoxity assessment of magnetite nanoparticles on neuronal cells
2nd Working Conditions International Congress (CICOT 2013)
Authors | Brandao, F.P., C. Costa, Valdiglesias, V., G. Kiliç, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Endocrine and immunological biomonitoring of individuals exposed to Prestige oil seven years later
2nd International Conference on Ocupational and Environmental Toxicology (ICOET ox 2013)
Authors | Laffon, B., Aguilera, F., Ríos-Vázquez, J, J. García-Lestón, Fuchs, D., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Neuronal genotoxicity assessment of iron oxide nanoparticles by comet assay
10th International Comet Assay Workshop (ICAW 2013)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Costa, C., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Incidencia de las horas presenciales de docencia sobre los resultados académicos y la percepción de los estudiantes en una asignatura de Logopedia
IX Foro Internacional sobre evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y la educación superior
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Organization | Universidad de Granada |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Human genotoxicity evaluation seven years after Prestige oil spill
Nanosafety Congress Turkey 2012
Authors | Laffon, B., Aguilera, F., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E. |
Organization | Tübitak (Turkish National Research Council) |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
In-vivo evaluation of genotoxic effects in rats exposed to Prestige-like oil by inhalation
Nanosafety Congress Turkey 2012
Authors | Kiliç, G., Amor-Carro, O., Mariñas-Pardo, L., Ramos-Barbón, D., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V. |
Organization | Tübitak (Turkish National Research Council) |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Biomonitoring of occupational exposure to styrene
Workshop on Nanomaterial Safety: Biomarkers
Authors | J. P. Teixeira, S. Silva, P. Coelho, S. Costa, B. Laffon, C. Costa |
Place | St. Christhop/Arlberg (Austria) |
DOI | |
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on human neuronal cells
4th Croatian Congress of Toxicology (CROTOX 2012)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Valdiglesias, V., Costa, C., Vyom SHARMA, Pásaro, E., Alok Dhawan, Teixeira, J.P., Laffon, B. |
Place | Primosten (Croacia) |
Assessment of Cell Toxicity of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Nanosafety Congress Turkey - Workshop on the Safety assessment of nanoparticles: New paradigms
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., C. Costa, Sharma, V., J. P. Teixeira, Dhawan, A., G. Kiliç, Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Nanolinen interlaboratory validation study: MTT and LDH assays for assessing in vitro citotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials
Nanosafety Congress Turkey - Workshop on the Safety assessment of nanoparticles: New paradigms
Authors | C. Costa, Bonassi, S., Carriere, M., Coskun, E., Dhawan, A., Engin, A.B., J. Fernández-Tajes, Fuchs, D., Herlin-Boime, N, Karahali,B, Laffon, B., Pandey, A., Schroecksnadel, S., J. P. Teixeira, Valdiglesias, V. |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Occupational styrene exposure and DNA damage
Nanosafety Congress Turkey - Workshop on Genotoxicity tests to assess human toxicity
Authors | J. P. Teixeira, S. Costa, P. Coelho, S. Silva, Laffon, B., C. Costa |
Place | Antalya (Turquía) |
Nanolinen interlaboratory validation study: MTT and LDH assays for assessing in vitro citotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials
Nanotoxicology 2012 -6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology
Authors | C. Costa, J. P. Teixeira, Dhawan, A., Pandey, A., Laffon, B., Fernández-Tajes, J., Valdiglesias, V., Fuchs, D., Schroecksnadel, S., Carriere, M., Bonassi, S., Engin, A.B., Coskun, E., Karahalil, B, Herlin-Boime, N |
Place | Beijing (China) |
New biomonitoring of Prestige oil exposure seven years after the spill
European Congress of Epidemiology (EUROEPI 2012)
Authors | Laffon, B., Aguilera, F., B. Pérez-Cadahía, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
The cellular response of human neuroblastoma cells to zinc oxide nanoparticles
European Society for Toxicology in Vitro 2012 International Conference (ESTIV 2012)
Authors | C. Costa, Valdiglesias, V., G. Kiliç, Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Lisboa (Portugal) |
Efectos para la salud humana de la exposición a vertidos de petróleo
Conferencia de Seguridad Marítima. 10 años después del naufragio del Prestige
Authors | Laffon, B., Aguilera, F., J. Ríos, Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Pásaro, E. |
Place | Biarritz (Francia) |
Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in human neuroblastoma cells
