Ángel José Fariña Lamosa  

Profesor contratado interino de sustitución (INT-SU)

Department Civil Engineering
Knowledgment area Cartographic Engineering, Geodesics and Photogrammetry
Research  Research group Grupo de Visualización Avanzada y Cartografía
Research lines The technical principles of animation, concept art and the impact of new technologies in the professional animation and video game industry.
Keywords Arts, animation, visual communication, rigging
Teaching merits evaluation 1 five years period(s)
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0003-4188-6410 ResearcherIDAGC-8330-2022
Angel-José-F. Lamosa (Pontevedra, 1984) is a UDC (University of A Coruña) lecturer with extensive professional experience in the animation industry.

Bachelor of Fine Arts from UPV (Polytechnic University of Valencia) with a specialization in Sculpture and Audiovisual Communication and Graduate in Animation Cinema from ECAM (School of Cinema and Audiovisual of Madrid).

His professional experience as producer assistant, stop-motion animator, 3D animator, rigger and concept artist in projects such as “Las Aventuras de Fluvi”, “Pos eso”, “Capture the flag”, “Tadeo Jones 2”, “Clay Kids ”, “Helen's little school”, “A trote”… has allowed him to obtain an extensive vision of animation and video game industry that he shares in his classes, teaching subjects such as Character Animation, Rigging and Concept Art for the Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games and the Master's Degree in Design, Development and Marketing of Video Games.

His research interests focus on the study of the artistic and technical principles of animation, concept art and the impact of new technologies in the professional animation and video game industry.


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 42.83
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 30.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
3D Modeling and Animation for Video Games II 0 0
Animation 2 0 61
Character Animation 0 81
Character Animation 0 41
Final Year Dissertation 0 1.5
Final Year Dissertation 0 28.33
Master's Dissertation 0 35.5
Work Placement 0 4.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Animation 2
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 101
Character Animation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 81
Character Animation
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 39
Character Modeling I. Geometry
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 7
Concept Art I. Characters
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 18
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 15
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 0
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 1
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Animation 2
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 101
Character Animation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 26
Character Animation
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 39
Concept Art I. Characters
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 18
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 80
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 0
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 28
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
3D Infography1
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 75
Animation 2
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 101
Character Animation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 75
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 45
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
3D Animation 1
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 12
3D Infography1
Degree in Audiovisual Communication
0 50
Anatomy Drawing
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 1
Animation 2
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 80
Character Animation
Degree in Digital Creation, Animation and Video Games
0 101
Character Animation
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 38
Concept Art I. Characters
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 17

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Communication Studies

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Monday
09:00 a 12:00
1st quarter Friday
09:00 a 12:00
2nd quarter Monday
09:00 a 12:00
2nd quarter Friday
09:00 a 12:00

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Emotional Demonology: Chronicles of the Inner Demons - 3D Animation and 3D Modeling
Emotional Demonology: Chronicles of the Inner Demons - Illustration and concept art.
Emotional Demonology: Chronicles of the Inner Demons - Narrative and character development
My best nightmare: Animation, script and direction
My best nightmare: Shading, postproduction and sound
We saw
We saw
We saw

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Método gráfico para analizar y representar la puesta en escena en una secuencia de imágenes
III Congreso Internacional Nodos del Conocimiento. La academia frente a los retos de la humanidad. Innovación, investigación y transferencias ante el horizonte 2030

Authors Ángel-José-F. Lamosa, Vicente López-Chao
Organization Universidad de Zaragoza
Place Zaragoza (España)


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Comisión Académica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Vocal PDI

From 11/04/2023.

Xunta da Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación

Vocal PDI

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Enxeñaría Civil

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Enxeñaría Civil

PDI (Membros Natos)