José María Rolón Varela  

Profesor colaborador (COL)

Department Psychology
Knowledgment area Social Psychology
Contacto UDC directory


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 23.5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Business Communication Skills and Techniques 0 42
Civil Protection and Emergency Management 0 3
Final Year Dissertation 0 20.5
Leadership and Management Skills 0 40
Master's Dissertation 0 33.5
Master's Dissertation 0 10.5
Occupational Psychology 0 70
Psychosocial Risk Management 0 21
Training, Information and Negotiation in Occupational Risk Prevention 0 5
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Business Communication Skills and Techniques
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 42
Civil Protection and Emergency Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 3
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 20
Leadership and Management Skills
Master's in Labour Management
0 36
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 34.5
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Labour Management
0 17.5
Occupational Psychology
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 70
Occupational Risk Prevention Techniques. Occupational Medicine, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 18
Psychosocial Risk Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 21
Training, Information and Negotiation in Occupational Risk Prevention
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 23
Work Placement
Master's in Labour Management
0 2
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Business Communication Skills and Techniques
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 42
Civil Protection and Emergency Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 3
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 18
Leadership and Management Skills
Master's in Labour Management
0 42
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 12
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Labour Management
0 9
Occupational Psychology
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 70
Occupational Risk Prevention Techniques. Occupational Medicine, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 9.5
Psychosocial Risk Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 32
Work Placement
Master's in Labour Management
0 3
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Business Communication Skills and Techniques
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 42
Civil Protection and Emergency Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 3
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 12
Leadership and Management Skills
Master's in Labour Management
0 42
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Labour Management
0 33
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 24
Occupational Psychology
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 70
Psychosocial Risk Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 16
Work Placement
Master's in Labour Management
0 3
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Business Communication Skills and Techniques
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 42
Civil Protection and Emergency Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 3
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 15
Leadership and Management Skills
Master's in Labour Management
0 42
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 12
Master's Dissertation
Master's in Labour Management
0 24
Occupational Psychology
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 70
Occupational Risk Prevention Techniques. Occupational Medicine, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 18
Psychosocial Risk Management
Master´s Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention and Common Risks
0 32
Work Placement
Master's in Labour Management
0 3

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Work Science

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Monday
10:30 a 12:30
1st quarter Wednesday
12:30 a 14:30
1st quarter Wednesday
16:30 a 18:30
2nd quarter Monday
12:00 a 14:00
2nd quarter Wednesday
12:30 a 14:30
2nd quarter Thursday
16:00 a 18:00

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

Psychosocial Risks Management: Work Stress
The gender based discrimination in selection processes.
Burnout syndrome in elderly caregivers
Crunch and psychosocial risks in the gaming industry
Happiness at work
Persuasive communication in occupational risk prevention
Stress as a psychosocial risk. Incidence analysis in Spain.
Study of the incidence of burnout in the health personnel of the Architect Marcide Hospital (CHUF)
Burnout: what it is and how to prevent it
Comparative analysis about methods of psicosocial risk evaluation
Mobbing or occupational psychological harassment
Positive organizational psychology: happiness at work
Selection process for a human resources manager
Talking to the public
Women's leadership
Happiness and work: Compatible?
Influences of environmental conditions and the organization of work in the labor motivation
Nonverbal communication in the formation of human resources in the company
Organizational antecedents and consequences of psychological harassment at work
Positive Psychology applied to organizations
Social support for deaf employees
Staff motivation in times of crisis
The importance of nonverbal communication in the selection process

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Profesorado responsable titulaciones Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Grao en Relacións Laborais e Recursos Humanos
Profesor responsable de titulación

From 01/10/2023.

Xunta da Facultade de Ciencias do Traballo

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión de Normalización Lingüística de la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Vocal PDI

From 12/04/2019.

Xunta da Facultade de Ciencias do Traballo

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Psicoloxía

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Comisión Académica dae l Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Vocal PDI

From 04/05/2017 to 12/04/2019.

Comisión de Calidad de la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Vocal PDI

From 04/05/2017 to 12/04/2019.

Comisión de Normalización Lingüística de la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Vocal PDI

From 30/01/2015 to 03/05/2017.

Comisión de Asuntos Económicos e Infraestruturas de la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Vocal PDI

From 23/01/2014 to 03/05/2017.

Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo


From 12/04/2013 to 31/12/2013.

Comisión de Calidad de la Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo


From 12/04/2013 to 31/12/2013.

Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Secretario de Facultad

From 25/09/2010 to 11/04/2013.

Profesorado responsable titulaciones Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Diplomatura en Relaciones Laborales
Profesor responsable de titulación

From 21/11/2009 to 30/09/2015.

Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Secretario de Escuela

From 18/03/2009 to 24/09/2010.

Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo

Secretario de Escuela