Third International Conference on safe production and use of nanomaterials (NANOSAFE)
Authors | C. Costa, Valdiglesias, V., G. Kiliç, Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Grenoble (Francia) |
MTT and LDH interlaboratory assays for assessing in vitro cytotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials
Third International Conference on safe production and use of nanomaterials (NANOSAFE)
Authors | C. Costa, J. P. Teixeira, Dhawan, A., Pandey, A., Laffon, B., Fernández-Tajes, J., Valdiglesias, V., Fuchs, D., Schroecksnadel, S., Carriere, M., Bonassi, S., Engin, A.B., Coskun, E., Karahalil, B, Herlin-Boime, N |
Place | Grenoble (Francia) |
Genotoxic effects of inhalatory oil exposure in Brown Norway and Wistar rats
European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS)
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias 3, J. García-Lestón, G. Kiliç, O. Amor-Carro, D. Ramos-Barbón, J Méndez, E. Pásaro, B. Laffon |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Follow up study of genotoxic effects in individuals exposed to Prestige oil
European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS)
Authors | B. Laffon, F. Aguilera, B. Pérez-Cadahía, J Méndez, E. Pásaro |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Evaluation of genotoxic and immunotoxic effects in people occupationally exposed to lead
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health (ICOEH 2011)
Authors | Julia García-Lestón, J. Roma-Torres, C. Costa, P. Coelho, S. Costa, S. Monteiro, O. Mayan, Vanessa Valdiglesias 3, J. P. Teixeira, J. Méndez, E. Pásaro, B. Laffon |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Okadaic acid: just a diarrheic toxin?
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health (ICOEH 2011)
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., J. García-Lestón, J. Méndez, E. Pásaro, E. Cemeli, D. Anderson, B. Laffon |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Leukocytes genotoxic damage in rats exposed to prestige-like oil by inhalation
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health (ICOEH 2011)
Authors | Kiliç, G., Valdiglesias, V., Julia García-Lestón, Amor-Carro, O., Mariñas-Pardo, L., Ramos-Barbón, D., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Comet assay to determine DNA damage and repair ability in rats exposed to Prestige-like oil
9th International Comet Assay Workshop
Authors | Kiliç, G., Valdiglesias, V., Julia García-Lestón, Amor-Carro, O., Mariñas-Pardo, L., Ramos-Barbón, D., Méndez, J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Kusadasi (Turquía) |
Human health effects in individuals exposed to spilled oils
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health (ICOEH 2011)
Authors | Laffon, B., F. Aguilera, B. Pérez-Cadahía, J. Méndez, E. Pásaro |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Alad and VDR genetic polymorphisms in Portugal and Galicia (Spain)
International Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health (ICOEH 2011)
Authors | Moreira, A., A. Almeida, S. Costa, B. Laffon, J. García-Lestón, E. Pásaro, J. Méndez, J. P. Teixeira |
Organization | National Institute of Health - Portugal |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Alterations in lymphocyte subsets and TCR mutation frequencies in populations exposed to metal contamination-Panasqueira mine area (Portugal)
47th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
Authors | P. S. Coelho, S. P. Silva, S. Costa, C. Costa, M. Coelho, J. García-Lestón, B. Laffon, J. P. Teixeira |
Place | París (Francia) |
DOI | |
Application of flow cytometry MN test to the evaluation of nanomaterials genotoxicity
International Symposium on the Safe Use of Nanomaterials
Authors | Laffon, B. |
Place | Lucknow (India) |
Pesticide exposure in agriculture. Genotoxicity and genetic susceptibility
International conference on occupational and environmental health (ICOEH 2011)
Authors | C. Costa, S. Costa, P. Coelho, S. Silva, J. Gaspar, J. García-Lestón, Snawder,J., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Porto (Portugal) |
Toxicological effects of metal nanoparticles on human neuroblastoma cells
NanoLinen Workshop. Physico-chemical aspects, toxicity and in-vitro methods
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., C. Costa, Sharma, V., Dhawan, A., J. P. Teixeira, Laffon, B. |
Place | París (Francia) |
Cell cycle alterations and apoptosis assessment in SHSY5Y human neuroblastoma cells exposed t okadaic acid
XII International Congress of Toxicology
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias 3, J. García-Lestón, E. Pásaro, J Méndez, B. Laffon |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
DOI | |
Evaluation of DNA damage and repair ability in mussels collected from a Galician estuary by comet assay.
