PhD Manuel Escourido Calvo  

Profesor axudante doutor (LOSU) (AXU-DR-LOSU)

Department Business
Knowledgment area Market Research and Commercialisation
Research  Research group Investigación en Marketing Aplicado
Research lines Applied Marketing Industrial Economy and Business
Keywords Applied Marketing Industrial Economy Industrial Business
Contacto UDC directory
Orcid id0000-0002-6592-8585 Scopus57217140425


Subjects taught

This section shows the teaching given in degrees, masters and other officers studies in last 6 years.

Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Final Year Dissertation
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 150
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Fashion Marketing and Market Research 0 94.5
Final Year Dissertation 0 112
Master's Dissertation 0 8
Sustainable Fashion Marketing 0 31.5
Tax Management 0 42
Video Game Operative Marketing 0 41
Work Placement 0 15
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Fashion Marketing and Market Research
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 94.5
Final Year Dissertation
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 194.5
Master's Dissertation
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 8
Sustainable Management of the Fashion Value Chain
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 21
Tax Management
Master's in Labour Management
0 42
Video Game Operative Marketing
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 39
Work Placement
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 21
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Fashion Marketing and Market Research
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 94.5
Final Year Dissertation
Degree in Economics
0 8
Final Year Dissertation
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 0
Income Tax System and Company Taxation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Labour Economics
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Sustainable Management of the Fashion Value Chain
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Video Game Operative Marketing
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 39
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Design
Master's Degree in Industrial Design Engineering
0 6
Fashion Marketing and Market Research
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 94.5
Final Year Dissertation
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 0
Income Tax System and Company Taxation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Labour Economics
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Sustainable Management of the Fashion Value Chain
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Video Game Operative Marketing
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 39
Workshop 4: Fashion Product Planning, Design and Management
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 7
Workshop 5: Coolhunting and Collections Management
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 7
Subject and involved studies Distance hours Total hours
Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Design
Master's Degree in Industrial Design Engineering
0 6
Fashion Marketing and Market Research
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 94.5
Income Tax System and Company Taxation
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Labour Economics
Degree in Industrial Relations and Human Resources
0 0
Sustainable Management of the Fashion Value Chain
BA Degree in Fashion Industry Management
0 63
Video Game Operative Marketing
Master´s Degree in Designs, Development and Marketing of Videogames
0 37

Defined tutoring by teacher for 2024/2025 academic course.

Faculty of Humanities

Quarter Day Site
1st quarter Thursday
20:00 a 21:00
Despacho Coordinacion
2nd quarter Thursday
18:30 a 19:30
Despacho Coordinacion

EOG works and final master thesis directed

Directed or codirected by current teacher since 2013 year.

“In another Barbie World”: analysis of Barbie's repositioning as a brand and its impact as a fashion icon
Advergaming as an advertising strategy in the fashion industry: Impact analysis of the Gucci x Roblox case.
Analysis of the use of Instagram and Tiktok in fashion industry
Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Marketing in the Fashion Sector
Art and marketing of the videogame "Avy, fables of the night"
Art and marketing of the videogame "Avy, fables of the night"
Fashion product placement in film and TV
Influence Marketing in Social Media. The Case of Instagram and TikTok
Influencer marketing: Pull and Bear analysis in Tiktok
Marketing 5.0, artificial intelligence and predictive analysis in the fashion industry
Money laundering: analysis of its stages and techniques used
Reclaiming the black race and afro-culture in global fashion
Spanish labor market and its imbalances
Study of the labor market and active and passive employment policies: Spain and Belgium
Sustainability from the point of view of Vogue magazine. Comparison of some country versions
Tax havens and fraud
The impact of e-sports in the fashion and advertising industry.
The increase in the SMI and its effects
The phenomenon of product placement on Netflix: the case of Emily in Paris
The underground economy in Spain
Underground economy and its relationship with immigration
Youth unemployment: Challenges and proposals
Brand communication through photography. The case of Calvin Klein.
Changes in the way the fashion consumer buys since COVID-19. Which of these changes have come to stay and which are the result of the exceptional situation.
Contribution to improving competitiveness in the textile indutry trough the SDGs.
Digital transformation in fashion companies and evolving consumer behaviour.
Digitalization of the fashion company. Inditex case study.
Employment policies in the EU pre-COVID-19 and current. Results
Fashion and personal branding: user perception.
Gamers: the Finding, Understanting and Holding of a Trendy Fashion Segment.
Greenwashing in the fashion industry.
How has COVID-19 changed the fashion industry and the behavoir of its consumers?
How to improve consumers´lives through marketing 5.0.
Influencer marketing as a promotional and communicative trend in the fashion industry
Influencer Marketing on Instagram: Analysis of micro and macro influencercampaigns in the fashion industry
InGame Advertising in Fashion sector.
Marketing 5.0 in the Fashion Industry.
Neuromarketing and it’s application in the fashion industry. Why do we buy what we buy?
Neuromarketing in the fashion industry: consumer perception and ethical implications.
New developments, opportunities and sustainable practices in the fashion sector.
Price as the main detractor in sustainable consumption
Product placement in the fashion sector: analysis of the most iconic cases through various international films and series.
Sensory Marketing
Shadow economy, tax fraud and its relationship with the tax rate
Socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on tha fashion industry in Spain.
Study on the Impact of the Main Fibers Used within te Textile Indstry from the point of view of Sustainability.
Sustainable communication in the textile industry.
TikTok as a social trend in the fashion industry.

Research results

Select merit type and year to query research merits.

Una ruta universal por el Campus Industrial de Ferrol

Funding entity Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)
Main researches ARES PERNAS, ISABEL
Type Proyecto Otros Programas
Dates From 01/07/2024 to 30/06/2026


Academic or management positions held by teacher.

Profesorado responsable titulaciones Facultad de Humanidades y Documentación

Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda
Profesor responsable de titulación

From 01/10/2023.

Consello do Departamento Empresa

PDI (Membros Natos)

From 15/03/2023.

Comisión de Titulación do Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda


From 01/09/2022.

Comisión Académica M. U. Deseño, Desenvolvemento e Comercialización de Videoxogos

Vocal PDI

From 21/07/2022.

Profesorado responsable titulaciones Facultad de Humanidades y Documentación

Profesor responsable de titulación

From 11/02/2022 to 30/09/2023.

Xunta da Facultade de Humanidades e Documentación

Vocal PDI

From 10/03/2021 to 14/03/2023.

Consello do Departamento Empresa

PDI (Membros Natos)