SETAC Europe: 20th Annual Meeting
Authors | T. Rábade, J. Fernández-Tajes, B. Laffon, J Méndez |
Organization | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe |
Place | Sevilla (España) |
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of okadaic acid in human neuroblastoma cells
40th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society
Authors | Valdiglesias, Vanessa, Méndez, Josefina, Pásaro, E., Cemeli, Eduardo, Anderson, Diana, García-Lestón, Julia, Laffon, Blanca |
Place | Oslo (Noruega) |
Evaluación de los efecos de la exposición ocupacional al plomo
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | García-Lestón, Julia, Roma-Torres, Joana, Vilares, Maria, Pinto, Rui, Cunha, Luís M., Prista, Joao, Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Mayan, Olga, Pásaro, E., Méndez, Josefina, Laffon, Blanca |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Evaluación de la genotoxicidad en células humanas expuestas a ácido ocadaico
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Valdiglesias, Vanessa, Laffon, Blanca, Pásaro, E., Méndez, Josefina |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Utilidad de dos especies de bivalvos para la evaluación de la contaminación en un estuario
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Pereira, Sandra M, Fernández-Tajes, Juan, Rábade, Tamara, Flórez, Fernanda, Laffon, Blanca, Méndez, Josefina |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Nueva monitorización de dos localidades afectadas por el fuel del Prestige cuatro años después del vertido
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Rábade, Tamara, Fernández-Tajes, Juan, Laffon, Blanca, Méndez, Josefina |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Cytogenetic and dna damage on workers exposed to styrene
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | Teixeira, Joao Paulo, Silva, Susana, Costa, Carla, Pereira, Cristiana, Coelho, P., Costa, Solange, Méndez, Josefina, Pásaro, E., Laffon, Blanca |
Organization | Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Nueva evaluación de los efectos genotóxicos en participantes en la limpieza de fuel del Prestige
XIV Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética (ALAG) - VIII Congreso de Asociación Latinoamericana de Mutagénesis, Carcinogénesis y Teratogénesis Ambiental (ALAMCTA) - XLIII Congreso de la Sociedad de Genética de Chile (SOCHIGEN) - XXXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Genética (SAG)
Authors | Aguilera, F., Méndez J., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Place | Viña del Mar (Chile) |
Cytogenotoxic Effect on Workers Exposed to Styrene. Influence of Genetic Polymorphisms
ISEE 22nd Annual Conference
Authors | J. Teixeira, Costa, S., Coelho, P., Costa, C., Silva, S., Moreira, A., Laffon, B. |
Place | Seúl (Corea del Sur) |
DOI | |
The compelling need to understand the effects of oil spills on human health
IOM Workshop on Assessing the human health effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Authors | Laffon, B. |
Place | New Orleans (Estados Unidos) |
Biomonitorin of a population of lead-exposed workers
40th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society
Authors | J. García-Lestón, Laffon, B., J. Roma-Torres, J. P. Teixeira, C. Costa, P. Coelho, S. Monteiro, O. Mayan, Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oslo (Noruega) |
Micronuclei in reticulocytes and micronuclei in lymphocytes: biomonitoring of a pesticide exposed population
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | C. Costa, S. Silva, Neves, J., P. Coelho, S. Costa, Laffon, B., Snawder,J., J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Health effects of living near a mine-case study: Panasqueira mines
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | P. Coelho, S. Silva, C. Costa, S. Costa, Laffon, B., J. García-Lestón, Porto, B., Mendonça, D, J. P. Teixeira |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Adaptación a los créditos ECTS de una asignatura de Logopedia en la UDC
I Congreso de Docencia Universitaria
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Organization | Universidade de Vigo |
Place | Vigo (España) |
Percepción de los estudiantes de "Alteraciones congénitas del lenguaje" (Logopedia, UDC) sobre la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
VI Foro sobre la evaluación de la calidad de la Educación Superior y de la Investigación
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E. |
Organization | Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología |
Place | Vigo (España) |
Assessment of apoptosis and cell cycle alterations in human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to okadaic acid
46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., Julia García-Lestón, Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
Place | Dresden (Alemania) |
DOI | |
effects of occupational exposure to lead: flow cytometric study
46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
Authors | Laffon, B., Julia García-Lestón, Roma-Torres, J., Teixeira, J.P., Costa, C., Coelho, P., Silvia Monteiro, Mayan, O., Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Méndez, J. |
Place | Dresden (Alemania) |
DOI | |
Use of glutathione S-transferases and cholinesterase activities as biomarkes of environmental
SETAC Europe: 19th annual meeting
Authors | T. Rábade, Gravato, C., J. Fernández-Tajes, Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Lucía Guilhermino |
Place | Goteborg (Suecia) |
Cytogenetic Effects of Okadaic Acid in Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes by Means of Micronucleus Test
7th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., J. García-Lestón, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Nantes (Francia) |
Genotoxicidad asociada a exposición a vertidos de petróleo: conclusiones del estudio del Prestige
XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental
Authors | B. Pérez-Cadahía, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Barcelona (España) |
Evaluation of genotoxic effects of occupational exposure to lead by means of the comet assay
10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens (ICEM) and 39th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS)
Authors | J. García-Lestón, Laffon, B., J. Roma-Torres, J. P. Teixeira, C. Costa, P. Coelho, S. Monteiro, O. Mayan, Valdiglesias, V., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Florencia (Italia) |
Comet assay study of human leukocytes exposed to okadaic acid
10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens (ICEM) and 39th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society (EEMS)
Authors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., J. García-Lestón, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Florencia (Italia) |
Biomonitoring of individuals exposed to Prestige oil
ECNICS workshop on biomarkers and cancer
Authors | B. Pérez-Cadahía, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Laffon, B. |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Selenomethionine Modulates Bleomycin-Induced DNA Damage and Repair
ECNICS workshop on biomarkers and cancer
Authors | Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., J. García-Lestón, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Genotoxic damage evaluation in a group of Portuguese workers exposed to lead (preliminary survey)
ECNICS workshop on biomarkers and cancer
Authors | J. Roma-Torres, S. Monteiro, P. Coelho, J. García-Lestón, Laffon, B., J. P. Teixeira, Prista, Joao, O. Mayan |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Association between genetic polymorphisms and biomarkers of exposure and genotoxic effects in styrene-exposed workers
ECNICS workshop on biomarkers and cancer
Authors | J. P. Teixeira, Laffon, B., S. Silva, P. Coelho, C. Costa, S. Costa, Neves, J., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Genotoxic and immunotoxic effects associated with occupational exposures to lead: preliminary study
38th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society: Environmental Mutagnes and Human Health
Authors | J. García-Lestón, Laffon, B., Valdiglesias, V., J. Roma-Torres, C. Costa, P. Coelho, S. Monteiro, O. Mayan, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Cavtat (Croacia) |
The role of selenomethionine in the modulation of bleomycin-induced DNA damage and repair
38th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society: Environmental Mutagnes and Human Health
Authors | Valdiglesias, V., Laffon, B., J. García-Lestón, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Cavtat (Croacia) |
Environmental biomonitoring study of Mytilus galloprovincialis fron Galician coastal areas affected by the Prestige oil spill
III Encontro nacional de pós-graduaçao em ciencias biológicas
Authors | T. Rábade, J. Fernández-Tajes, Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Faro (Portugal) |
Cytogenetic effects induced by Prestige oil in human populations: roles of metabolic and DNA repair polymorphisms
37th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Basilea (Suiza) |
Biomonitoring human populations after oil spills: the Prestige experience
4th Sea Alarm Conference
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Ostende (Bélgica) |
Asociación de investigadores Parga Pondal
I Xornadas dos Investigadores Parga Pondal e Ramón y Cajal de Galicia
Authors | Daniel Fernández Mosquera, F. Bellas, Laffon, B. |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Toxicología humana ambiental y ocupacional y Toxicología del medio ambiente marino
I Xornadas dos Investigadores Parga Pondal e Ramón y Cajal de Galicia
Authors | Laffon, B. |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Investigative study on the effects of Selenomethionine on Human Lymphocytes
II Encontro Nacional De Pòs-Graduaçao Em Ciências Biológicas
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Mutagenicity and immunotoxicity in workers exposed to lead
II Encontro Nacional De Pòs-Graduaçao Em Ciências Biológicas
Authors | García- Lestón,J., Laffon, B., Joana Roma Torres, Costa, C., Coelho, P., Silvia Monteiro, Mayan, O., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Biomonitoring mussels from two Galician locations four years after Prestige oil spill
SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 17th Annual Meeting
Authors | Tamara Rábade Barreiro, Juan Fernández Tajes, Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
DNA damage and endocrine alterations related to human exposure to Prestige oil
SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe 17th Annual Meeting
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Vanessa Valdiglesias, García- Lestón,J., Anunciación Lafuente, Teresa Cabaleiro, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Estudio "in vitro" del Potencial Genotóxico de la Selenometionina en Leucocitos Humanos
XXXVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | León (España) |
Parámetros citogenéticos y moleculares aplicados a la evaluación de los efectos del fuel del Prestige
XXXVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | León (España) |
Estudio preliminar de subpoblaciones linfocitarias y mutación en células somáticas en trabajadores expuestos a plomo.
XXXVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética
Authors | García- Lestón,J., Laffon, B., Joana Roma Torres, Costa, C., Coelho, P., Silvia Monteiro, Mayan, O., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | León (España) |
Potencial genotóxico de la selenometionina sobre leucocitos humanos cultivados in vitro
XXXVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética
Authors | Vanessa Valdiglesias, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | León (España) |
Environmental biomonitoring study on Mytilus galloprovincialis from coastal areas affected by Prestige oil spill
Aquaculture Europe 2007
Authors | Tamara Rábade Barreiro, Juan Fernández Tajes, Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Estambul (Turquía) |
Assessment of genotoxicity in rubber industry workers
36th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society: From genes to molecular epidemiology
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., Silva, S., Joana Roma Torres, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Olga Maian |
Place | Praga (República Checa) |
Biomonitoring of exposure to Prestige oil during cleaning labours
ESBIO Conference on the State of the Art of Human Biomonitoring within Europe
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Anunciación Lafuente, Teresa Cabaleiro, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Lisboa (Portugal) |
Mussels from two Galician locations exposed to Prestige oil: exposure and effect biomarkers
VETOX I. 1as Jornadas Portuguesas de Toxicología Veterinaria
Authors | Tamara Rábade, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Oporto (Portugal) |
Evaluation of genetic damage in workers employed in a rubber tyres production utilizing the comet assay
EUROTOX 2006 - 43rd Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., B. Laffon, S. Silva, J. Roma Torres, Costa, C., Coelho, P., J. Méndez, O. Mayan |
Organization | European Societies of Toxicology |
Place | Cavtat (Croacia) |
DOI | |
Cytogenetic tests as biomarkers of the effects of Prestige oil on human health
38th European Human Genetics Conference
Authors | B. Pérez-Cadahía, Laffon, B., E. Pásaro, Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Amsterdam (Países Bajos) |
Cytogenetic study on the effect of Prestige oil on human health
European Human Genetics Conference 2006
Authors | B. Pérez-Cadahía, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., J. Méndez |
Place | Amsterdam (Países Bajos) |
Biomonitoring of occupational exposure to styrene
35th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society: Environment and human genetic disease - Causes, mechanisms and effects
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., J. Gaspar, S. Silva, J. Roma Torres, Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, J. Rueff, O. Mayan |
Place | Isla de Kos (Grecia) |
Preliminary study on the genotoxic effecto of exposure to Prestige oil during cleaning tasks
35th Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society: Environment and human genetic disease - Causes, mechanisms and effects
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Isla de Kos (Grecia) |
Evaluation of genotoxic effects associated to exposure to antineoplastic drugs by a population of nurses
5th European Cytogenetics Conference
Authors | Laffon, B., Teixeira, J.P., S. Silva, Jesús Loureiro, J. Torres, Pásaro, E., O. Mayan, Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Cytogenetic evaluation in a group of individuals exposed to Prestige oil during autopsies and cleaning of contaminated birds
European Human Genetics Conference 2005
Authors | Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Rebeca Fraga, Pérez-Cadahía, B., Pásaro, E., Laffon, B. |
Place | Praga (República Checa) |
Evaluation of DNA damage induced by spilled Prestige oil exposure in a group of volunteers by means of comet assay
European Human Genetics Conference 2005
Authors | Rebeca Fraga, Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., E. Fernández, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Praga (República Checa) |
Evaluation of the effects of Prestige oil in Mytilus galloprovincialis from the coast of A Coruña
Symposium on marine accidental oil spills - VERTIMAR 2005
Authors | Tamara Rábade Barreiro, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Vigo (España) |
Experimental study on the effects of Prestige oil on the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Symposium on marine accidental oil spills - VERTIMAR 2005
Authors | Iria Aldao Prada, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Vigo (España) |
First step in the evaluation of. the effects of. the Prestige oíl on the shore environment: availability, bioaccumulation and DNA damage
XII Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina
Authors | Beatriz Pérez-Cadahía, Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Organization | Instituto Universitario de Medio Ambiente |
Place | Oleiros (España) |
Efecto de los polimorfismos genéticos en enzimas de reparación sobre el daño en el ADN inducido por el estireno
Congreso de la sociedad española de genética
Authors | Pásaro, E., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Jesús Manuel Loureiro Álvarez, Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | España |
Volatile organic compound exposure of volunteers during cleaning works after prestige oil-spill
VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field (VIII ISAMEF)
Authors | Verónica Fernández Villarrenaga, Gerardo Fernández Martínez, Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Laffon, B., G. Fernandez Martinez, Miguel Ángel Maestro Arias, Miguel Anxo Maestro Saavedra |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Individual sensitivity to micronuclei induced by styrene-7,8-oxide in vitro: role of epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferase genotypes
European Human Genetics Conference 2003
Authors | Laffon, B., Beatriz Pérez-Cadahía, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Birmingham (Reino Unido) |
Influence of cytochrome P450 genetic polymorphisms on individual sensitivity to DNA damage induced by styrene measured by comet assay
European Environmental Mutagen Society 33rd Annual Meeting
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Aberdeen (Reino Unido) |
Influencia de determinados polimorfismos en enzimas matabólicas en la genotoxicidad del óxido de estireno
XII Reunión científica de la sociedad española de mutagénesis ambiental
Authors | Pérez-Cadahía, B., Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Santiago de Compostela (España) |
Monitoring of genotoxic effects of styrene in lymphocytes of reinforced plastic workers
4th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations
Authors | Teixeira, J.P., Gaspar, J., Silva, S., Laffon, B., Joana Torres, Neves, P., Carla GonÇalves, Andrea Begonha, Pásaro, E., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Mayan, O., Farmer, P., José Rueff |
Place | Florianópolis (Brasil) |
Evaluation of genotoxicity in a population of postuguese workers exposed to stryrene.
32nd Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society.
Authors | Laffon, B., Pérez-Cadahía, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, S.P. Teixeira, Silvia Gaspar, S. Pinho, J. Torres, P. Neves, C. Gonsalves, J.M. Mayán, J. Rueff |
Place | Warsaw (Polonia) |
Leukocyte DNA damage in fiberglass-reinforced plastic workers measured by the comet assay.
31 Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society.
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Ghent (Bélgica) |
Preliminary study on changes in p53 and p21 gene expression in human lymphocyte cultures exposed to styrene-7,8,-oxide
30th Annual Meeting of European Enviromental Mutagen Society
Authors | Laffon, B., Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Budapest (Hungría) |
Evaluación de la Capacidad Genotóxica del Estireno 7-8 dióxido: Inducción de micronúcleos y apoptosis
III Congreso de la Federación Española de Sociedades de Biología Experimental
Authors | Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto, Laffon, B. |
Organization | Universidad de Alicante |
Place | España |
Indirect evaluation of styrene exposure in two fiberglass reinforced plastic factories
VI International Symposium on Analitical Methodology in the Environmental Field
Authors | Laffon, B., María Lema Grille, Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Efectos del estireno-7, 8-óxido sobre la expresión de P53, P21, Bcl-2 y Bax en cultivos de linfocitos humanos.
II Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética
Authors | Laffon, B., Katrin Beyer, Pásaro, E., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Simultaneos determination of the major metabolites of styrene in urine of exposed workers by liquid chromatography
V International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field
Authors | Laffon, B., María Lema Grille, Miguel Anxo Maestro Saavedra, Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Organization | Instituto Universitario de Medio Ambiente |
Place | Coruña, A (España) |
Estudio in vitro de intercambios entre cromátidas hermanas en linfocitos humanos expuestos a óxido de estireno.
IX Reunión Científica y X aniversario de la SEMA Sociedad Española de Mutagénesis Ambiental.
Authors | Laffon, B., Josefina Méndez Felpeto |
Place | Murcia (España) |
Contenido de Benzo(a)pireno en aromas de humo hidrosolubles mediante espectrofluorimetría sincrónica con aplicación de segunda derivada
VI Congreso Farmacéutico de Alimentación
Authors | García Falcón, S., González Amigo, S., Laffon, B., Lage Yusty, M.A., M. J. Lopez de Alda, J. Simal Lozano |
Place | Madrid (España) |
Academic or management positions held by teacher.